Chapter Thirteen // The Crazy Experience

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- Sadie's POV -

Alice handed the money over to the security who stood outside the nightclub, they stared me up and down and I held my breath to avoid breaking down in tears or throwing up. Alice took my hand and we entered the club, we were immediately hit by the loud music as soon as the door opened. The place was in darkness but there were strobe lights frequently flashing at the crowds, it looked unbearable to be surrounded by hundreds of drunken teens. Every female around us was dressed in heels and dresses while I looked like I didn't have any other clothes than this. 

Alice pulled me through the crowds of people who were lining up to buy something from the bar, she began to approach the busy dance floor where I was terrified to go. I escaped from her grip and stood still as if I was glued to the floor. Alice stopped and looked back at me in confusion, I felt like there were many eyes looking my way. I glanced to my left and saw a group of guys glaring at me with smirks on their faces, why the hell am I here? Alice approached me and took my hand once again, she pulled me onto the dance floor as I continued to stare at the creepy guys who couldn't take their eyes off me. 

I finally looked forward to see where Alice was taking me, we were shoving our way through people who were singing and dancing around. Alice was shouting the song lyrics at the top of her lungs while making her way through the crowds, random people joined in with her and I watched in horror. This is insane, my parents are going to kill me. 

We finally made it to a random spot which was very close to the DJ stand, it was impossible to speak to each other as the music was so loud. Surrounding us were tall guys who were yelling at the top of their lungs with their hands in the air, as well as couples making out and pushing into people by accident. Alice began to sway from side to side with a wide smile on her face, I could tell she enjoyed going to nightclubs and dancing. I watched her while giggling even though nobody could hear me, it felt like my ears were bleeding but the loud music was bearable after a while. Alice took my hands and we danced together before the music got quicker and everybody around us jumped up and down to the beat, we did the same. 

My heart beat thumped with the beat of the music and the anxiety in my body instantly disappeared once I saw all of the smiling faces who were sharing this crazy experience with me. Alice tightened the grip she had on my hands before pulling me closer, the music was still thumping loudly and the people were jumping but she suddenly didn't want to anymore. She stared into my eyes as if I was the only person in the club that she could see, she had a small grin on her face and then suddenly we were so close that the tip of our noses were touching. 

Alice wrapped her arms around my neck and passionately kissed me, it was unexpected at first but then it began to feel right. It felt like it was my first kiss all over again because of how passionate and strong it was. It was as if Alice needed that kiss to survive, she wanted it so much.

"Wow!" A guy beside us shouted, he watched us kissing and I opened my eyes to see more people joining him in watching. As soon as we had an audience Alice pulled away from me, she smiled widely at me and I did the same. 

"We want more!" Another guy shouted at us, I rolled my eyes and Alice laughed loudly. A guy grabbed Alice's hand and began to dance around with her which she accepted, she giggled and held onto his shoulders as he sang loudly. I watched them with a smile on my face before I felt a body pressing against my back, I quickly glanced back and saw one of the guys who were watching me and Alice kiss. 

"Do you want to dance?" He asked while shouting loudly into my ear, I smiled politely but declined his offer. I began to watch Alice dancing with a group of random boys, they circled her and she raised her arms in the air while jumping around. I could still feel a body standing closely behind me even after I had told him I didn't want to dance, I looked back at him once again with a confused expression. 

Suddenly he pulled me towards himself and attempted to get his hands under my baggy hoodie, I struggled to get away. I screamed for help but the music was too loud for anybody to notice, I could feel the anxiety creeping back and my heart thumping for all of the wrong reasons. I dug my nails into his hands and he yelped loudly behind me, I turned around and slapped him across the face before pushing my way through the crowds. 

"Sadie?!" Alice's voice shouted from behind, I glanced back for one second to see her following me. I wasn't going to stop and wait for her, all I needed was to get away from the club. I pulled out my phone and called Wyatt as I did have several text messages from him. People angrily glared at me as I pushed them out of my way, I wiped my eyes quickly and continued to fight my way to the exit of the club. 

"Where are you Sadie?" Wyatt answered the phone, I could slightly hear his question as I made my way to the doors. I cried loudly while exiting the club and running down the busy side street.

"A guy wouldn't stop touching me! I told him no!" I shouted down the phone to Wyatt, I was being stared at by people who passed me in the street. Why didn't they ask me if I was alright? They could see how worked up I was yet they carried on walking. 

"I'm coming to get you, stay where you are" Wyatt told me seriously, he hung up the phone and I noticed Alice running towards me. She stared at me in shock once she realised the state I was in, my body was shaking aggressively and I couldn't control my breathing. Alice approached me slowly before holding her arms out to me, I looked away from her and held my breath.

"What happened? I don't understand" Alice asked quietly, she looked terrified at how upset I had suddenly become. 

"I've never been to a club, I have awful anxiety and I was touched inappropriately by a random guy!" I shouted at her before frowning deeply and crying more, Alice tried to step closer but the more she did the more I moved away. 

"I-I had no idea, you told me you'd been clubbing before" Alice said trying to defend herself. I could see her eyes becoming watery and her hands shaking as she tried to reach out for me. Why does she care? We don't know each other and she likes to use people. 

"I lied! I lied because I wanted you to be impressed and I'm not sure why, we aren't even friends!" I told her angrily, Alice lowered her head which ended the conversation. Suddenly Wyatt aka Superman appeared, he sprinted towards us as fast as he could before standing in front of me so Alice could no longer look at me. He paid no attention to her at first but instead smothered me with hugs and asked what happened, I explained while taking huge gasps for air every few seconds and he waited patiently until I had finished each sentence. Wyatt took off his winter coat and carefully put it around my shoulders before glaring at Alice angrily, she was crying.

"She can't be in crazy places like this, her anxiety is getting worse and this doesn't help" Wyatt told Alice in a strict tone, she stared at him in shock before nodding her head.

"I didn't know she was sick- I mean I didn't know. I'm sorry" Alice muttered as Wyatt put his arm around me and we walked away, leaving Alice standing alone. I glanced back at her and watched her cry alone.

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