Chapter Twenty // Crime Scene

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- Wyatt's POV - 

It was an hour after my mum had woken up and showered, she decided to make us something to eat. I sat at the table and watched her carefully as she cracked eggs and whisked them in a glass bowl. 

"Mum, what are you making?" I butted in as she sang to herself, she glanced across the kitchen at me and smiled. 

"We'll find out once it's finished!" She shouted happily, I stared at her in confusion as she continued to create something that could possibly give us food poisoning. Her mood had raised since she entered the kitchen and decided to cook, the smile on her face never disappeared. Suddenly the doorbell rang, me and mum stared at each other weirdly for a moment before I got up from the dining table and made my way to the door.

I opened it and was greeted by a wide smile on Sadie's face, I instantly felt nervous once she showed her face as that meant two things.. My mother meeting my best friend for a first time and a therapy session with Sadie on why I hurt myself. 

"Sadie! What a surprise!" I shouted nervously, Sadie laughed to herself and I saw my mum glaring at me from the corner of my eye. I let Sadie enter the house, mums eyebrows raised once she saw Sadie.

"A girl! You know a girl?!" Mum shouted from the kitchen in shock, she quickly washed her hands before approaching Sadie and shaking her hand. I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment as they introduced themselves to each other. 

"Sadie is my best friend" I told mum with a smile, her face lit up and she admired Sadie for a while. 

"Well that's just great! It's lovely to meet you" Mum said to Sadie. Sadie thanked her and then we headed upstairs to chat about the situation on the beach this morning. I took my time walking up each step because it meant less time trying to explain myself to her. I trust Sadie with my life but I don't want her to worry about me constantly, she has her own problems to deal with.. All of my friends do.

I try to be a completely different person around my friends than the person I am behind closed doors. I want to make them laugh and feel good, I don't want to throw all of my problems on them and make them think they have to sort it all out for me. I'm strong, I can take care of myself. I also care about my friends much more than I do for myself.  

When we arrived in my bedroom Sadie glanced around at the dirty laundry lying all over the floor and how the curtains were still shut. My bedroom looked like a crime scene, there were blood stains on the towels in my bathroom and razor blades hiding under my pillow. Sadie walked across the room and pulled open the black out curtains, I frantically looked around my room to check if there was any other blood stains on the wooden floor. Sadie opened the windows and took a deep breath in, I glanced at her and smiled. 

"Time for you to spill everything" Sadie said as she raised her eyebrows, she sat on my bed and I held my breath in case she spotted the razor blades. Sadie continued to stare at me waiting for an explanation, I sighed deeply before jumping up onto the windowsill and trying to get comfortable. 

"I don't know why I did it Sadie, honestly" I muttered, my voice shook as I spoke. I felt like I desperately needed to throw up as I stared at Sadie's facial expressions, she frowned at my attempt at explaining. 

"Are you sure? It looked pretty serious Wyatt.." Sadie asked while biting her lip, I glanced out the window to avoid breaking down. I don't want my best friend to be disappointed in me, what if she tells my mum? What I'm doing is clearly signs of a deeper problem but I'm refusing to address it, I'm fine- I'm just stressed. 

"I'm sure. I got stressed last night and that was the only thing I could think of" I explained without looking at her.

"Why are you stressed?" She began to ask more questions and all I wanted to do was lock myself away and cry. 

"Because my mum is mentally ill and I have to care for her all by myself. Last night she got so angry she destroyed a mirror that hung in the hall, an antique mirror that she adores because it was her grandmothers.. She also tried to hurt me because I was trying to calm her down." I explained quickly, I looked over at Sadie and noticed her shocked expression.

"I knew your mum had some sort of disorder but I didn't know that meant you'd be in danger too.." Sadie muttered, I nodded while anxiously twiddling my thumbs. 

"My dad is an asshole who doesn't care about his own wife and son, he never visits us and I'm starting to think he's never coming back" I laughed while talking about my dad because of how stupid he is. Even one thought of him makes my blood boil. 

My bedroom was in silence for a moment, I continued to stare out of the window to avoid looking at Sadie and her sad expressions. Suddenly Sadie got up from my bed and approached me, I looked down at her before she began to pull me off the windowsill.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted while laughing, she giggled with me before hugging me tightly. I definitely needed her hugs when I felt low. 

"I'm so sorry for shouting at you in the car earlier" I muttered to her while we hugged.

"I know you are, it's okay. You were upset and stressed" Sadie replied, I nodded and smiled widely because of how understanding she was. I never thought anybody would find out about my self harming and if they did I expected to be shouted at or told to stop seeking attention.. But Sadie's not like that at all. She pulled away from me and examined my face for a moment before frowning again.

"I think you should visit a counsellor.. Or even your doctor" She said quietly, I stared at her in horror before shuffling away from her.

"Fuck off, I'm never doing that" I replied rudely, Sadie crossed her arms and glanced away from me with that angry expression on her face that she occasionally has.

"They could help you. I don't want you to hurt yourself ever again" Sadie said.

"I won't do it again! I promise!" I shouted before approaching her again, she squinted her eyes while staring at me as if she was checking to see if I was lying.

"I promise.." I repeated in a lower tone, Sadie nodded and we hugged once again. She sat down on my bed before glancing around at my messy room. I stared at her before raising one eyebrow and smirking at what I was about to ask her.

"So, what happened at Alice's house? Did you get into a cat fight?" I asked her while grinning, Sadie rolled her eyes at my question before shaking her head.

"She was really nice surprisingly.. She told me a lot of personal things about why she is so cruel and.. Well, slutty" Sadie explained, I stared at her in shock before jumping on the bed and sitting close to her.

"Spill the details!" I shouted like a twelve year old girl at a sleepover, Sadie glared at me before shaking her head.

"I'm not telling you anything, it was all confidential" She replied, I groaned loudly and turned away from her. Everybody in college seems to like and trust Sadie even though she's the quiet girl in class. They all respect her, even the evillest of all (Alice of course). Sadie refers to herself as a 'diary' because everybody trusts her with their secrets so much, she knows a lot about every single person in our class. If somebody ever annoyed Sadie to boiling point I know for a fact she would be able to end them with one sentence, maybe that's why everybody loves her so much..

Sadie turned to me a minute later with a grin on her face, she grabbed my hands and took a deep breath in.

"I'll tell you one thing but you have to promise to NEVER tell Parker or Alex. Deal?" Sadie said while squeezing my hands, I nodded and waited in anticipation.

"That day in the empty classroom and at the nightclub last night.. Something similar happened in those places.."

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