Chapter Forty Seven // "Go home. Right now"

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- Wyatt's POV -

I stayed in the corner of the hallway while watching Sadie and Noah's house slowly get destroyed. The windows were smashed and they both didn't care at all, they continued to dance around with the crowds of people. I didn't even want to attend this party but I needed to make sure Sadie didn't have another panic attack or got hurt, I watched her dance around in Alice's arms. They looked happy together, Alice held her tightly and gave boys death glares as they glanced over at them. I smiled to myself until Maggie stumbled towards me with a beer in her hand, I looked her up and down in confusion. 

"COME DANCE WITH US!" She shouted in my face, spitting all over me. I quickly dried my face and shook my head quickly, Maggie stared at me angrily before wandering off once again. Alex spotted Maggie leaving me alone and decided to rush over to me, he handed me a beer and threw his arm around my shoulder. 

"Get involved bro! This party is amazing!" Alex said to me with a wide smile on his face, I raised both of my eyebrows at him and he winked at me before pulling me into the crowds. We approached Sadie and Alice, they untangled from each other and we all formed a circle while downing beers and singing to the music. After a while I actually felt okay, I wasn't worrying about my parents leaving each other because I had my drunk friends dancing around me to make me smile. Alice and Sadie were once again in another world with each other, their eyes were glued to each other as if they were the only ones in the room. They slowly disappeared into the crowds as Alex attempted to break dance in front of me, but instead kicked a group of girls in the ankles. I covered my mouth to avoid laughing as they swore and called him "a waste of space". 

Alex suddenly stopped dancing and his happy grin disappeared from his face, I stared at him in confusion as he looked across the crowds in horror. 

"Alex? What's up?" I asked him, moving closer so he could hear me over the music. He looked at me for a second before bringing his attention back to whatever was freaking him out.

"Nothing.. I-I have to go" Alex muttered before pushing through the crowds, I watched him rush over to Maggie who was surrounded by boys who were much older than her. He grabbed her by the wrist and began to shout in her ear, her face instantly turned white and she frantically looked around the room. Suddenly a group of Noah's friends charged through the crowds of dancing people, they were making their way towards Alex and Maggie.

"RUN!" Alex shouted before pushing Maggie towards the door, I watched them in complete confusion as they escaped the house with a group of twenty year old men chasing after them. What the fuck was that about? 

Parker and Mia approached me with smiles on their faces, I greeted them and then they graced me with being the third wheel. I was surrounded by couples and it made me feel a little bit sick, in a good way I guess. 

I glanced around the hallway looking for Sadie to check if she was alright, I found her sitting on the staircase with her hand intertwined with Alice's, I smiled widely once again and watched them laughing together. She is happy, she is finally happy.

My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket and I quickly grabbed it, my heart raced because the last time I received a message was my mum crying out for help. But instead I began to laugh loudly, Eden was calling me. I ignored the call and continued to jump around with Parker and Mia, does she really think I'm going to speak to her after what she did in the club? She embarrassed me in front of hundreds of people and got jealous of Sadie for no reason at all. 

Mia grabbed my hand and pulled me close to dance with me, we laughed together and Parker watched with his arms crossed.

"I stole your lady!" I shouted with a slur to my voice, Mia laughed loudly as I spun her around and let Parker catch her. He put his hands on her hips as she danced to the beat of the music. My phone began to buzz and I rolled my eyes while checking to see that it was Eden once again.

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