Chapter Twenty Six // Different

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- Parker's POV - 

I stumbled out of the nightclub feeling incredibly sick and dizzy, my anger had multiplied since the incident with Alice. I had no intention of hurting her but it came out of no where, I felt like I wasn't controlling myself when I was causing her harm. But I hate her and I hope that taught her a lesson.. I glanced around at the people smoking by the entrance to the club, they looked me up and down in disgust as if they knew what I had done. 

I looked down the long street to see Alice sprinting as far away as possible in her bare feet, she didn't glance back once to see if anybody was chasing or watching her. When she reached the end of the street she disappeared around the corner. Suddenly an ambulance flew around the corner where Alice had went, the noise of it's sirens drowned out the music playing inside the nightclub. It stopped at the entrance and everybody around me watched it in shock. The nightclub doors burst open and out came Wyatt and Sadie dragging Alex along like they always do, I watched them in confusion before the men from the ambulance rushed towards them and put Alex on a stretcher.

"Guys, What's going on?" I asked while grabbing Wyatt's shoulder, he glared at me before pulling himself out of my grip. 

"I think you've done enough damage tonight, I'll see you tomorrow Parker" Wyatt answered with a look of disappointment on his face, he followed Sadie and the people lifting Alex into the back of the ambulance. After a few minutes they were all inside, the sirens began to deafen me once again as the engine started and they sped around the corner. I watched in horror, did I do something to Alex too? I brought my hands to my face before groaning loudly and aggressively clawing at my skin with my nails. 

It was only 11:00pm and I was ready to collapse in my bed and sleep for weeks, until I realised I had really messed up.. I grabbed my phone that was drenched in alcohol before calling my father, it surprisingly still worked.

"Where are you?!" I asked him when he picked up.

"I'm at home.. Where are you?" 

"Go to the park" I said as I began to walk down the street and away from the nightclub.

"Fine. Meet you there" My father replied before hanging up the phone, I put it back in my pocket and began to run down the street. I passed groups of friends who were messing around and enjoying each others company, while I was alone. I had ruined my friends night out, possibly my friendship with them, my relationship with Mia and everything else in my life. 

It was a Friday night which meant the town was full of life, there were people everywhere and it seemed impossible not to be in a good mood while watching the night life.. Until I came along. I tried my best to run through the crowds of people who were queuing to get into clubs, bars and restaurants. I was glared at by many people, mostly the ones who were dressed up while I looked like I hadn't showered in weeks. My eyes were bloodshot red from getting stoned the night before and carrying on until this morning, my clothes were covered in alcohol and sick from lying on the floor and my skin was as pale as a vampire would be. 

When I had made my way to the other side of town I could see the park in the distance, it was a small children's park outside of the neighbourhood that my father would take me everyday after school when I was little. It's run down and abandoned now but every so often we like to visit it and talk about the memories we created there. As I approached the park I spotted my dad sitting on the bench in his long black coat, he glanced across the pathway at me before smiling. 

"Have you been drinking again?" My father asked me with a concerned expression as I sat down beside him, I nodded and lowered my head.

"I'm going down hill" I muttered while shivering as it was so cold. My father continued to stare at me, I glanced up at him and he looked away.

"Why didn't you meet me earlier after college?" He asked, I sighed loudly.

"I forgot. There was a party so I went to a friends house instead" I explained before apologising. He took off his long coat before throwing it around my shoulders as I was shivering so much.

"Your mother is extremely upset over the situation between you and Mia" My father told me with a sympathetic smile on his face, I stared at him with an expressionless face before rolling my eyes.

"She's upset? What about me? I'm in love with that girl and now it's over"

"If you're 'in love' then why did you cheat? You're only eighteen years old, I doubt you know what love is" He said before laughing to himself, if I knew he was going to make fun of me I wouldn't have shown up. I don't need this right now after everything that has happened today.

"We care about you Parker, seeing you covered in your own sick is.. disgusting but also upsetting" He continued the conversation on but in a lighter tone of voice, he turned to me and studied the mess I was in. 

"I don't want to be like this, it's not my fault. When I get sad I do things that I don't want to do, like drinking all night and hurting people.." I said quietly before closing my eyes, my father patted me on the back. 

"Money can't fix this, understand? Some people actually deal with their problems in life and don't buy their way out of it" I snapped at him, he nodded quickly and laughed once again.

"I always knew you wouldn't follow my way of life as you got older, you're different to everybody in our family. That's why you're so special. Mia knows you are special too and if you beg enough she might take you back.." My father tried to encourage me to visit Mia and talk to her about everything that happened, but he doesn't know that she is carrying my child. That would make the situation worse, my parents would never forgive me if they knew I had sex before marriage. 

"Fine, I'll go talk to her" I sighed loudly before jumping off the bench and walking away from the park.

"Right now? Are you crazy?" My father shouted from behind me, I stopped walking and looked back at him. He got up from the bench and approached me.

"You're drunk, smell like crap and you look like you've been doing cocaine for twenty years. You're coming home and we can visit her in the morning.." He told me before putting his arm around my shoulder and guiding me to the car. We got into my fathers Ferrari and headed back home, I couldn't wait to be safe and sound in my own bed. It's what I needed most. 

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