Chapter Twenty Four // Alice Williams

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- Alice's POV -

I walked down the red carpet that brought me to the entrance of the nightclub where Britney's eighteenth birthday party was taking place. I was wearing a red velvet dress that my mum had left behind when she and my dad ran away, I always tried it on when I was little but it finally fit me. My hair was perfectly curled as always and my fringe was clipped back, I was wearing red glittery eye makeup and my grandmothers golden necklace. Boys glared at me with their mouths wide open as I passed them, I smiled to myself before approaching the bouncer at the door.

"My name is Alice Williams, I'm on the list" I stated proudly, he began to flick through a huge list of names as I waited patiently. I glanced around at the crowds who had just showed up to watch people arrive at Britney's party, is she really this popular? I saw a dodgy car pull up at the end of the street, it halted all of a sudden and then every door opened. It was Sadie and her already drunken friends, they were cheering and laughing together. I smiled widely once I noticed Sadie's happy grin that she was sharing with her friends, she looked more beautiful than usual.

Her pixie cut was slowly growing and it seemed she could now style it, her fringe was slightly crimped. She had the simplest of makeup on and a black headband across her forehead. She was dressed in a black glittery jumpsuit, black tights and black vans.

"Enjoy your night" The bouncer said to me, I turned back to him before smiling and entering the nightclub. It was already crowded with people, most of them being older boys. Britney was on the stage surrounded by her posse, they were all wearing the same dress and then Britney was in a dress that looked like something a bride would wear on her wedding day. I watched them in confusion before realising that I was being eyed up by many boys, I flashed a grin at them all before continuing to walk around the nightclub. 

I was confused as to why Britney had invited me to her party, we'd never spoken before and by the looks of it this was the biggest birthday party any teenager could attend. I made my way over to the bar before sitting down and ordering a drink, I glanced back at the stage to watch Britney and her friends dancing around like idiots. The bartender handed me my drink and I thanked him before downing it, I looked back at the dance floor and jumped in fear when I realised I was suddenly surrounded by girls.

"Alice! I'm so glad you could make it!" Britney shouted as she sat down beside me at the bar, I smiled at her before shuffling away slightly. 

"Yeah thanks, but why did you invite me? We've never had a conversation" I asked her, her posse began to laugh loudly with Britney until she raised her hand for them to stop.

"I want you as my best friend, you clearly have the attention of every boy in town. You belong in our friendship group, what do you say?" Britney asked with a smile on her face, I glanced at each blonde haired girl standing behind her as they all looked exactly the same.

"Sure! Why not!" I shouted while shrugging my shoulders, the girls began to clap and cheer while Britney shared a hug with me. 

"Would you like to join us on the stage?" One of the girls asked.

"I will in a moment" I replied, Britney and her posse disappeared onto the dance floor. I shook my head in disbelief at how those girls could let Britney control them- I bet they all hate the outfit that they were forced to wear. 

"HEY ALICE, WANNA FUCK AGAIN?" A drunken voice shouted from behind me, I raised my eyebrows and turned around to see one of the boys I had sex with at a house party. I smirked at him before turning away.

"In your dreams" 

He stumbled towards the bar and grabbed onto the counter with both hands, I glared at him in shock while sipping on a cocktail. 

"All of the girls want me, they think I'm mysterious and dangerous" He told me while throwing his long greasy hair back. I began to laugh at his comment.

"There's nothing mysterious about you. You're just a drunken fuckboy who thinks he is better than everybody else" I told him while slowly moving closer to him, his smirk dropped and he looked upset with what I had said.

"I think you're describing yourself, except for the fuckboy part.. Let's call you a slut" A voice said as they watched me and the drunk guy who was slowly losing his grip on the counter. I glanced up to see another boy I had sex with, but I recognised him more than the other. 

"I'm not interested in dirty talk.. Or having sex with either of you tonight" I explained before sitting up properly in my seat, the guy who butted in began to laugh loudly. He approached me with a furious expression on his face and that's when I realised who he was. 

"I need to have a word with you Alice" He said in a strict tone, our faces were almost touching with how close he was to me. 

"Okay? Talk to me then"

"I need you to go to my ex girlfriend and tell her it was you, you're the one who ruined our relationship" He said while glaring at me, I raised one eyebrow before laughing.

"This isn't funny. It's a fucking order, I order you to tell her that!" He shouted in my face, he was clearly drunk and unaware of what he was doing. 

"I'm not going to do that, you know why? You came to me begging for sex, you told me your girlfriend didn't want to be intimate with you anymore- Oh boo hoo!" I shouted while giggling at my own words. He continued to stare at me with an angry expression but as I spoke it got sadder. 

"And now I know why she didn't want to, she is fucking pregnant! I can't be there for her or my unborn child because of you!" He yelled, I rolled my eyes at him and took another sip of my cocktail. 

"Maybe you should learn to keep it in your pants when you're in a relationship, then this wouldn't be a problem" I talked back to him with a smirk on my face, suddenly he was furious once again. He pushed me against the bar and put both hands around my neck, the bartender had walked off and the other drunken guy was now passed out on the floor so I had nobody to help me.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT ME LIKE THAT, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! MY LIFE IS RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU!" He screamed while tightening his grip around my neck, I began to choke and try my best to get free of him but it was no use.

"PARKER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sadie's voice shouted in the distance. My vision began to blur as I saw Sadie and one of her friends running towards us and pulling him off me, I fell to the floor before choking and coughing loudly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Sadie shouted at him as he covered his face, I glanced up from the floor at them before struggling to my feet.

"Are you alright?" Another stranger asked me, I pushed them away before rushing through the crowds of people who were dancing to the music. I had to get as far away as possible, I could've been killed. In that moment I regretted everything, I regretted ruining relationships and leading guys on. 

"Alice! Come back!" Sadie shouted as she tried to run after me.

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