Chapter Twenty Five // Bare Feet

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- Sadie's POV - 

"Alice!" I shouted once more before she disappeared in the never ending crowds of people, I frantically looked around at the many faces until I turned away and returned to Parker and Wyatt. 

Alex was passed out on the floor, Parker was crying his eyes out and Wyatt was yelling at him. When I approached them Wyatt hurried to my side as if he was protecting me, he was worried about bringing me here tonight because of my anxiety. I smiled at him as he put his arm around me. Parker continued to cry loudly while hitting the handle bars behind him, I rolled my eyes before approaching him and grabbing his wrists.

"What the fuck was that all about? How dare you grab Alice like that?!" I shouted into his ear, the music was very loud and it was impossible to have a conversation without screaming. 

"I can't deal with this! I need Mia!" Parker cried while trying to get free from my hands, I refused to let him leave. 

"Mia doesn't want you, you cheated on her. She's not gonna want you more now because you just assaulted somebody" I told him straight while glaring at him. Parker shook his head quickly, I glanced back at Wyatt who was rolling his eyes and shaking his head in shame. 

"It's Alice's fault! She is evil!"

"SHUT UP PARKER! She may have been the girl you had sex with but she doesn't deserve to be choked to death!" I shouted before shoving him away from me, he tripped and fell to the floor. I left him to cry in a puddle of alcohol and then tended to my other drunken friend who was unconscious. Me and Wyatt lifted Alex up from the floor and set him on a seat by the bar.

"Can we have some water please?!" I shouted to the bartender while pointing at Alex, his face was resting on the counter. Wyatt sat down beside him before patting Alex's back and sighing repeatedly, I don't blame Wyatt for not wanting to attend this party tonight. 

"I need to look for Alice" I told Wyatt with a worried expression on my face, he nodded in agreement. 

"Text me if you start to panic, please" Wyatt said, I promised him I would before giving him a hug. As I walked away from Wyatt, unconscious Alex and traumatised Parker I began to feel nervous. The nightclub was now completely full and it looked like there was no room to breathe on the dance floor, but I had to make my way through or else I'd never find Alice. I took a deep breath before charging through the crowds of drunken teenagers and dodgy old men who somehow managed to get passed the bouncers outside. I knew for a fact that Alice wouldn't be on the dance floor acting normal after Parker trying to kill her, my first thought was the toilets. I looked around before seeing a flashing sign for the male and female toilets, I pushed through the crowds once again while trying my best not to freak out. 

When I arrived at the other side of the club I groaned loudly, there was a long line for the girls toilets that looked like it'd take half an hour to actually get inside. I glared at the girls angrily who were waiting in line before realising that there was a disabled toilet at the end of the small corridor. I began to make my way down there to check if Alice was around, I knew she wouldn't be but it was worth a try.. Right?

I stopped at the door of the disabled toilet before knocking on it with my knuckles, I put my ear to the door in case anybody was inside telling me not to enter.

"Occupied!" Alice's voice shouted from the other side, my heart began to thump because I was shocked that I had actually found her.

"It's Sadie! Let me in!" I shouted while repeatedly knocking on the door, the lock on the handle made a clicking noise and the door slowly opened. Alice appeared on the other side with her face covered in smudged glittery makeup from crying. I smiled sympathetically at her as she let me enter the disabled toilet, she locked the door once again when I entered. 

Her shoes were lying in the corner of the cubicle even though the floor was wet and disgusting, she didn't seem to care that her feet would get covered in toilet water and possible sick from other people. 

"Are you alright? What did he say to you?" I asked her as she glared at herself in the mirror on the wall, she glanced at me before lowering her head.

"He was really mad over cheating, he told me his ex girlfriend is pregnant.." Alice muttered with a sigh, I nodded before leaning against the wall across from the mirror. Alice turned around and stared at me with a frown on her face, we stayed in silence before she approached me quickly and planted her lips on mine. I pushed her away in shock, I shook my head at her and sighed.

"Alice.. Why do you keep doing this?" I asked her calmly, we were still extremely close to each other and she continued to stare at my lips. 

"I'm not like one of those boys you can have something with then throw away, I just want to be your friend" I told her, I whispered because she was close enough to hear every word anyway. Alice locked eyes with me, she looked upset that I didn't kiss her back.

"I never said you were like the boys.." She answered quietly, her voice was now broken and her eyes were sad. Why does she try to kiss me every opportunity she has? She knows I don't like girls, she told me in confidence about her struggles of feeling unloved and I thanked her for being honest. She doesn't need to play these games with me anymore. 

"I'm here for you now. I want to help you, you can't keep.. doing this" I said with a sigh, Alice slowly took a few steps away from me so we were no longer inches away from each others faces. I continued to stare at her weirdly as she lowered her head to avoid eye contact with me, she was still really upset that I didn't want to kiss her.. Then it finally clicked in my brain.

"Y-You like girls?" I asked her, Alice's head instantly shot up and she glared at me in fear. She refused to answer as I waited patiently for a reply, but before I could get one she rushed to the door and escaped from the disabled toilets. 

I ran after her while telling her to wait up but she ignored me, she was pushing through crowds in bare feet and her makeup stained face. I had my eye on her as I chased after her until I was thrown to the floor by Wyatt and Parker bumping into me. Without screaming at them I jumped to my feet and frantically looked around for Alice but she had gotten away, I turned to Wyatt before hitting him on the shoulder.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He shouted while trying to hold Parker up, he was covered in sick and alcohol.. Lovely. 

"I just lost Alice! We were having a conversation!" I shouted angrily, Wyatt bit his lip and avoided eye contact with me because I was furious.

"Get the fuck off me!" Parker yelled as Wyatt tried to keep him steady, Parker shoved Wyatt before trying to walk off on his own. Wyatt followed after him but I grabbed his hand.

"Don't bother Wyatt, if Parker wants to fuck everything up for himself even more than he has done tonight? Then let him do it!" I shouted to make sure that Parker heard every word I said, he glanced back at us before sticking his middle finger in the air. 

"Asshole!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, Wyatt looked at me before shaking his head. 

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