Chapter Four // Unfaithful

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- Sadie's POV -

I knocked on the front door of my house while trying to hold Wyatt up, his head continuously dropped like he was on the verge of passing out. There was no way that he could get home in this state but I knew my parents would be mad if I let him sleep over. The hallway light finally turned on and the door opened, the first thing I saw was the angry look on my dads face. He stared at me before glancing at Wyatt and raising his eyebrows at the state of him. 

"Wyatt needs to stay the night" I told my dad before entering the house and dragging Wyatt with me, he mumbled and tightened his grip around my neck to avoid falling on the ground. I made my way slowly into the living room before throwing him down on the sofa, my dad watched me without saying a word.

"He's too intoxicated to make his way home, he will leave first thing in the morning. Alright?" I said with my hands on my hips, my dad nodded before heading back upstairs to bed. I glanced down at Wyatt who was now passed out on the sofa snoring loudly, I rummaged through the cupboards in the living room and found a fluffy blanket to throw over him. 

"Goodnight Wyatt" I whispered to him before patting him on the head and grinning. I left a lamp on in the living room for him and then I tip toed up the stairs and into my bedroom. My brother had obviously left the house once our parents had gone to bed because when he does that he would always leave his bedside table lamp on to trick mum and dad. I closed my bedroom door and quickly got changed into my pink buttoned up pyjamas, my anxious thoughts were instantly calmed once I had climbed into my comfortable bed. I closed my eyes tightly and began to drift off quickly as I had the longest day until suddenly my bedroom door opened and I jumped up in fear.

Wyatt stumbled into my bedroom with his eyes shut tightly, he made his way over to my double bed before climbing in and shuffling closer to me. I stared at him while my heart thumped out of my chest because I didn't see it coming, I shoved him angrily and he opened his eyes.

"I need to cuddle! I'm tired!" Wyatt shouted, I told him to shut up in case my parents heard him and entered my room to see me and Wyatt in bed together. That wouldn't be good. 

"Fine you can sleep here, just don't speak" I whispered before moving as further away as I could from him, he was snoring in seconds. I knew I had no chance at sleeping now that there was a overly drunk idiot sleeping next to me, which meant I would be overthinking my scary conversation with Alice.. 

To any normal person this conversation was nothing at all, it would be forgotten in a second and never thought about again but to me I re-think every word and movement in that moment until I will drive myself insane. Wyatt began to snore louder than before, I sat up and stared at him angrily before getting out of bed and deciding to pace up and down the room. The clock on my bedroom wall read 1:30am, it felt like every minute that went by Wyatt's drunken snores got louder.

"I'm done" I muttered to myself angrily before storming out of my own bedroom, I headed down the stairs once again into the pitch black hallway. There was a storm beginning outside and it was scary being alone in the dark with the wind howling and the rain hitting every window. I walked slowly into the kitchen and turned on the light to calm my anxiety, I got myself a glass of water and sat at the kitchen table in silence. I could feel my eyes getting heavier as I rested my head on the table, I closed my eyes and sighed deeply before the loudest thump on the front door occurred. I jumped up and knocked the glass over, the water spilled all over the table. I stared at the front door from the kitchen, was that the wind? Is somebody watching me? I dropped to the floor to hide from the stranger, my heart was thumping loudly and I desperately wanted to shout for help but that would do no use. I stayed still on the floor while listening to the wind and rain getting heavier outside, the door began to thump once again and then another few times. 

I began to crawl across the kitchen floor in desperation to get up the stairs to warn my parents that there was a killer at the front door. It was an impossible mission as the door is opposite to the stairs and there are windows on each side of the door. I reached for the light switch in the kitchen so that the person wouldn't see me shuffling around on the floor, my fingers touched the switch and then suddenly the door began to thump louder and quicker than before.

"Sadie! Let me in for fuck sake!" A familiar voice screamed at the door, I stared at the door in confusion before getting up from the floor and approaching the door. It was Parker! He was completely drenched and shivering like a lost puppy. I grabbed the spare key which was in a drawer in the kitchen and then I opened the front door, Parker stared at me angrily for taking such a long time to respond to him pounding on the door. He entered the house and I closed the door quietly. 

"Why are you here? It's kinda late for a random visit" I told Parker while laughing nervously, Parker was standing still as if he was a statue because of how drenched his clothes were. Parker didn't seem to think any of this was funny, he was angry at first but he started to get upset. He lowered his head and sighed deeply.

"I did something really bad Sadie.." Parker muttered, I widened my eyes and listened to him in slight fear. Parker coming to me for advice? Is this really happening? 

"What happened?" I asked him, he glanced up at me with a huge frown on his face. 

"I cheated, I cheated on Mia" He confessed as his lip quivered, he began to cry silently and I stared with my mouth wide open in shock. If Alex or Wyatt ever told me they cheated on a girl they were dating I wouldn't be surprised about it, but Parker? I was convinced him and Mia would be together until their dying breaths and they would always be faithful to each other.

"W-Why? Why the fuck did you do that?!" I asked him angrily, Parker glanced at me in shock that I was raising my voice at him. I was angry at him and I wasn't going to hide it, he should've known before showing up at my house that I would yell at him for his actions. Parker wouldn't answer my question, instead he continued to cry and cover his face with his frozen red hands.

"Who did you kiss? Was it at the party tonight?" I asked him again, I grabbed his wrist and pulled one of his hands away from his face. He stepped away from me and groaned in frustration.

"I had sex with Alice.." Parker whispered before lowering his head again. I gasped loudly and slapped him across the face without thinking about what I was doing. We both stared at each other in horror for a minute, I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I wasn't going to let Parker see them.

"Get out of my house Parker" I told him strictly before opening the door for him, he didn't argue back or try to explain the situation because he knew I had enough of this conversation. I slammed the door once he had left and then allowed myself to cry loudly, I was surprised my parents didn't hear the whole argument. I locked the front door and ran up to my bedroom quickly while wiping my eyes, Wyatt was finally sleeping peacefully without any snoring. 

I climbed into my bed and smothered myself in fluffy blankets, I was still in need of more tears but I tried my best to avoid it because I had no reason to cry. I was angry that Parker was now the most unfaithful one of the group but also because the girl he slept with was Alice, but why? Do I like Parker? Am I really jealous of that stuck up Alice girl? 

I shut my eyes tightly before Wyatt rolled across the bed and pulled me into his arms. I glared at his silhouette in the dark before rolling my eyes and laughing quietly. 

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