Chapter Twenty Eight // The Waiting Area

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- Sadie's POV -

Me and Wyatt sat in silence in the small waiting area of the hospital, there was only one other person in our company and he was snoring loudly while stretched out across three seats. We were very much used to sitting in hospital's ever since Alex became our friend, we weren't even worried about him because to us he seemed immortal. Wyatt had his hands covering his face and I was resting my head on his shoulder, 1:00am was approaching and we wanted to be home.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" I whispered to him before sighing, Wyatt shrugged his shoulders before sitting up properly and glancing at me.

"What happened at the club? With Alice?" He asked me, I looked away from him and bit my lip. Wyatt already knows that Alice has kissed me on two other occasions, why should I hide this one from him?

"I tried to talk to her and calm her down but she kissed me.. Again" I whispered while glaring across the waiting area at the man sleeping, Wyatt covered his mouth in shock before getting excited and laughing loudly. I hit him angrily while pointing at the stranger and Wyatt apologised to me.

"It's not funny! I want to help her but she won't let me, she doesn't need to play that game with me.." I told him while rolling my eyes and trying to get comfortable on the metal chair.

"Game? What game is she playing?" Wyatt asked, he shuffled closer to me so we could talk quieter and avoid waking up the man snoring.

"She's trying to get with me like she does with every boy in college, then she'll get what she wants and leave me alone. She has a problem but I want to help her" I explained, Wyatt shook his head at my reply and I glared at him in shock.

"Why do you look after everybody else but yourself? You're going to get hurt and you know it"

I ignored Wyatt's point that was definitely true and he sighed deeply when he realised I wasn't going to carry on the conversation. I glanced at him and flashed a cheesy grin and he giggled quietly, the waiting room was in silence until suddenly the doors burst open. The man who was sleeping jumped up in fear as four medics rushed passed us pushing a stretcher down the corridor, then Alice appeared behind them. She was frantically crying while shouting at them but they wouldn't answer her questions.

"Please stay here miss, we will call you when your grandmother is stable" One of them said to Alice, the medics entered another door which shut behind them. Alice was left staring through the windows on the door while crying loudly, I got up from my uncomfortable seat and ran towards her.

"Alice?! What's going on?" I asked her in a panic, her eyes widened in surprise when she realised it was me. Instead of answering she held her arms out to me and I pulled her close for a hug, her whole body was shaking and she could barely catch her breath. Her hands gripped onto my shoulders, she was absolutely terrified.

"W-What's happened?" I asked her again, I tried my best not to cry but it was hard to as she was so worked up and upset. I had to be the strong one in this situation. She let go of me and took a step back before we locked eyes, I frowned at the state she was in.

"When I got home she was on the floor, I didn't know what to do. I thought she was gone" Alice explained slowly while taking gasps for air every so often. I carefully put my hands on her face to wipe the makeup that was irritating her sad eyes, my hands were then covered in red eye makeup and glitter.

"W-Why are you here Sadie?" Alice asked me, I began to laugh.

"Alex and his alcohol poisoning, we are here daily with him. It's not a big deal, don't worry" I told her with a smile, she nodded and looked through the small window on the door again. All we could see was blue curtains that were made out of paper, they were covering every hospital bed that was visible from the door.

I took Alice's hand and lead her over to the waiting area which was still quiet and empty, Wyatt was sitting alone with his head in his hands once again.

"Wyatt! This is Alice, I don't think you guys have been properly introduced" I shouted happily as I approached him, Alice tightened her grip on my hand as Wyatt raised his head to look at us.

"Nice to meet you Alice. I mean.. I know who you are, the whole college does" Wyatt commented before winking at her, I groaned loudly at his actions and he laughed to himself. Alice took no notice of what Wyatt had said, I could tell she was too busy overthinking about her grandmother. I brought her over to a seat and told her to sit down, she finally let go of my hand and began to glare at the floor with a frown on her face. I sat down beside Wyatt and he shuffled closer once again while staring directly at Alice.

"This is your chance to talk to her about the kiss" Wyatt whispered into my ear, I glared at him as if he was the stupidest person on the planet.

"Her grandmother is sick! This is an awful time you asshole!"

Wyatt raised his eyebrows at me before moving away because I was clearly angry, I shook my head while watching him. The waiting area was in silence AGAIN. I was angry, Wyatt was avoiding conversation and Alice was silently crying at the other end of the row of chairs.

The doors opened once again and a familiar guy appeared, he looked around at the signs on the walls before sighing deeply. Wyatt glanced across the hallway before standing up.

"James! Hey!" Wyatt shouted, the guy looked in our direction before smiling and approaching Wyatt. It was Alex's oldest brother, I glared at him as Wyatt greeted him. I hate every person in Alex's family because they make him feel low and useless.

"Isn't your dad suppose to pick Alex up? I thought that's how hospitals worked" I asked James rudely, he looked me up and down before shaking his head.

"I'm twenty years old, I can get him too" He answered before laughing at my moodiness. He said goodbye to Wyatt before heading towards the door that is connected to the hospital wards, a nurse opened the door and then let him through. We sat in silence once again before James peeked around the corner once more.

"You guys can go home now, when Alex is allowed out he is coming with me. Dad wants to see him" James said with a smile, he left and I rolled my eyes in anger. Wyatt glanced across the metal chairs at me in fear, I stared in confusion.

"That's not a good sign, his dad usually doesn't care what Alex gets up to" Wyatt told me as he got up and began to stretch, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Aren't you coming? We can go now" Wyatt asked, I glanced at Alice who was still staring at the floor. She was completely spaced out and had no idea what was going on around her.

"I think I should stay here, Alice needs some company" I whispered to Wyatt, he nodded before approaching me and kissing my forehead like always.

"Stay safe please, call me if you need anything" Wyatt said, I nodded and watched him leave the hospital. I shuffled across the metal chairs until I was sitting next to Alice, she glanced up at me before showing a fake smile.

"Hey.." She muttered sadly.

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