Chapter Twelve // Night Life

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- Sadie's POV -

I sat down at the opposite side of the table from Alice, she smiled widely at me and I did the same. The fish and chip shop was completely empty with only a middle aged woman standing behind the counter filling her nails and humming to the songs on the radio.

"How are you?" Alice asked while biting her lip, I could tell she was staring at the bruises on my face. I covered my face with my hands to stop her from constantly glaring at me with a uncomfortable expression.

"I feel better, I had a really long bath which helped" I told her with a grin, she nodded glancing up at the menu which was on the wall behind me. After a while we both ordered our dinner, we decided to share some chips covered in salt. I nodded my head to the music playing on the radio at the front desk and Alice watched me with a grin on her face.

"My parents want to remove me from college because of what happened today, they think my friends are a bad influence" I told Alice while staring down at the pile of chips covering the table. Alice sighed loudly and I looked up at her.

"Why didn't you tell them that it was a misunderstanding? You were attacked, it wasn't a fight" Alice said while picking up a few chips and throwing them into her mouth.

"I told them but they don't listen. They're strict and they think I'm stupid" I muttered with a frown on my face, Alice reached across the table and took one of my hands in hers. We smiled at each other for a moment before letting go. We continued to eat the chips in silence, the lady behind the desk watched us with her eyes squinted.

"What are your parents like? Are they strict like mine?" I asked Alice while laughing, Alice's smile dropped and she looked away from me.

"I-I don't live with my parents, just my grandmother" Alice told me with a smile, it was clearly a fake smile and I instantly felt bad for bringing it up. My phone began to go crazy in my pocket and Alice raised an eyebrow at me because I was getting so much attention, I unlocked my phone to see Parker continuously messaging me clearly trying to get my attention.

"Can you please answer your phone for once?! I need to call you"



I groaned loudly and Alice laughed at the angry expression on my face, I glanced up at her and grinned slightly.

"I need to call my friend- Oh wait you already know him, you fucked him" I threw a dig at Alice before smirking and heading outside to call Parker. It was probably a bad idea to do that as she was just upset over her parents but talking to Parker reminded me of the cheating incident. I dialled his number and patiently waited for him to pick up, I quickly rubbed my arms as they were getting goose bumps in the cold.

"Sadie! Finally!" Parker shouted once he answered, I rolled my eyes.

"What is up with you?" I asked him rudely, the call went silent for a moment.

"I just want to apologise to you, the guilt is eating me alive and I am so sorry" Parker finally replied, he sounded very upset. I smiled sympathetically even though he couldn't see.

"You don't need to be sorry. Mia needs to apologise to me and you need to apologise to Mia" I told him seriously, Parker chuckled and I raised both eyebrows angrily at the phone.

"Did Mia break up with you?" I asked him, Parker confirmed and I frowned at the people who were walking up and down the busy street.

"We argued for hours after she hurt you, I was more mad at the fact that she thought I had slept with you over anything else" Parker explained, I shook my head and began to laugh.

"She always has been jealous of me in a way" I told him with a smirk, it was true. I glanced into the window of the chip shop to see that Alice was no longer sitting at the table, I approached the glass and saw her paying for our dinner and then walking towards the exit.

"I have an idea" Alice said with a wide grin on her face, I smiled back at her before realising I was still on the phone to Parker.

"Who are you with?" Parker asked me, I bit my lip.

"Nobody. I have to go, bye!" I shouted before hanging up the phone and putting it in my pocket again. Alice held her hand out to me and I glanced down at it weirdly, she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked her as she began to drag me down the street, I never knew that the town was so full of life and excitement in the evenings. There were many people shopping or sitting outside bars with their friends, it was very relaxed and calming. Alice wouldn't answer my question but continued to run down the streets with me dragging behind her, she was giggling and frequently glancing back at me with a smile on her face.

She finally stopped at the end of a very busy side street, there were crowds of people standing around and I was confused as to why. Alice let go of my hand and smiled widely.

"TAH DAH!" She shouted while pointing down the busy side street, I stared at her weirdly and she groaned loudly.

"We're going clubbing!"

I stared at Alice with wide eyes before shaking my head quickly.

"Isn't there a dress code? I'm wearing the most casual outfit ever" I asked her while staring at my baggy hoodie and mom jeans, Alice shook her head and began to approach the busy side street which turned out to be the line to enter the club. I could feel my heart thumping out of my chest as clubbing was a whole new world to me, I can't cope with a small group of people so the thought of being squished in between sweaty drunk people was scary.

I followed Alice into the line and held my tongue, I felt like I was going to throw up and we hadn't even entered yet. Alice was watching me and I didn't realise until I stopped overthinking and returned to reality.

"Do you not go to clubs often?" Alice asked me with a frown on her face, I stared at her and laughed loudly trying to look cool.

"I go out all the time! I love it!" I said excitedly, Alice nodded and grinned before glancing around at all of the people dressed up. As the line moved up she pulled out a few twenty pound notes, I stared at her in shock and hit her on the arm.

"Why are you carrying around so much money?" I asked her quietly so the strangers around us didn't hear.

"I stole it from my grandmothers savings because she couldn't buy me lunch or cook dinner today. Chill out Sadie" Alice whispered to me while counting the money, I sighed and glanced away from her. We were almost at the entrance of the club and I could feel the chips we had for dinner going in the wrong direction.

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