Chapter Fifteen // The Adventure

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- Sadie's POV -

I woke up to the sound of Parker snoring the house down, he was wrapped in a blanket on the floor of his living room while I was comfortable on his sofa. The living room was covered in popcorn from the movie night we shared together, I glanced up at the clock to see that it was 8:30am.. Half an hour before college started. Instead of jumping up and running around like a crazy stressed person I lay down again before rummaging through the blankets to find my phone.

"We're not attending college today. Alex, steal your dads car and meet us all at Parker's house ;-)" I sent to me, Alex, Parker and Wyatt's private group chat. I heard rustling coming from the floor where Parker was located, he reached across the floor and grabbed his phone before reading my message in the group chat.

"Where are we going?" He asked me out loud before turning around and looking up at me. Parker had popcorn stuck to his face and I laughed loudly at the state he was in.

"On an adventure of course! I think we all need it" I told him excitedly before jumping up and heading into the kitchen to find something to pick up all the popcorn with. Parker watched me in confusion, he began to laugh and I glanced across the hallway at him weirdly.

"You don't need to do that, the maids will be arriving soon" He told me as he struggled to get up from the floor, my jaw dropped as I continued to glare at him.

"You have a maid?!"

"Three, we have three. Why don't you have any?" Parker asked me as if it was weird not to have a servant running around my house. He headed up the marble stairs to find something to wear today while I was stuck in my clothes from last night.

"I'll see you guys at 9:30!" Alex replied in the group chat, I smiled widely at my phone. I wandered around the kitchen for a while before staring into the oven door which acted as a dirty mirror, I tried my best to fix my crumpled clothes and tatted hair. Parker appeared at the entrance to the kitchen in a new outfit and a broken smile on his face, his mind was clearly racing after the argument with Mia last night.

"What're you going to do Parker?" I asked him with a frown on my face, he knew exactly what I was talking about. He shrugged his shoulders before heading to the fridge and pouring himself some orange juice.

"It's her body, she has to make the decision regarding the baby. Whatever she does I will support her, if she let's me" Parker explained while staring blankly at the wall, I nodded and smiled at him. Suddenly there was a loud beep of a car horn from outside, me and Parker glanced at each other before smiling widely and heading to the front door of his house.

Sitting at the exit to Parker's front garden was Alex in his dads dirty old car, he smiled and waved at us as we approached the car.

"SHOTGUN!" Parker screamed as he shoved me aside and jumped into the passenger seat, I rolled my eyes and got in the back as Parker and Alex did their annual handshake to greet each other.

"Where is Wyatt?" Alex asked us, I shrugged my shoulders at his question before glancing down the street at Wyatt's silent house. Alex quickly spun the car around before driving up to Wyatt's house and honking the car horn again just like he did for me and Parker.

"I'll knock on the door.." Parker muttered before getting out of the car and walking up to Wyatt's front door, after knocking he glanced back at us in the car. There was silence for a long time before the door finally opened with Wyatt peeking through the small gap, he realised it was Parker and then properly opened the door to speak to him. I rolled the car window down slightly to try and listen to their conversation.

"Did you see Sadie's message? We're going on a trip today instead of college" Parker told him, Wyatt seemed distracted as he glanced around behind him instead of focusing on what Parker was saying.

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