Chapter Forty Six // Sadie's House Party

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- Sadie's POV -

It was the end of the college day, I was still feeling dazed and dizzy from my aggressive breakdowns. I stumbled out of the front door while random students stared me up and down. I glared at them evilly and they began to laugh at me, did I really look that insane?

I took my time walking down the steps before looking both ways on the busy street, Wyatt was nowhere to be seen. We would usually meet each other outside of college at the end of the day, then we would get something to eat or just waste our afternoon walking home and talking a load of nonsense.

"Sadie!" A familiar voice shouted from the cars that where parked on the side of the road, I looked around before spotting my brothers car and his smiley face hanging out of the window. I approached and greeted him.

"Get in" He ordered while tilting his head towards the passenger seat. The last time I saw Noah was when dad dragged me down the stairs of our house and threw me out, should I really be talking to him? I rolled my eyes and got in the car anyway, slightly curious of why he was interacting with me.

"What's up?" I asked once I had closed the door, Noah instantly turned on the engine and drove off. I began to yell at him because I didn't want to be in his car for long. I was planning on a quick conversation before ditching him for Wyatt.

"Calm down! I want to help you!" Noah shouted with his eyes on the road, I groaned loudly and crossed my arms.

"I feel bad for not helping you the other day, when you were kicked out. I want to make it up to you by helping tonight.. With the party" Noah explained with a grin on his face, I glared at him as if he was crazy.

"And how are you going to do that? Making that announcement was a huge mistake, I have nothing planned and hundreds of people will show up at our house tonight" I said while laughing at how ridiculous I was. Noah turned to me and smirked evilly, I raised an eyebrow and sighed deeply. This can't be good.

"I have a few ideas, nothing crazy trust me" He said as we pulled into the parking spaces in front of our house. Noah took off his seatbelt and glanced across at me.

"Wait here, alright? I'll come and get you soon" He told me, I nodded and he jumped out of his car and entered our house. I was confused and slightly nervous, I have no idea what my brother is capable of.

I began rummaging through his dirty car because I was bored, I flicked through the radio channels and browsed his collection of CDs. I opened the compartment in front of the passenger seat and groaned loudly at the many bags of weed he had stashed. What a stupid place to hide them..

After thirty minutes of waiting around there was finally movement, the front door opened and out came both of my parents. They were dressed formally and both had a smile on their faces, Noah followed them out while talking to them about something. They approached their car and waved goodbye to my brother before turning on the engine and leaving.

Noah looked towards his car, we made eye contact and he smiled widely before waving for me to come into the house. I began to giggle with excitement as I got out of the car and ran up the small hill that separated the car from the house.

"You're a genius! Where did you send them?" I asked while high-fiving my brother, he smirked evilly once again and held the door open for me to enter.

"A fancy restaurant three hours away, it's the best in the country. I told them that I had reservations when I don't. They'll be gone for a while" Noah explained, I began to clap at his evil plans. He bowed and we both laughed together.

"Now it's time to dress this place up!" I shouted excitedly as I rushed up to my bedroom. I had hundreds of spare fairy lights that I was planning to hang around the hallway and living room, even though nobody would notice them. The house was most likely going to be destroyed by the end of the night, which was my intention.

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