Chapter Two // Stalker?

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- Sadie's POV -

The first morning back at college had flown in and it was time for lunch, the cafeteria was crowded as always but it was different than usual. Alice the new girl sat at a big table surrounded by boys who were trying to impress her with party tricks and jokes, I watched them from a distance with disgust painted on my face. Wyatt sat down beside me and noticed I was glaring at Alice, he nudged me before stuffing his face with a chicken burger.

"Are you jealous of her?" He asked me with lettuce hanging off his lip, I glanced at him in shock before flicking it off. Me? Jealous? No way. Alex had ditched us to hang out with his 'stoner friends' and of course Parker was spending every waking moment with Mia. But to our surprise Parker entered the cafeteria, he looked across the room at Alice who was still being smothered by horny boys before spotting me and Wyatt sitting in silence. He approached us with a smile on his face.. He somehow looked different.

"Where have you been? Lunch started fifteen minutes ago" I asked him while crossing my arms, Wyatt laughed quietly as he ate his lunch.

"I was with Mia obviously" Parker muttered while pulling out his wallet and looking for money. Wyatt shook his head before leaning across the table at Parker.

"I can tell you were with her, your hair has been tampered with and your zipper is down. Classy" Wyatt said before winking at Parker, I gasped loudly and stared at Parker in disgust.

"You two had sex?! In college?!" I shouted, Parker screamed at me for yelling and Wyatt burst into laughter at us both. I had instantly disowned my own friend for being gross, save your urges for later! Parker got up to get his lunch which left me and Wyatt watching Alice once again, Wyatt began to gasp and hit me on the arm.

"She's looking over here! She's looking at me!" Wyatt shouted before fixing his hair and raising one eye brow as if that would make her want to stare more, I shook my head in shame. In reality she wasn't looking at Wyatt at all, she was staring at me with a smile on her face just like she did in English class this morning.

Suddenly a loud annoying boy entered the cafeteria with a few others following behind him, he marched into the middle of the room and stood on top of a table to get everybody's attention.

"I'M HAVING A PARTY TONIGHT AND EVERYBODY IS INVITED! You all know where I live so be there!" He shouted with a smirk on his face, the boys surrounding Alice began to cheer.

"Even you are invited!" The boy shouted while pointing to a cafeteria lady, he winked at her and she glared at him angrily.

"I know where we are off to tonight then" Wyatt whispered to me with a grin on his face, I shook my head quickly and sighed. How am I suppose to get out of this one? Should I tell him I have a family dinner? A birthday party? What's my excuse? The boy and his friends left the cafeteria after making their announcement and Parker joined us once again.

"We have to go to that party, everybody in the college will be there" Parker said as he sat down, Wyatt nodded and clapped excitedly. They both knew I was going to refuse to join them at the party, they were waiting for me to say it..

"I don't think I can-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT" Parker shouted while waving a fork in my face, I sat back in shock and Wyatt watched in amusement. I glanced at Alice again to see her watching the conversation with my friends.

"I hate parties! You both know this! Please?!" I shouted before pouting, Wyatt rolled his eyes at my excuse before stealing some chips from Parker's plate.

"You don't need to hate them, they are a lot of fun. We will look after you the whole time.. I promise" Parker explained before holding his pinky finger out for me to shake, I groaned and slapped his hand away.

"Liar, you'll be off fucking Mia in every bedroom" I snapped at him and Wyatt screamed with laughter, me and Parker stared at him in confusion as he choked on a chip because he was laughing so loudly.

"Wyatt and Alex will stay with you, alright? Can you please just go to at least one party?!" Parker begged with a frown on his face, I rolled my eyes again and then finally agreed to join them. Wyatt and Parker cheered and congratulated me for deciding to leave my house for once. Alice was still watching in the distance, she smiled while watching my friends force me to go to a party. What's her deal? Is she a stalker? I leaned in close to my friends and began to whisper to them about Alice, I didn't want her to hear or see my mouth moving in case she could make out what I was telling them.

"Don't you guys think Alice is a little weird? She's been staring over at us for the past ten minutes and it's making me uncomfortable" I whispered to them with a concerned expression, Wyatt immediately looked over at her to make it obvious that we were talking about her.

"She wants me, it's totally normal" Wyatt told us with a grin, Parker laughed and refused to believe him.

"Why are you worrying about the hottest girl in school staring at us? That's a blessing" Parker said, I widened my eyes at his reply and dropped the topic of conversation. Did he just say that Alice is hotter than Mia? That won't go down well with Mia, she will have Parker's head on a stick for a comment like that..

The bell rang which meant it was time to return to class, I grabbed Wyatt and Parker's arms as if to tell them to sit back down again. They both glared at me weirdly and I patiently waited for Alice to leave the cafeteria so we wouldn't be followed by her.

"You are the most paranoid person I have ever met" Parker said as we got up and left, he threw his arm around my shoulder and I laughed because it was so true. Wyatt followed behind us while singing to the radio that was playing in the kitchen where the cooks were washing up. We headed through the corridors before coming across Alex, his pale face lit up once he spotted us.

"GUYS! MY BEST FRIENDS ARE HERE!" He yelled around the corridor before hugging Wyatt tightly, I frowned slightly while watching Alex acting weirdly. It upset me that he couldn't go a day without getting high, if he did then he would feel like the saddest person on earth.

"Did you get something to eat Alex?" I asked him, he turned his head to look at me before smiling widely and hugging me too. I wanted to shove him off because he stunk of B.O and weed but I also felt bad because of the state he was in. Parker pulled Alex off me and held him up before trying to feed him the extra chips that he was saving for later. It was clear that we cared about Alex a lot but I don't think he ever noticed, his life was based on drugs, alcohol and sex.

"We should get to class" Wyatt muttered while glancing at the watch on his wrist, I nodded in agreement. Parker and Wyatt practically carried Alex to class and I pushed people out of the way so we could get there quicker.

"Hey Alex, guess what? The new hottie has a thing for me, she was staring me up and down at lunch" Wyatt told Alex while smirking, I laughed quietly and avoided coming between their conversation. We finally arrived at our class ten minutes late with a stoned greasy kid dragging along with us, the same as every day in college.

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