Chapter Twenty Three // Parker Clark

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- Parker's POV - 

Once the bell rang for the first classes of the day to begin, the lounge quickly emptied and returned to its usual peace and quiet. Sadie and Wyatt carried Alex to class and I followed behind them while serenading every person who walked passed us with my excellent singing voice.

"Shut up Parker!" Wyatt snapped angrily as he and Sadie struggled to drag Alex through the corridors, he had properly passed out and by the looks of it had no intention of waking up for a few hours. 

Mia's pregnancy and the breakup was still constantly on my mind, the only reason I let myself get into such a state last night with Alex was because I didn't want to return home and breakdown over the mess I created. Speaking of messes, I looked like one. My favourite bomber jacket now had ripped pockets and my white t-shirt was stained with alcohol, I wouldn't dare to glance into a mirror and realise how disgusting I looked. I hadn't seen Mia since the day she showed up at my house and dropped the news, I suspected that she was avoiding college because of me and also because of the fight with Sadie. 

Once we had arrived at the classroom my fake smile and awful singing disappeared when I realised that my parents were standing outside with our teacher. Wyatt glanced back at me in shock and I continued to glare at my parents. They noticed me and my friends a moment later, they stared at Alex in disgust as Sadie and Wyatt entered the classroom with him hanging between them.

"You're missing today's class Parker, instead you are going to the office with your parents" Mrs Blanchard said with a sympathetic smile, both of my parents glared at me without saying a word. They took each others hand and headed down the corridor, expecting me to follow them. 

"Where have you been all night? And why are you in such a state?" My father asked me in a sharp tone as I walked closely behind them, I rubbed my eyes aggressively to try and get rid of the uneasy and dizzy vision I had. 

"I'm sorry- I got carried away" I muttered with my head lowered, my mother sighed quietly as we approached the office. I was unsure of why I was in trouble with the college, my head was thumping and I couldn't think straight to come up with an answer to my own question.

"Parker Clark? Come in" The principals voice shouted from inside the cramped office, I entered with my parents following behind me. I sat down on the uncomfortable chairs which were opposite to the desk, my mother sat beside me and my father stood by the door as if he wasn't staying for the whole meeting. 

"So! What's your excuse?" The principal asked me with a sarcastic smile, I stared at her in confusion before glancing at my parents who were also glaring at me. 

"Excuse for what?.." I asked quietly, my father sighed loudly which brought all of the attention on him. 

"He's clearly been drinking! Or smoking! How can you not remember yesterday?" He shouted angrily across the office, my mother stared at me with a frown on her face. 

"My friend was in a bad place yesterday so we went to the beach.. It's not that big of a deal" I answered the question truthfully, my father continued to groan and tap his foot on the wooden floor. 

"I'm guessing it was that stoned boy who couldn't keep his eyes open that we saw earlier?!"

"Actually no, it wasn't him" I snapped back while glaring across the office at him. My mother quietly told him to stop shouting at me and he finally backed down. 

"Cupcake, if you are in trouble.. I-If you have a drinking problem we can fix you" My mother whispered to me while tightening her grip on my arm, I sighed loudly and pulled away from her.

"No! I'm fine I swear!" I shouted while rolling my eyes and covering my face, why are they so annoying?! All I did was bunk off one day of college, I'm usually there every single day getting full marks in every class. Don't I deserve some fun?

"Please be honest with me cupcake. You're the apple of my eye and your fathers! We want you to stay healthy and perfect just like we envisioned you to be long ago.."

"Are you serious? I don't need a pep talk on life right now, I'm fine!" I shouted once again before getting up and storming out of the office. I stopped walking as I suddenly felt incredibly nauseous, I held one hand to my stomach while closing my eyes tightly. After a moment I re opened my eyes and spotted Mia standing across the corridor from me, she was with her friendship group and hadn't noticed me. I heard my parents exiting the office behind me and the angry footsteps of my father approaching.

"What has gotten into you boy?!" He asked me angrily, I could feel his breath on my right ear. I turned around and glared at him until my mother had joined him.

"Do you both really want to know why I'm acting out?! Are you sure you wanna know?!" I shouted while waving my arms in the air. My parents glanced at each other before nodding. Without saying anything, I turned around and looked over at Mia once again. She was watching the drama I was creating from afar, her friends were glaring at me in disgust. I returned to my parents once again, I could feel my lip quivering as I tried my best to spill everything to them.

The worst thing about telling them is I know they'd disown me, more than anybody else ever could. My mother and Mia's mother are very close friends, they always predicted that we would get together in time. My mother told me once that they had talked about how beautiful Mia would look wearing my great grandmothers wedding ring. My parents think highly of her and they always have, they're going to be devastated.

"Me and Mia broke up" I finally admitted with a frown on my face. My mother gasped before pulling me close for a hug, my father said nothing. 

"I am so sorry cupcake, we can fix this. Your father can fix anything" She said while cuddling me, I groaned loudly and pushed her away.

"Money cannot fix this! I screwed up! I cheated okay?!" I yelled before I began to cry, my mothers frown instantly became a horrified expression and my father looked like he wanted to kill me.

"Y-You did what?" My mother muttered, I had officially given up with my parents. I turned away from them and stormed down the corridor, I passed Mia and her friends who witnessed the whole thing. Everybody I passed in the hallways stared me up and down while whispering to each other.

"Parker Clark? A cheater?"

"I thought he was nicer than that"


"Once a cheat, always a cheat"

When I had arrived at the end of the corridor, I looked back to see if my parents had exited the building because of all the teenagers staring at them. But to my surprise, my mother was smothering Mia and continuously apologising for my behaviour. My father had disappeared which wasn't a shock, until I received a message on my phone..

"Meet me in the park after college, you know which one."

I stared at the message from my father in confusion, when I glanced up I saw Mia staring at me with tears streaming down her face. I had to look away as soon as I knew she was crying, it was painful to see because I knew it was all because of me. I could feel hundreds of eyes on me as people approached Mia and gave her sympathy for the death of our relationship. 

I headed down the corridor once again with my head lowered in shame but I could still feel a pair of eyes on me, even in the quietest hallway. I glanced around in confusion before seeing Alice staring straight at me with a blank expression on her face, I tightened my fists before approaching her.

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