Chapter Nineteen // Wyatt Miller

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- Wyatt's POV -

After we dropped Sadie off at Alice's castle I asked Alex to drive me home, my mood was clearly taking over every single thing and I thought it was best for me to stay away from people. 

"Why'd you snap at Sadie like that?" Parker asked from the back of the car, I sighed loudly and continued to glare out the window. 

"I didn't mean to, I'm a little on edge" I explained quietly, Alex began to laugh.

"A little? You attacked her!" He shouted, Parker's hand appeared from the back of the car as he slapped Alex on the back of the head. Alex hit him back and I told them both off as Alex was no longer focusing on the road. 

"Is your mother alright?" Parker asked me.

"She's fine! No more questions!" I snapped angrily, Alex sighed and shook his head without making any eye contact. The car journey was in silence once again, just the way I wanted it to be. We finally arrived at the street where mine and Parker's houses were located.

"What're you doing the rest of your day Alex?" Parker asked him as I took off my seat belt and opened the passenger car door. 

"Weed probably. Wanna join?" Alex said with a smirk, Parker instantly accepted his offer and I rolled my eyes at them. 

"See you guys tomorrow" I muttered before slamming the door and approaching my house, the place I dread to go to. A home is a place where you should feel safe and sound but I think I'm the only person who doesn't feel that way about my house. My house is quiet most of the time, nothing really happens but for me it's like living inside a box that I can't get out of. 

I opened the front door and quietly stepped in before closing the door behind me, there was still glass shattered across the floor in the hallway from last nights events. I stared at each piece for a moment before heading to the kitchen to find a black bag, I tidied up as quietly as I could. The house phone was flashing red on the wooden table under our family portrait, I approached it and pressed the button to hear who had called us. 

"Hello Wyatt it's your dad, nobody is answering this phone and your mobile seems to be off. Where is mum and is she safe? Did you calm her down and give her medication? Please respond to me as soon as you get this" 

I rolled my eyes at the voice message my dad had left in the phone, he sounds like he cares but he really doesn't. If he cared enough about his mentally ill wife he would be the one looking after her and not jetting off to Paris and Tokyo for 'business opportunities'. Most of the time I'm certain he is cheating on mum with hundreds of girls in many cities. 

I made my way up the wooden staircase while taking off my shoes on the way up, when I reached the top I began to tip toe across the hallway to get to my bedroom. My mums bedroom door was slightly open, I stopped walking and peeked through the small gap that was left between the door and the wall. My mum was wearing one of my dads business shirts while snoring loudly in bed, there was alcohol spilt on the white carpet and her medication was open on the dressing table. I sighed to myself before holding my breath and entering the room, I walked straight through the damp patches on the carpet and grabbed the many bottles of pills which were waiting for her to wake up. 

I hurried to my messy bedroom and locked the door as soon as I entered, I quickly pulled off my baggy hoodie that was irritating the cuts on my inner arms and ripped my trousers from my legs to let some air at last weeks cuts and bruises. I walked into the bathroom which is attached to my bedroom and stopped in front of the mirror, I held my arms out and stared at the state my skin was in because of my actions. I didn't regret it, I wanted to do more but I knew that if I cried then my mum would wake up and wonder what was going on.. She can never know about this, she is struggling enough. 

I've spent all of my teenage years working, may that be in school and college or watching my mums every move making sure she doesn't go over the edge. My dad once told me that she loves me much more than him and that's why I need to be the one to care for her, but he is wrong. My mum cries for him every single night and when she is in a low mood her brain convinces her that he has died, we haven't seen him in four months. He didn't even come home for Christmas..

I tied my long curly hair back with one of the many hair bobbles that Sadie has left in my house before heading back into my bedroom and diving into bed. I finally began to relax and unwind until..


"Sebastian! I need help!" 

I opened my eyes and glared at the ceiling for a moment before jumping out of bed and putting on clothes to avoid my mum seeing the mess my body was in. I unlocked my bedroom door and headed to her bedroom, when I opened the door she glanced at me and frowned deeply.

"Dad isn't here.. You know that" I told her in a calm voice before approaching her bed and helping her up. She looked around the room and noticed the alcohol on the floor and the shirt she was wearing, she seemed to be confused and unsure of how she was dressed in dads shirt.

"Where is he? He needs to make dinner tonight" She said while gripping onto my shoulder and standing up, I sighed loudly and shook my head.

"He is in New York today. He won't be home.."

"Maybe tomorrow then?" She asked with a broken smile, all I could do was agree with her because if I didn't she would break down and cry like always. We walked slowly out of her bedroom and she directed me to the bathroom, after a while she got her balance and was able to walk alone. 

"I want to have a shower in peace" Mum said while glaring at me angrily, I stood behind her with a frown on my face that I didn't mean to have. She entered the bathroom and slammed the door, I approached it and listened carefully to make sure she didn't trip or hurt herself. 

"Call me if you need anything!" I shouted before heading down the stairs to get something to drink. The house phone began to ring once again, I glanced across the hall at it before sighing and approaching it.

"Hello?" I answered angrily.

"Finally Wyatt! Did you get my voice message? I told you to call me back when-"

"Yes, I got it. What do you want?" I asked my dad rudely.

"How is she?" He asked in a lower tone, I rolled my eyes once again. 

"Awful. She got drunk and slept in one of your shirts, she thinks you're in the house and I convinced her that you're coming home tomorrow" I told him while crossing my arms and glancing to the top of the stairs, I could hear my mum singing to herself in the shower.

"What?! Which shirt? It better not be the one I bought for the meeting in Manchester next week, I will kill her!" He shouted angrily, my jaw dropped at the fact he only cared about a piece of fabric. 

"Wait.. You're coming back to England next week?" I asked in surprise, maybe dad will finally pay a visit to his own family. 

"I'm going to Manchester yes. Anyway I need to go, goodbye Wyatt" My dad said without letting me say anything else, he ended the call and I angrily threw the phone across the hallway. I feel like my dad will only care about mum if she dies, he only checks in when she has a breakdown. 

"Wyatt! I need my medication!" Mum shouted from upstairs, I tightened my jaw and headed to the kitchen to find her afternoon pills in the medicine cupboard. Wyatt Miller, forever a slave to everybody else on the planet- I'll never be anything more than that. 

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