Chapter Twenty Seven // Ted

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- Alice's POV - 

I jumped over puddles to avoid my bare feet becoming more colder than they already were as I ran down the busy streets. I had my mums velvet dress rolled up to my knees so it wouldn't get destroyed by the people passing by or if I accidentally tripped over. The neighbourhood I lived in was half an hour away from the town which meant it was impossible for me to run home without shoes on, my feet were already aching and I had only been outside for fifteen minutes. 

I was shivering aggressively because of the cold, my feet were drenched from the puddles I had mistakenly stepped in and my face was red from crying.

"Are you alright miss? Do you need a ride?" A random guy asked me, he stumbled towards me with a beer can in his hand. I looked him up and down before shaking my head quickly, I would've come up with a witty comeback but I felt nauseous after everything that had happened in the past hour. 

"No. I-I'm waiting for my dad" I stuttered while looking away from him, he chuckled to himself before walking away. 

I couldn't stop thinking about the mess I had created in Sadie's friendship group, ever since I showed up at their college I've ruined something really special. I see them all together, happy and in love with each others company but now they despise each other because of my actions. 

How the hell could I confess to Sadie that I like her? She would never believe me as she knows of the guys I have slept with. One of her best friends are insane and want to kill me, and almost did this evening. 

The guy who approached me was glaring at me from a distance, he was clearly watching to see if 'my dad' was coming to pick me up. I glanced at him for a second before turning away and hurrying down the street again. I was in danger if I stayed here any longer, I was drawing attention to myself by hanging around outside busy clubs. I pulled out my phone from my only pocket and looked through my contacts, I had nobody to call. I was alone, until I came across one number and instantly called it.

"Ted?" I whispered when the ringing had stopped.

"Alice? What's going on?" He asked me in a concerned tone, I began to explain where I was and the state I was in. I told him how a boy strangled me in a club and how I nearly confessed my feelings to Sadie. 

"I'll be there as soon as I can" Ted responded before hanging up the phone, I sighed with relief before sitting down around the corner from the busy club I was standing at before. I rested my back on the building and closed my eyes tightly for a moment, I could hear the loud music from inside and the voices of people having a good time. I expected Ted to take an hour or so to retrieve me and to also arrive in a car.. But I was wrong. I opened my eyes and in front of me was the bus I took home from college everyday, I covered my mouth in shock and began to laugh as he pressed the button to let me enter the bus.

"You're still working?" I asked him as I stepped in through the doors, he shook his head and closed the doors behind me. 

"You sounded very distressed so I had to come here, this is the only transportation I have access to" Ted explained with a smile on his face, I thanked him and we shared a hug. Ted is a friend of mine, he is fifty years old and the only adult I actually trust. He has been my bus driver since I was five years old, I would tell him about my day and he would always help me with my homework. Ted's wife was unable to have children so he liked to protect me like I was his own and my parents left a long time ago so I appreciated the love he showed towards me. 

When I started college I was unable to get there because it would've cost a lot of money and I don't have that much. Ted offered to pick me up in the bus everyday even though his bus wasn't allowed to drive as far as my neighbourhood, he was constantly worried about me.

"You told Sadie that you like her?.." Ted said in shock, I shook my head quickly before sitting down on the closest seat to the front of the bus.

"I almost did, I kissed her again and she pushed me away. I don't think she likes me at all" I told him with a frown on my face, Ted sighed loudly.

"You're Alice, everybody is in love with you. Those boys go crazy and I'm sure some girls do too.." 

I laughed at his reply and he raised his eyebrows at me to tell me that he was being serious.

"Where are we off to then?" Ted asked while turning on the engine, it was slowly approaching midnight and the only place I wanted to be was wrapped in my warm fluffy blankets. I told my grandmother I would be returning home tomorrow but that is no longer the case.. 

The bus drove off quickly with the many intoxicated people outside the bar staring in confusion, I waved to them while laughing. Ted shook his head at my actions before focusing on the road again. 

"If you're not working.. Then how did you get the bus?" I asked Ted, he began to laugh to himself.

"I took it, I have a key to the parking spaces and the bus.." He told me as he flashed an evil grin in the mirror above his head, I shook my head at him. Ted turned on the radio and we began to sing pop songs together while swaying from side to side, I jumped up from my seat and danced around the empty bus. 

When we arrived at my neighbourhood Ted instantly turned the loud radio down, every street was silent and in darkness. Ted stopped the bus right outside my grandmothers bungalow before glancing back at me in concern.

"Is it always like this at night?" He asked while looking out the windows, I nodded and laughed slightly. I hummed a tune of the music we were listening to before while walking to the front of the bus, I gave Ted another hug and continuously thanked him for saving me from the busy town. I walked to the door before pressing the button to open it.

"Alice? One more question.." Ted said, I glanced back and waited for him to continue. 

"When are you going to tell the world that you are a lesbian? You can't keep doing this to yourself" Ted asked me before frowning, I felt like I had just been shot in the heart. My breathing suddenly quickened and I frantically glanced around the empty bus while shaking my head.

"S-Soon. I promise" I whispered, I smiled at him before exiting the bus. The loud engine of the bus started again as I approached my house, I waved at Ted as he drove off and then I entered the silent bungalow. I opened and closed the front door as quiet as I could, I looked around the dark hallway before realising that there was a light coming from the living room. It was 12:30am and my grandmother was still awake?.. I entered the living room before covering my mouth with my hands.

"Grandmother?!" I shouted in horror, I sprinted towards her lifeless body that was lying on the wooden floor of the living room. 

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