Chapter Thirty Six // The Mysterious Girl

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- Wyatt's POV - 

I entered the room expecting it to be small and filled with comfortable chairs but instead we were in a huge hall with plastic chairs sitting in the middle of the room. I approached the circle of chairs slowly as everybody took a seat, the mysterious girl sat opposite to me and she didn't look up once. The cheery lady sat on the red seat while the rest of us had a black one, she smiled at everybody before looking down at her clipboard.

"So it seems we have a new friend today!" She said while looking over at me, everybody in the circle glared at me except for the mysterious girl. She continued to focus on the floor with her arms tightly crossed.

"My name is Sharlene and I am the counsellor in this group. What is your name?"

"Wyatt Miller" I replied nervously, the girl glanced up at me and we made eye contact. She looked slightly angry or upset in a way but I was unsure of why. Sharlene wrote my name down and began to explain what we would be talking about this week, everybody in the circle was listening to her except for the guy with his earphones in. She stopped talking and glared at him angrily because his music was extremely loud.

"Peter please turn off that music. I know you don't want to be here but it's very disrespectful" She snapped at him, he ignored every word she had said and continued to tap his muddy leather boots to the beat. The mysterious girl rolled her eyes at him and Sharlene carried on speaking. 

"Firstly, would anybody like to talk about anything? Is there something on your mind you have been needing to let out this past week?" She asked the group while individually looking at us all, I glanced around at everybody before the girl with the baby in her arms raised her hand. 

"Yes Angelia?" Sharlene said to the girl, she began to explain how tough her week had been because of family struggles and looking after her baby. I sighed quietly and glanced around the empty hall we were sitting in, the walls were empty and it was freezing. As Angelia spoke her voice echoed around the hall. I was barely listening to a word she was saying because I was bored and I didn't see how this was going to help me with my self harming problem. I raised my hand in the middle of Angelia pouring her heart out to the group.

"Yes Wyatt?" Sharlene asked.

"Can I please go get some fresh air? I'll be back soon" I asked her, still with my hand raised. She nodded and I thanked her before apologising to Angelia for interrupting. I got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair and hurried out of the hall, the waiting room was empty which gave me the space to pace up and down for a moment or two. After doing so I headed through the hospital to get outside. I shut my eyes while walking through the emergency waiting room in case I saw anymore blood and then I finally reached the exit. I sat down on a brick wall which separated the car park from the entrance to the hospital before realising that I had been followed, I looked up at the doors of the hospital and saw the mysterious girl staring at me. We stared at each other in silence before she smiled and approached me, she sat down on the brick wall and sighed deeply. What do I say?! How do I even talk to girls?! I began to internally insult myself for getting so worked up and nervous over a girl sitting next to me.

"Smoke?" She said while offering to give me a cigarette, I thanked her and took it from her cold hands. I glanced at her as she lit another cigarette and brought it to her lips, she inhaled deeply and held her breath before letting go. Her long blonde hair fell perfectly around her pale face and I couldn't help but adore her, she was so mysterious but in the best way. She noticed me staring and began to grin before looking across at me, I smiled nervously and glanced away.

"I'm Eden" She said before holding her hand out to me, I shook it quickly.

"Wyatt, but you already know that" I said, she began to laugh and my heart thumped. 

"Why are you here anyway? At group therapy?" Eden asked me, I stared at her in fear and knew instantly I couldn't tell her the truth. What would she think if she knew that under my clothes were hundreds of scars? 

"No reason" I muttered before smoking, Eden stared at me weirdly before sighing.

"There's a reason for everything Wyatt, just like there is a reason for me being here too" She replied in a calming tone.

"And what's that?" I asked, I was intrigued by her. She began to make herself more comfortable on the brick wall by crossing her legs and turning her body so that she was facing me. She began to examine the cigarette in her hand while avoiding eye contact with me.

"My older sister committed suicide last year, so my family is completely fucked up now" She confessed while laughing nervously, I stared at her in shock. I was speechless and I had no idea how to comfort her.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" I said before angrily rolling my eyes at my actions.

"I have to talk about it everyday, it's fine" Eden said while glancing up at me, she threw her cigarette into the bushes behind the brick wall and shuffled closer to me. 

"What was your sisters name?" I asked her, she began to run her fingers across my shoulder and down my arm as I spoke to her. I watched her in confusion before she gently lifted my arm and touched the inner parts of my arm where the scars were, how did she know? Eden glanced up at me with a grin on her face and for some reason I felt terrified. 

"Sunday, her name was Sunday"

"Your sister had a day as her name?" I asked weirdly, Eden began to laugh while nodding. 

"She was my mums favourite child. Mum told us once that every good thing that's ever happened to her happened on a Sunday. Her marriage, travelling, meeting dad, giving birth to my sister.. So she thought that Sunday was lucky, which is why she named my sister that" Eden explained while rolling her eyes every so often.

"And what about you?" 

"I'm the odd one out I guess, she never paid that much attention to me. Sunday was a professional ballerina and top of all her classes at the same time, she was talented" Eden continued to lightly run her fingers up and down my damaged arm, I could feel my muscles tensing because of the pain but I didn't want to pull away from her. 

"Am I hurting you?" She asked me, I stared into her eyes for a moment before shaking my head.

"How did you know?" I questioned, referencing to the scars on my arms. Eden shrugged her shoulders before bringing her gaze back down to my arm. 

"The whole time we were sitting in the hall, you wouldn't let go of the end of your sleeves" 

I sighed deeply and nodded at what she was saying, it seems she is amazing at reading peoples actions. I finally finished the cigarette that Eden had gave me, she took it from my hand and tossed it into the bush like she did with her own. 

"If your sister was so adored, talented and smart then why did she want to die?" I asked Eden quietly, she sighed loudly and glanced at the strangers walking passed us to enter the hospital.

"I have no idea, that's what I need to know" She replied, I smiled sympathetically at her. She jumped off the brick wall and glanced back at me.

"We should probably go back inside, it's nearly been twenty minutes" Eden told me while laughing, I nodded and followed after her.

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