Chapter Twenty One // Siblings

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- Sadie's POV -

I made my way down the wooden stairs in Wyatt's house, I could hear his mum singing loudly in the kitchen. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Sadie!" Wyatt shouted from the entrance to his bedroom, I glanced back and nodded before continuing to walk downstairs. I peeked into the kitchen to see Wyatt's mum pulling a cake out of the oven, I widened my eyes at how scrumptious it looked. She spotted me watching from a distance, I tried to hide around the corner but I was too slow.

"Would you like a piece?!" Wyatt's mum shouted to me, I entered the kitchen with a smile on my face.

"Actually I'm leaving now but thank you for the offer. It was nice to meet you" I said politely, she smiled at me before adding some frosting on top of the cake. I approached the front door and exited, my smile dropped once I had left Wyatt's house. I knew that I had to go home and face my parents, I couldn't hide away forever. My face was still badly bruised and had changed colour since the day before. It didn't hurt as much anymore, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention to it.

I began my journey back home, feeling disgusting in the clothes I had been wearing all night without any underwear underneath because of the trip to the beach. It was slowly approaching 4:00pm which was the usual time I would return home after a day at college, my parents still hadn't called in regards to why I wasn't at college- maybe they didn't know? 

As I walked along with my cold hands buried in my hoodie my phone began to vibrate, I pulled it out to see a message from my brother Noah which was surprising as we never actually talk. 

"Mum and dad are furious at you, where the fuck are you Sadie?? Mum is going to call the police, she thinks you're dead in a ditch somewhere. COME HOME." 

I widened my eyes at the message before running home, maybe I did overdo the rebellious teenager phase a little more than I should have. I put my hood up as I pushed passed people to avoid them glaring at the bruises on my face. I know that I despise my parents rules and how extremely strict they are, but that doesn't mean I HATE them or want them to be continuously worried about me. 

I crossed the busy road which separated the big neighbourhood from the small, they were all connected but the place I lived was much more quiet and peaceful (and of course Parker and Wyatt would live in the loud area). As I entered the street I lived on, I was glared at angrily by a family who lived next door to me. They looked me up and down in disgust because of how casual and untidy I looked, I tried my best to ignore them as I entered my front garden and thumped my fist loudly on the front door. 

After a while I finally saw my dad coming down the stairs through the windows at each side of the door, he stared at me while squinting his eyes before realising it was me. He hurried over to the door and unlocked it, I stood still before him with a frown on my face because I knew they were disappointed in me. 

"Where the hell were you all night?" My dad asked in a strict tone, I glanced up at him before focusing on the ground again. 

"I stayed at a friends, I didn't want to return home after the decision you and mum made to take me out of college" I answered truthfully, dad sighed loudly and walked away from the front door which was my cue to enter. When I did my mum rushed down the stairs, her face was blotchy and red as if she had been crying for a long time.

"SADIE!" She screamed before running towards me and hugging me tightly, I stood still in shock that I was actually receiving love from my own mother. My dad watched us hugging with an angry expression on his face, mum began to cry on my shoulder. 

"I thought you were dead! Not coming home all night is not funny!" She shouted while pulling away from me and grabbing my shoulders, I nodded and frowned at how upset she was. I didn't expect her to care so much.

"I don't want to leave college, I'm doing great there and my friends have nothing to do with the fight. My friends are lovely and very supportive of me.. You just haven't properly met them" I told my mum in a sympathetic tone, there was no point in yelling anymore because it never gets me anywhere. 

"We want to move you to another college for your safety, it's all about your health. We are worried that's all" Mum explained while staring at the bruises on my face, I closed my eyes and sighed loudly.

"But you don't believe me when I say that the fight was a mistake, I didn't even touch her. It was a huge misunderstanding.." 

"If it happened once it can happen again. It doesn't matter what you did, you were in a fight with over fifty witnesses" Dad butted in, I glared at him angrily before shaking my head. My dad seems to have no emotions whatsoever, if I was crying my heart out to him he would probably still have a straight face. Mum let go of me before heading into the kitchen to clean herself up, we listened to her aggressively blowing her nose and crying once again.

"You have one week left and then you're moving to a new college. You should begin looking for places you want to attend" Dad said before staring into the mirror at himself and fixing his black suit, I bit my lip to avoid the 'crying my heart out to him' becoming a reality.

"I DIDN'T FIGHT WITH HER! WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE ME!" I screamed across the hallway, dad stared at me through the mirror in horror. He turned around and glared at me with a look of disappointment, an expression I was very used to seeing at this point. 

"Do you realise what this will do to me? My anxiety will sky rocket because I'll be surrounded by strangers, I'll be scared and-"

"End of discussion" Dad interrupted, he made his way into the living room and left me crying silently in the hallway alone. I glanced across the hall to see my mum staring at me from the entrance to the kitchen, she smiled slightly before turning away again. 

"Sadie is telling the truth" My brothers voice appeared from the top of the stairs, I looked up at him in shock. My dad returned from the living room, he crossed his arms and waited for Noah to walk to the bottom of the stairs. 

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked Noah, he was suddenly so interested in the conversation once my brother joined in. I continued to stare at Noah in shock because he was backing me up, me and Noah have the worst relationship in the world. We avoid each other at all costs and we speak at least once a week, sometimes we go months without even looking at each other and we live in the same house. 

"Sadie didn't touch the girl who beat her up, I was there. I was in the cafeteria when it happened" Noah told dad confidently, my jaw dropped at Noah's answer and dad raised both his eyebrows. 

"Really? Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Dad replied, Noah laughed at his question before glancing at me.

"Me and Sadie barely speak, I thought it would be funny if she got kicked out of college and taken away from her friends. But I see that is wrong now, I should come forward and be honest.. So I am" Noah explained, dad nodded before approaching Noah and holding his hand out to him for them to share a handshake. I rolled my eyes as they shook hands and dad thanked Noah for 'being honest'. 

Noah clearly said that he was going to let his own sister become miserable without speaking up and dad congratulates him for that? I knew that my parents preferred Noah over me but I didn't think they would ignore the nasty things he says or does to avoid ruining his reputation. Noah is doing engineering in college and although dad didn't agree with that career path at first he is now overjoyed with how talented Noah is in that subject. 

"Well, it looks like you're off the hook Sadie. You're staying at college" Dad told me with a grin, he headed back into the living room once again and I stared at my brother in shock. I ran towards Noah and jumped on him to give him a huge hug which he deserved for lying to dad.

"Get off me you idiot!" Noah shouted while laughing, I smiled widely and continued to hug him. 

"Thank you so much, I can't believe you did that" I whispered to him, he nodded with a cheesy grin on his face.

"I'm such a great person, I know. But you owe me Sadie" Noah said while pointing in my face, I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he is going to use me in the future for something awful and devious, he can't do a good thing without wanting something in return. 

"Fine, I owe you" I muttered before climbing the stairs quickly, I was in desperate need of a shower and a change of clothes. 

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