Chapter Sixteen // Restless

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- Sadie's POV - 

Me, Alex and Parker continued to mess around in the freezing cold sea. We had swimming races, tried our best to avoid the life threatening waves and gave each other piggy backs. It had been well over half an hour and we were still enjoying ourselves despite our bodies literally being numb from the coldness of the water. I had never felt more alive, it sounds cliche but I knew it was true. A girl with extreme anxiety shouldn't be butt naked in an ocean with two other naked boys, yet here I am. But these boys aren't just other humans, they're family. My friends are the most important people in my life and I have so much love for them. They are the ones who protect me when I'm afraid, support me when I refuse to believe in myself, open their arms when I need a hug and just love and respect me with all their might. 

Splashing around was fun but Wyatt's off mood was still in the back of my mind, I glanced across the beach and realised that he was now lying down on the sand as if he was taking a nap. I looked back at Alex and Parker who were shoving each other under the water and laughing loudly before heading towards the surface. I could finally feel the sand under my feet as I walked further and further until my naked body was on show for the empty beach to see. 

"Oi Sadie! Are you becoming a chicken?" Alex shouted in the distance, I glanced back at him and rolled my eyes.

"I'm coming back in a second! I need to check on Wyatt" I told him, Alex nodded and continued to drown Parker and laugh evilly. I watched them for a moment before looking straight ahead at where Wyatt was sleeping, I began to walk and feel the harsh wind attacking my skin. My whole body was trembling as I was so cold, the random long strands of my hair fell in front of my eyes. 

I approached my lace underwear which was lying on the sand next to Alex and Parker's boxers, I picked mine up and continued to walk on. I refused to put them back on as I didn't want them to get ruined by salt water (that's a thing right?). As I continued to walk I unexpectedly felt warm, I guessed it was because my body was so cold that it had gone numb. Suddenly Wyatt's head lifted from the sand where he was sleeping, he spotted me heading towards him. He jumped up and rushed towards me, I covered my body with my arms as he approached me. When he did he pulled off his black hoodie and handed it to me to put on.

"I think you need this more than I do" Wyatt muttered as I quickly put his hoodie on, I nodded and laughed with him. We began to walk back to the spot where Wyatt was napping in an awkward silence, he was clearly still in that weird mood. But all of a sudden the awkward vibes disappeared when Wyatt began to act restless, he rummaged in his baggy jeans pockets and glanced around the beach repeatedly. I watched him in confusion before he smiled nervously and hurried ahead of me, he picked up my phone and quickly handed it to me.

"It's been going off all morning" Wyatt said, reverting his eyes to my phone. He sat down on the sand again and I sat next to him, I glanced down at my phone and avoided how weird he was being. I had multiple messages from my mum asking where I was and why I hadn't returned home last night. Did she really think I'd go back home after she told me I wouldn't be attending college anymore?

I also had one message from Alice, I opened it while biting my lip in case she was angry at me for ditching her last night outside the club.

"Hey, I see you're not at college today.. Are you alright? Text me back when you can" I sighed loudly at her message before noticing Wyatt in the corner of my eye, he was visibly on edge and very restless. He kept putting his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something from me, I stared at him in confusion. 

"Why are you acting so weird?" I asked Wyatt rudely, it sounded nicer in my head. He stared at me in terror before laughing loudly and continuing to hide his hands. I squinted my eyes at him before shuffling closer. 

"What're you hiding Wyatt?!" I shouted before jumping onto his lap and playfully trying to grab his hands. Wyatt shouted at me but I didn't know if he was kidding or not, I continued to play fight him before grabbing both of his hands and pulling them to the front of his body. My smile instantly disappeared when I realised what he was hiding behind his back, there was nothing in his hands at all.. Instead I revealed deep cuts covering both of Wyatt's inner arms. I had no idea what to say or how to react, I continued to stare down at his arms in horror. Wyatt didn't pull away or say anything because he knew that he couldn't cover up this secret up anymore. 

"WOAH! Are you two hooking up?!" Parker's voice shouted in the distance, I glanced back and saw Alex and Parker approaching us. I jumped off Wyatt's lap and pulled his hoodie off my body so he could cover up his arms from the boys. I grabbed my own clothes and put them on quickly before Parker and Alex arrived at the spot we were sitting at. 

"If you were hooking up I wouldn't be surprised, I saw it coming" Parker said with a smirk on his face, I glared at him in anger and scoffed loudly.

"Shut the fuck up Parker" I muttered, Wyatt stared at me in fear. Alex could clearly tell there was some sort of awkward tension between me and Wyatt, he continued to glance back and forth from us both before grabbing his clothes and heading back to his dads car. Wyatt got up from where he was sitting and ran after Alex, he jumped in the passenger seat of the car to clearly avoid conversation with me. Parker stared at me in confusion as I had an uncomfortable expression on my face, I felt like I was going to throw up from anxiety after seeing that my best friend in the whole entire world harms his own skin. 

"I'm pretty sure my dick has shrunk after being in the water" Parker told me while helping me up from where I was sitting, I stared at him in disgust before laughing loudly. He threw his arm around my shoulder as we headed towards the car, Alex had the music playing loudly once again. 

"WHERE ARE WE OFF TO NOW?" Alex screamed as me and Parker got into the back of the car, the music was so loud we had to yell at the top of our lungs. Wyatt sat frozen still staring out the window, I watched him with a frown on my face as Parker and Alex shouted over the music.

"Let's go somewhere for lunch!" Parker said happily, I nodded and smiled at him.

"WHAT?" Alex screamed over the music again, he glanced back at Parker with a look of confusion.

"LUNCH, LET'S GET LUNCH" Parker repeated.


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