Chapter Forty Four // Unexpected Party

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- Alice's POV -

"Are you sure you're going to be alright on your own?" I asked my grandmother as I struggled to help her into the living room. She nodded at my question before sighing with relief as she sat on the dusty sofa.

"You need to go to college, that is the most important thing here!" She shouted enthusiastically, I stared at her with a grin on my face. She looked up at me and began to admire my outfit for the day.

"You look beautiful. The boys at your college won't know what has hit them when you walk through the doors this morning" My grandmother said while winking at me, I began to laugh loudly as she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

I glanced at myself in the mirror which was opposite to where the sofa was, I smiled at myself before approaching it. I ran my hand down my sequin covered dress, one my mother left behind by mistake. It was a royal blue colour, and under it I wore black tights and blue heels. I looked like I was going to a party when in fact I was going to be sitting in a classroom all day. When I'm nervous for something I will dress up and let my looks take over the situation, I'm terrified to see Sadie after that happened at her house yesterday.

Suddenly a horn beeped outside and my grandmother glanced at me, I smiled at her before saying goodbye. I exited the bungalow to see my usual ride to college every morning, Ted and his bus. I hurried across the road and entered the bus with a wide smile on my face, Ted stared me up and down before raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you nervous Alice?" He asked me before driving off, I sighed deeply because it was clearly written all over my face.

"It's a long story.. but me and Sadie kissed again. I think she likes me.." I told him with a smile on my face, Ted cheered and I stared at him in shock.

"Finally! Now you can fall more in love and be with each other forever!" Ted shouted excitedly while keeping his eyes on the road, I laughed to myself while shaking my head.

"I don't think that'll happen.. Her parents are homophobic and they caught us, she was thrown out of her house. It's all my fault.." I explained sadly. Suddenly Ted pulled over on the side of a busy road. He turned to face me and smiled widely.

"Do you realise how much she likes you? She was willing to kiss you in her own house, a place that is dangerous for girls to kiss. She did that, and she did get caught. But it shows that she really likes you, more than you know it seems.." Ted told me, my heart thumped once I realised that he was right. I jumped up from my seat and hugged him tightly, sometimes I don't think I'd be able to cope without his advice and company.

"I'm going to make things right with her and her parents. I promise you" I told Ted loudly while jumping around the bus, he nodded as if he knew I'd succeed.

After a longer bus journey than usual I was finally at college, I thanked Ted and told him I'd fill him in on the gossip after college had ended. I waved goodbye as he drove off and then I headed into the huge terrifying building.

As I entered, many groups of boys stared me up and down in shock. I thought I wanted all of the attention to be on me today, but as soon as I got it I felt sick. I lowered my head and made my way to the lounge, avoiding all eye contact with the horny desperate boys I used to lap up.

I opened the lounge doors to see that the only people inside was Mia and her little friendship group. The guilt instantly returned once me and her made eye contact, she smiled slightly in my direction and I did the same. I sat down on an empty table while looking across the lounge at Mia, I had an idea. Do I tell her the truth? Would it ruin everything?..

I jumped up from my seat and ignored all of the thoughts telling me to run in the opposite direction, I approached Mia and her friends. They went silent when I had arrived at their table, I was frozen still for a moment.

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