Chapter Six // The Empty Classroom

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- Sadie's POV -

Alice's continuous smirk made my blood boil, it was like she didn't care about anything or anyone except for herself. She knew that using people was wrong but she did it anyway, taking advantage of horny boys is definitely her hobby. 

"Why are you doing this? Why are you sleeping with every boy you can get your hands on?!" I shouted angrily in her face, she raised her eyebrows at me and began to laugh like I was joking.

"Did I fuck your boyfriend or something? He's clearly not the one if he joined me in that closet under the stairs last night" Alice said as she continued to laugh, I stared at her with my mouth wide open in shock. How can she be proud of herself for this?!

"I don't have a boyfriend, you had sex with TWO of my best friends. How can you have mindless sex with so many people? I don't understand why you think this is so funny because it's not, you have fucked up one of my friends relationships and I'm not happy.." I ranted to her before crossing my arms. Alice's smile dropped and she shrugged her shoulders. 

"I'm just shocked that the quiet girl actually has a voice" Alice muttered while shuffling closer to me, I glared at her without flinching. I will not be afraid of her this time, she's just a stupid girl who doesn't care about anybody.

"And I'm shocked that you aren't pregnant yet!" I shouted before laughing loudly at my comeback, Alice took a step back and watched me giggling to myself. She began to smile while watching me and after a while it got slightly creepy. I stopped myself from laughing and took a deep breath before turning to face her once again. 

"All I need to say is.. You need to stop using boys, they're going to think you like them but you don't! You are cruel and-"

"Are you jealous Sadie?" Alice interrupted me, her smirk returned to her face and I rolled my eyes. The bell began to ring for first class and the halls outside were suddenly crowded. Alice moved closer once again, I backed away slowly until I was pressed up against the wall. Our faces were almost touching and I didn't know what to do, my body froze in the spot and I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Answer the question" Alice whispered, I opened my mouth to speak but I had no words. Alice began to laugh quietly before pressing her lips against mine, at first I wanted to push her off and hide but then after a while I just let it happen..

Alice pulled away from me, she smirked once again before leaving the empty classroom and joining the crowds outside. My body was still stuck to the wall and my heart was pounding more than ever before, what the fuck just happened? The classroom door opened and Wyatt peeked inside to see me standing straight with my head raised to the ceiling and my eyes tightly shut.

"Sadie?" Wyatt whispered, I almost jumped out of my skin at his voice. I began to aggressively rub my arms and my shoulders as if there was something on me to show that I had just kissed a girl. Wyatt watched me in confusion, I smiled nervously at him and began to laugh.

"What the fuck happened in here? What did you do to Alice?" He asked me before holding out his hand for me to take, instead I pushed passed him and hurried down the corridor with my head lowered. Wyatt didn't chase after me like he did before when I was angry, maybe he knows I need to be alone. Class had started fifteen minutes ago but I was refusing to go, I know when I walk in Alice would be smirking across the room at me. She has probably told a few people that she kissed me or maybe I kissed her, my life is over. I paced up and down in the college bathrooms for a whole hour until the bell rang once again, my phone was also constantly ringing with messages from my friends. They seemed to be worried about me.

"Sadie where the fuck are you? Did you tell Alice that I have a girlfriend? ANSWER ME."


"Where are you babe?:( We are really worried, please answer x" 

I jumped in fear when the bathroom doors opened and a few girls entered, they stared at me weirdly before taking up all of the room at the mirrors and re-doing their makeup. I stood awkwardly for a moment or two before sighing and storming out of the bathroom, Parker instantly spotted me once I exited. He practically locked his eyes on me and made his way through the busy corridor, I looked for an escape route before sprinting down another corridor.

"SADIE WAIT UP!" He shouted behind me, I glanced back and watched Mia approach and kiss him. I stopped running and watched them, she began to hug him and he looked so awkward and out of place. Mia continued to talk to him but Parker glanced down the corridor at me every so often, I frowned and walked on. Mia is going to be broken once she finds out what happened, Alice will probably be the one to tell her. 

I'm extremely embarrassed by what happened between me and Alice. It's not like I didn't like it or anything.. But she's a user who can't get away with her actions. She needs to be taught a lesson (she also needs to stay away from Wyatt, he is the only one in our group that she hasn't got her filthy hands on). 

I headed to the lounge because it would most likely be empty at class time, my anxiety was creeping up on me as I was missing my classes but I was still refusing to go. I entered the lounge to see two guys who had their heads buried in books, the room was peaceful and the best place for me when I am feeling anxious and confused. I sat down on the comfortable sofas once again just like I did earlier in the morning, except this time I was on edge and alone. I desperately wanted to tell my friends that Alice kissed me but I know for a fact they would make a huge joke out of it or congratulate me. 

"I've went home. Don't bother looking for me." I messaged Parker and then turned off my phone to avoid the spamming of messages I would receive from him. I sat in silence while tapping my foot repeatedly on the floor, why am I so worked up over this?!

I'm angry because Alice thinks that kissing me has got her off the hook and that I won't bother her anymore, yet she is completely wrong. I feel like it's my mission to stop her from messing up any other boys (or girls for that matter). But how? How can I be the superhero this college clearly needs? I grabbed a pen and an empty notebook I had in my bag and began to list some ideas on how to save the male race from this crazy girl. 

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