Chapter Seventeen // Chips And Arguments

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- Sadie's POV - 

Alex drove to a McDonald's where we all shared large portions of chips and chicken nuggets while singing loudly in the car. Wyatt had lightened up slightly since the incident at the beach, he was nodding his head to the music while eating his lunch. Me, Alex and Parker were jumping around and making the car shake from side to side. 

Parker's phone vibrated and he stopped dancing to check who had messaged him, his smile dropped and he groaned loudly. Me and Alex stared at him in confusion as he replied to whoever had sent him a message.

"College has informed my parents that I'm not in class, they're angry" Parker told us while shaking his head, I sat back in my seat and sighed. If my parents know that I didn't attend college today they'll have another reason on the list of reasons why I should move to another college. 

"My dad doesn't give a shit where I am anyway" Alex told us while laughing and stuffing his face with chicken nuggets.

"Will your parents be mad Wyatt?" I asked him, Wyatt glanced back at me before staring out the window once again.

"Dads not in the country so he won't know and my mum won't understand what they're even saying to her- She probably didn't answer the phone" Wyatt explained, the car went silent and I glanced across the car at Parker. 

"Where to now gang?!" Alex shouted happily to get rid of the awkward silence, Parker continued to sigh loudly while glaring at his phone screen and Wyatt avoided all eye contact with us. Suddenly my phone vibrated too and I was expecting a disappointed message from my mother but instead it was from Alice. 

"I left college and went home. I need to see you, are you busy? Come to my house and I will explain everything to you.. I promise" I widened my eyes at her message before glancing up at my silent friends. 

"I need you to take me somewhere Alex" I said with a grin on my face, Alex looked back at me and nodded. I asked Alice for her address and she sent it to me, then I sent it to Alex's phone so he could locate it.

"Isn't this the same place where you got the bus to by accident?" Alex asked me as he drove out of the McDonald's car park. I stayed silent and avoided the question. 

"Who's house is this Sadie?" Alex asked another question, Parker glared at me in confusion and I rolled my eyes.

"It's Alice's alright! She said she wants to apologise for bringing me to the club last night and also that she wants to explain some things to me.." I confessed before crossing my arms, Wyatt turned around and stared at me as if I was stupid.

"Why are you continuously hanging out with this bitch if she upsets you every time? Doesn't that sound a bit pathetic?" Wyatt snapped angrily, Parker raised his eyebrows in shock and I laughed slightly. 

"Why are you getting so worked up over this? She seems sincere this time. And I'm not pathetic.." I said while staring at Wyatt in confusion, his hands were in tight fists and he looked like he wanted to scream at me. 

"You're acting desperate now, you're going back to her every time. Even when she makes you have panic attacks" Wyatt said rudely back to me, Alex gasped loudly while trying his best to focus on the road. Parker kept his hands over his mouth as he was laughing at how rude Wyatt was suddenly being. 

"Me? Desperate? Are you trying to say that I have a crush on Alice? I think you are the one who has that, you're clearly very jealous of us all. I'm becoming her friend, Alex and Parker have somehow managed to have sex with her" I snapped back while tightening my jaw, Alex laughed loudly at my comeback. 

"A few days ago you were crying in anger that she had ruined our group and now you're defending her? And why would I want to be Parker? He cheated on his girlfriend and they had the nicest relationship in college, now it's ruined. And Alex bangs anything that moves so-"

"Shut the fuck up Wyatt. You're a virgin, you'd be banging everything if you knew what sex was like" Alex butted in, Parker covered his whole face and brought his knees to his chest. I rolled my eyes at this ridiculous conversation we were having. Wyatt turned to me again, completely ignoring what Alex had just thrown at him.

"If you call me in an hours time begging me to come and help you, I won't be fucking doing it" Wyatt said before turning away and staring out the window again, my jaw dropped at how awful he was being for no reason. Parker glanced across the car at me, he was biting his hand to avoid crying with laughter and Alex was shaking his head in shame. The car was silent after the argument and then we had arrived at Alice's house, the boys stared out the windows of the car in confusion at where we were.

"I'd expected her to be rich like us.. No offence Alex" Parker commented while staring at the bungalow that was Alice's house, Alex glanced back at Parker and shook his head once again. I sighed loudly and reached for the handle to get out of the car, then I had an idea. 

"Wyatt? Get out of the car" I ordered, Parker stared at me in confusion and Wyatt did as he was told. I got out of the car and made my way around to the door he was getting out of, I grabbed his hoodie and pulled him away from the car to avoid Parker and Alex listening.

At first I was going to tell him off for being rude to me but instead I pulled him close and gave him a huge hug, he hugged me back and we stood like that for a while. 

"I love you so much" I whispered to him while my face was buried in his black hoodie.

"I love you too, I'm sorry" Wyatt replied, he was beginning to get emotional. I pulled away from him and put my cold hands on his face.

"We're going to talk about this later, yeah? I need to know why you did that to yourself" I told him while staring into his sad eyes, he nodded and closed his eyes tightly. Wyatt kissed my forehead like he does every time we part, I smiled widely at him before letting go and heading towards Alice's front door. I glanced back at the boys and they all waved at me before driving off, I took a deep breath in and prepared myself for whatever was about to happen. 

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