Chapter Forty // The Bottle Of Vodka

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- Wyatt's POV -

"See you guys tomorrow then?" I said to the group as we all awkwardly exited Sadie's front garden. We said our goodbyes and then parted ways, I headed home to see how my mums group therapy session went. What am I going to tell her about mine? I learnt nothing, left early and met a girl that I am now obsessing over. Sounds good to me!

I approached my house and opened the front door before hearing my phone ringing upstairs in my bedroom, I sighed deeply before rushing through the house.

"Hey mum! I'm home!" I shouted while climbing the stairs and quickly reaching the top. I sprinted to my bedroom and threw open the door before grabbing my phone off my bed.

"HELLO?!" I shouted when I had answered, I was heavily breathing like I had ran a marathon. The call was silent for a moment and then a cheerful voice appeared.

"Wyatt! It's me" Sadie said, I sat down on the end of my bed and pulled my shoes off my feet.

"Why are you calling me? Is your dad angry?" I asked nervously, I could hear Alice giggling in the background and Sadie would join in with her every so often.

"I don't know and I don't really care. Why don't we all go out tonight, to a club of some sort?" Sadie suggested, I glared at my phone in shock at the things that were coming out of her mouth.

"You want to go out again? After the weekend that we've all had?" I asked in confusion, Sadie began to laugh at me.

"Yes! It'll be fun, no drama this time. I've invited the others and everybody is coming.."

"Alright, fine. Text me which club we're off to, I'll see you later" I told her, she squeaked excitedly before hanging up the phone. I got up from my bed and glanced around the room for something different to wear, I pulled off my baggy trousers and heard something fall from them. On the floor was a crumpled piece of paper, I bent down and opened it up.

"I knew you'd want this but I didn't want to bring it up, you were already nervous around me as it is.. Anyway, call me!:) - Eden...."

I gasped loudly and grabbed my phone as I dialled her number into my phone, I didn't think twice about how she got that piece of paper into my pocket. I quickly called her phone without planning what I was going to say to her, as I heard it ring I began to panic.

"Wyatt?" Eden said, I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked while laughing.

"I just had a feeling. Are you alright?" 

"Yeah! I-I'm great! Me and my friends are going out tonight, would you like to join us? We're going clubbing" I asked her with a grin on my face, it would be cool to see her again and not in the walls of a hospital. We could actually hang out and learn more about each other. 

"That sounds awesome! I'll definitely come with you guys" Eden responded happily, we ended the call and I danced around excitedly before choosing what to wear. Instead of the usual baggy trousers that I practically live in, I decided to wear skinny jeans that my mum once bought me. I put on a long sleeved green jumper as she entered my room with a smile on her face.

"So? How'd it go?" Mum asked me, referring to the group therapy session. I thought for a moment before nodding my head quickly and lying.

"Yeah.. It was really great. I learnt a lot" I told her, she glared at me before laughing to herself.

"Did you learn a lot sitting outside the hospital?" 

I stared at her in fear before sighing loudly.

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