Chapter Five // News

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- Sadie's POV - 

"Get up Sadie! College is in an hour!" My mums voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs, I gasped and jumped up before realising that Wyatt was no longer sleeping beside me. Did my parents find out he was in my bedroom last night? I got out of bed quickly and began tidying up the room, I carefully placed every pillow on my bed and put away the clothes that were lying all over the floor. I rummaged through my wardrobe for today's outfit which turned out to be a baggy hoodie with skinny jeans and my tatted pixie cut. I grabbed my backpack and realised there was something inside of it that I had never seen before, I pulled out a folded piece of paper and opened it carefully.

'I left at 6:00am, thank you for the cuddles! :) - Wyatt' 

I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself before heading downstairs to greet my mum, she was flipping pancakes in the kitchen and shaking her hips to a song on the radio. I stood at the entrance of the kitchen in shock at how happy she was, mornings are usually filled with stress and raised voices when she is around.

"Good morning missy!" She shouted with a smile on her face once she noticed me, I smiled back and headed over to the table. She danced across the room with my pancake in her hand before throwing it down in front of me and continuing to hum loudly. My brother Noah entered the kitchen also, he stared at me awkwardly as mum sang louder and clapped her hands to the beat.

"Did you drug her or something?" Noah whispered to me as he walked passed on his way to the fridge. I rolled my eyes and quickly ate my pancake. I grabbed my backpack and said goodbye to my mum before smirking evilly at Noah, he was now the only one left with mum in her crazy mood. 

I made my way to the train station which was a ten minute walk from my house, the station splits the town. One side was the wealthier and sophisticated families and the other was.. well you get the point. Me and Alex meet at the station everyday as he lives right beside the station, I make sure he comes to college everyday because sometimes he forgets. I entered the train station and spotted Alex sitting alone with his head resting on the metal chairs, his eyes were shut and he was almost falling off the chair. I ran over and tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped in shock before smiling widely.

"Morning party pooper! You didn't stay long last night" He shouted while giving me a hug, I held my breath as my face was buried into his shoulder. His clothes stunk of weed and they were slightly damp.. 

"I was being chased by creepy guys so I had to leave. Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked Alex as we headed to the platform where our train would be. I didn't need to ask him that as I know he lives for parties but I like listening to Alex being overly excited on the crazy events of last night.

"Hell yeah I did! I have something huge to tell you but I'll wait until we see Wyatt and Parker" Alex said while grinning, I glared at him before laughing. We took hands and squeezed through the crowds of people to get to our train, it was always busiest this time of day as everybody was heading to work or school. We found two seats and made a run for them, Alex's head was still spinning from the party which meant I was pulling him along (as usual). 

"Did you do your homework for today?" Alex asked me as he began to light a cigarette on the train, I snatched it from his hand and threw it on the floor.

"Homework?!" I gasped before rummaging through my bag for my English book, Alex watched me while laughing quietly. I began to sweat and get worked up as I flicked through the pages in the book before realising that Alex was kidding about the whole thing. I glared at him angrily as he laughed loudly, an old lady across the train from us stared at him before rolling her eyes. 

Our stop was approaching so we shuffled through the crowds on the train, five people began to bicker over the free seats. Me and Alex watched them as they pushed each other away and announced why they deserved to sit down more than anybody else did. The train doors opened and we left quickly before the bickering turned into a fist fight, college was in sight from the train stop so me and Alex made a run for it. 

There is a lounge in college where people can chill out or study which is where me and Alex wait for Wyatt and Parker everyday before class starts. We entered the lounge which was surprisingly empty except for one girl who was sleeping in the corner of the room, Alex giggled while staring at her. I threw my heavy backpack down on the ground beside the comfortable sofas and Alex pulled out another cigarette from his pocket.

"There are cameras in here you know, you will get kicked out of college" I told him calmly while flicking through the notifications on my phone, I knew Alex didn't give a shit about himself or what others thought of him. Without answering he continued to light the cigarette, inhaled it and then flipped the cameras off. I rolled my eyes at his actions before the lounge door flew open and Wyatt appeared. 

"Still stoned as always Alex?" Wyatt asked him as he approached me and sat down on the sofa.

"I'm completely sober" Alex muttered with the cigarette in his mouth, he began to weirdly dance around. Even the sleeping girl in the corner had woke up and was watching him in confusion.

"How are you?" Wyatt whispered to me with a grin on his face, thankfully Wyatt had went home and showered unlike Alex.

"I'm tired" I laughed nervously and Wyatt rolled his eyes. Alex threw his cigarette on the ground and angrily stomped on it, we watched him until he glanced over and smiled widely. 

"Class starts in five minutes, where the fuck is Parker?" Alex asked us while looking at his watch, my smile faded once I remembered the drama of last night. Wyatt shrugged his shoulders and I sighed loudly.

"I don't think he will be coming today" I told them both while shaking my head in shame.

"Why not?"

Suddenly Parker burst into the lounge, he looked like he hadn't slept at all. His clothes were messy and his eyes were red. We all watched him in silence as he struggled across the room with his backpack, he threw it on the floor and sat down. 

"What are you staring at?!" Parker snapped at us, me and Wyatt glanced away from him and Alex sat down with us also.

"Now that everybody is here! I have incredible news.." Alex said before smirking and rubbing his hands together. Everybody was paying attention to Alex except for me, I was angrily staring at Parker as if I wanted to murder him. Parker glanced at me for a second and then brought his attention back to Alex, he could tell I was still mad at what he did last night. 

"Tell us then!" Wyatt shouted impatiently, Alex began to laugh and then he composed himself before raising his hands in the air.

"I FUCKED ALICE LAST NIGHT! SEXY ALICE FROM OUR CLASS!" Alex shouted around the lounge. Wyatt screamed in disbelief before jumping on Alex and beginning to play fight. Wyatt congratulated him while beating him to the ground, all I could do was stare at them with my mouth wide open. Parker's eyes were widened, he stared at me before burying his head in his hands.

"You had sex with her too?! Are you kidding me?!" I snapped while slamming my hand on the table in front of me, Wyatt and Alex stopped messing around and stared at me in shock.

"Wait, who else did?" Alex asked. I glared at Parker before grabbing my backpack and storming out of the lounge. I have had enough of this girl thinking she can sleep with everybody in the college and get away with it. Wyatt ran after me while shouting my name but I continued to storm down the corridor with a look of death on my face. I burst into the cafeteria to find Alice surrounded by boys, the exact place I knew she would be. Wyatt watched me in shock. 

I walked over to her and the crowd of boys before grabbing her by the shirt and pulling her out of the cafeteria. She didn't say a word or try to fight back which was surprising but it made my job much easier. 

"I need to have a word with you" I said bluntly while pushing her into an empty room that was next to the cafeteria. Alice smirked at me while fixing her shirt that I had crumpled up.

"I'm all ears babe.." 

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