Chapter Thirty Nine // Mr Sailor

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- Parker's POV -

I could hear my friends voices in the hallway as I tried my best to focus on Mia, it felt weird sitting next to her without the disappointing glares and the usual frown I'd see on her face. Mia stared at me for a long time and I began to feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Parker?" She whispered while examining my face, I glared at her in confusion.

"You're drinking and smoking so much more than you used to. I thought you only did this stuff at parties?"

"Yeah I did, but then I fucked everything up with you and I needed something to take my mind off of life" I confessed while lowering my head in shame, Mia sighed deeply and shuffled closer to me. She threw her arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, we hugged in silence for a moment.

"I hate you for cheating, I really do. But you know I love you endlessly and it's impossible to ignore our past and everything we have been through" Mia said while lightly rubbing my back to comfort me, I nodded at everything she was saying.

"I-It was a mistake, I don't know why I did it" I tried to explain why I cheated in the first place but I had no idea how. Mia watched me struggling to come up with an answer, she frowned and looked away from me.

"Am I not enough for you? Are you bored of me? Is that why you did it?" She asked me quietly, I raised my eyebrows in shock before shaking my head quickly.

"Mia I love you so much, I'll never be bored. I want to be by your side through all of this.." I said before glancing down at her stomach, she shuffled away from me slightly.

"That's what I need to talk to you about. I need to tell my parents before things get out of hand"

"Do you want me to be there when you tell them?" I asked her with a grin, she glanced at me and shook her head.

"I'm a sixteen year old who is pregnant and you are the father. Do you really want to be in the room with my dad when I tell him this? You'll be hanging from the chandelier" Mia said before laughing nervously, my smile disappeared and I bit my lip.

"What are you going to do about it?.. The pregnancy?" I asked her, she glared at me once again.

"Do about it? What do you mean?.. I'm not getting an abortion if that's what you're asking" Mia snapped before crossing her arms, I shook my head and jumped up from the sofa.

"I-I wasn't asking you to do that. I just needed to know what you were thinking of doing. So, you're going to keep the baby?" Mia nodded at my question and my stomach instantly flipped upside down, I'm going to have a child. I tried my best to look calm on the outside as she stared at me but when she glanced away I quickly had a fit by face palming and sighing deeply.

"I want to be with you again Parker" Mia told me, we locked eyes once again and I nodded.

"Me too, that's all I want right now" I replied, she smiled widely and reached for my hands.

"All I need to know is.. Who was she? The girl you slept with?" Mia asked as her genuine smile changed to an angry one, I froze in fear and laughed nervously. Suddenly I noticed Alice in the hallway with everybody else, she had somehow appeared the second that Mia asked me the question. I stared at Alice through the glass doors in fear and she saw me watching her. Alice's smile dropped once she saw me and Mia sitting alone behind a closed door, she must know what is about to happen.

"Parker?" Mia said because I still hadn't answered her, I brought my attention back to her.

"Mia.. You thought I had slept with Sadie and you beat her, what the fuck are you going to do to the girl I actually had sex with?" I asked in fear, Mia grinned evilly before shrugging her shoulders. I looked across at Alice once again who looked terrified, I knew deep down that lying to my girlfriend after cheating on her was the worst thing I could do. I also knew that Alice deserved to be outed for ruining my relationship but somehow I knew she was sorry. I almost killed her at the party, she doesn't deserve anymore anger and hatred thrown at her.

"Honestly? I don't know who she was, we met at the party and never spoke again" I told Mia while continuing to look at Alice, Mia sighed deeply and got up from where she was sitting. At first I thought she knew I was lying but instead of beginning to yell at me she held her arms out for a hug. I pulled her close and we shared an embrace for a while, Alice turned away and continued to talk to the boys in the hallway.

"So? We're back together then?" I asked Mia, she looked up at me and nodded happily. I began to cheer and everybody outside the room looked our way and watched me and Mia share a kiss, they cheered for us and I rolled my eyes at them. Mia headed towards the door to greet my friends but I pulled her back for a moment, she looked at me weirdly and I sighed.

"I'm going to try for you okay? I won't drink everyday like I have been recently. I'm going to be the best I can for this baby" I told her before placing my hands on her stomach. Mia hugged me once again and repeatedly thanked me while her face was buried in my shoulder.

The door opened and Alex peeked his head into the room we were standing in, me and Mia both looked at him in confusion as he flashed a drunken grin.

"Have you guys made up then?" He asked, we both nodded and he cheered once again.

"Thank fuck!" Alex shouted before pushing passed us and jumping onto the sofa, everybody else began to crowd in until the front door slammed and we all looked in its direction. A tall man in a suit had entered the house, he slowly approached the living room where six teenagers were relaxing on the leather furniture.

"SADIE?!" He shouted angrily, Sadie's footsteps hurried down the stairs and she froze in fear outside of the living room.

"Hi dad, when did you get home?" She asked him nervously, he continued to give all of us the look of death before approaching his daughter.

"Get all of these irresponsible teenagers out of my house at once!" He yelled in her face, Alex began to laugh and Wyatt threw a pillow across the room at him. Sadie looked at us all before tilting her head towards the front door, as if to say "get the fuck out of here!". We all began to hurry out of the living room and over to the door as her dad watched us with his arms angrily crossed. Alice stayed sitting in the living room and Sadie's dad glared at her as if she was stupid.

"Alice is staying over tonight, mum gave me permission" Sadie told her dad, she glanced at me and approached the door as we all left.

"Thank you for bringing me here, me and Mia have sorted everything" I whispered to her before giving her a quick hug. Sadie smiled at me and Wyatt kissed her forehead like he always does when they part.

"See you later!" I shouted as the door slammed behind us. Me, Wyatt, Alex, Maggie and Mia were now left standing in the garden of Sadie's house. We all awkwardly shared glances before parting ways.

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