Chapter Thirty Seven // Squad Leader

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- Sadie's POV -

After trying my best to make Alice feel more comfortable in her skin, I decided to take her on a walk around my neighbourhood. She told me she wasn't used to being in big houses that were perfectly decorated, so I thought she'd enjoy the scenery of the posh and wealthy. We sat at the bottom of the stairs and put on our shoes, the house was still empty so I locked the front door once we exited. 

Alice smiled widely at me as we walked down the path in the middle of my front garden and stepped out onto the street. It was oddly quiet, much more than it should be on a Saturday. We linked arms and walked slowly down the street, I had no idea where I was taking her but she was already gasping at the houses surrounding us.

"I would do anything to live in a house like this" She said while staring at them in shock, I laughed quietly and she glanced across at me.

"Well, you're staying in one tonight" I told her, she nodded before bringing her attention back to the houses we were passing. We headed towards the town, still passing many streets until we came across Parker and Wyatt's street. I decided walk that way even though we wouldn't be visiting them (and why would we after the incident in the party?). 

"That's Wyatt's house, you know my best friend right?" I asked her while pointing to his house, she thought for a moment before nodding.

"The cutie with the curly hair? I remember" She answered, I glared at her and she rolled her eyes at me as if she knew exactly what I was thinking. If she got her hands on Wyatt I'd chop them off, literally. We continued to walk along their street before coming to Parker's house, I pointed to it and began to explain who lived there before seeing Mia standing at the front door. She was aggressively banging on the door while screaming for Parker, Alice stared at me in fear and I let go of her arm.

"Stay here" I whispered to Alice before rushing towards Mia. She was screaming and crying but nobody was answering the door, I grabbed her and she jumped in fear.

"WHERE IS HE?! I NEED HIM!" She screamed at me, I pulled her in for a hug and she gripped onto my clothes. I could feel my shoulder dampen from her tears. 

"I thought you guys broke up? Has something happened?" I asked her as she pulled away from me, she stared at the bruises she created on my face and began to cry more.

"Yes, something terrible. I need him so bad! I-I'm pregnant!" Mia shouted, I tried my best to act surprised even though I was there when she and Parker were arguing and she told him the news. 

"He's the father and he needs to help me, I don't know what to do" She told me, I nodded and continued to comfort her. I put my arm around her shoulder and guided her away from Parker's house, standing outside alone wasn't helping her breakdown.

"Why don't you come to my house? Nobody is there and we can invite Parker over later, you can chat then" I suggested as she wiped the tears from her face, she nodded and thanked me before she spotted Alice standing outside Parker's garden awkwardly staring at us.

"Mia, this is my friend Alice. She's new at college" I said as Alice glared at her in horror, I think it was finally sinking in how much she had destroyed Mia and Parker's relationship. Alice smiled at her and Mia did the same.

"You're the girl that all the boys obsess over, right?" Mia asked her, Alice began to laugh before agreeing. The three of us walked down the street slowly while talking about college, I sighed deeply at the state Mia was in. She was still clinging on to me as if she was terrified of something, her body was weak and shaking like a leaf. 

Suddenly a car pulled up and we all stopped walking to watch it, once the engine had stopped Wyatt jumped out of the passenger seat with a wide grin on his face. His smile instantly faded once he saw Alice, me and Mia hanging on my shoulder whilst quietly crying. 

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked in concern as his mum got out of the car too, she completely ignored us and continued to walk to her house while humming a song. 

"We need to find Parker, Mia has to speak to him" I told Wyatt while trying to keep her standing on her two feet, she looked up at Wyatt and grinned slightly. 

"Why are you here?" Wyatt asked Alice rudely while pointing at her, I slapped his arm away from her and he glared at me.

"She is staying at my house tonight, do you have a problem with that?" I asked, not needing an answer. I slowly turned away from Wyatt before walking in the opposite direction, still with Mia on my shoulder. Alice followed after us and I heard Wyatt groaning loudly before catching up with us. 

"Alice? Can you take care of Mia for a moment? I need to have a word with Sadie" Wyatt asked her while walking quickly next to us, I rolled my eyes as Alice nodded and took Mia from me. Wyatt grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them, I glared at him angrily.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Why are you putting them in the same room together? Mia will find out it was Alice that fucked her boyfriend and then there will be another cat fight!" Wyatt whispered to me but in an angry tone, I shook my head quickly before glancing over at them.

"Mia doesn't care about that right now, she has a big problem and she needs Parker to help her. I'm sure she isn't even thinking about Alice" I told him confidentially, Wyatt sighed deeply before going back to Alice who was struggling to keep Mia on her feet. Wyatt carefully took her from Alice's arms, he glanced back at me.

"Well? Where are we going then?" He asked me, I smiled sightly before joining them all again.

"To my house!" I shouted like I was the leader of a squad, Alice giggled at me as I marched ahead of them.

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