Chapter Thirty Two // Nate

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- Alex's POV - 

Me and Maggie spent the early hours of Saturday morning skating around town and watching intoxicated people fight. She tied my hair back with her only hair bobble as I threw up in the dodgy pitch black alley ways. We finished our adventures with some chips at 9:00am. I hadn't slept properly in over two days and I was shocked that I could still stand up straight, I still felt awful from the alcohol poisoning. We skated back to my house after eating our breakfast, Maggie was still wide awake and in the greatest mood which meant I cheered her up after the situation with her mum- at least I did something right. 

We threw our skateboards on the grassy area in front of my house before entering, the house was somewhat empty with voices coming from the kitchen. Maggie followed closely behind me as we made our way there, James grinned at me once he noticed me entering. He was completely stoned out of his mind and sitting on the kitchen counter, I stared at him in shock as dad flicked through pieces of paper at the dining table. 

"James is smoking your weed dad" I said while pointing at him, dad glared up at me before smiling at Maggie. 

"He earned it. Morning Maggie" Dad muttered while looking down at the pages again. I glanced back at Maggie who looked slightly uncomfortable with the vibe in the room, I sighed to myself before looking back at my dad. He gasped suddenly and grabbed his phone, James watched him in confusion. 

"I completely fucking forgot about a house run that needs to be done in an hours time.." Dad said while glancing back at James. James groaned loudly before putting his head in his hands.

"Everybody is busy today, how did you forget about this?" James replied angrily, me and Maggie watched awkwardly at the door. Dad began to rummage through the papers on the table again, after a while he threw the pages off the table and sighed loudly. He looked up at me, we locked eyes and a smirk grew on his face. 

"You're not eighteen yet, but this could be your test run" Dad said to me, I widened my eyes before shaking my head quickly. James began to nod his head at dads idea and that's when I knew I'd never get out of this. 

"I-I can't go to somebodies house and give them drugs! Are you kidding me?!" I shouted at my dad in fear, James began to roll his eyes at my reaction. 

"Stop being a pussy Alexander!" Mike shouted as he entered the kitchen from behind me and Maggie, he patted me on the back before heading to the fridge and downing the milk. Dad got up from his seat, he left the kitchen and returned a minute later with a black backpack. He approached me and put it on my back before pushing me and Maggie out of the house. 

"Good luck!" He shouted with a smile, he handed me a piece of paper before slamming the front door in my face. Great. 

Maggie stared at me in horror and I frowned at her, I glanced at the address my dad had given me before gasping to myself. The address of the guy buying drugs was from the rich side of town, he lived in the same neighbourhood as Sadie. I made my way across the grassy area in front of my house before picking up my skateboard and glancing around the street, Maggie followed my every move.

"What are you doing? You need to go home and sort things out with your mum" I told Maggie as she approached me on her skateboard, she shook her head before reaching out and grabbing my shoulders to sturdy herself on the board. 

"I'm coming with you. You need support and I'm gonna give you it" She told me with a warm smile, I thanked her and we held each others hand tightly while skating down the street. I had a plan before we headed to the destination, but first I had to find a secluded area. We stopped skating under the motorway, it was an empty street next to some recycling bins and nobody lived on the street because the cars above were so noisy.

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