Chapter Eight // The Car

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- Sadie's POV -

"Sadie! Wake up!" Wyatt's voice appeared suddenly, my eyes shot open and I jumped up in fear. I had fallen asleep on the bench next to the bus stop in the rain, I was drenched. Wyatt smiled at me sympathetically before picking me up and carrying me to Alex's car, he set me in the back seat and then took the drivers seat. Alex was smoking in the passenger seat, he looked back at me and grinned.

"What time is it?" I asked them as we drove off, Alex began to laugh before turning to me. My eyes were blurred and I was shaking because I felt so cold.

"It's almost eight Sadie, you've been outside since three" Alex told me, I widened my eyes and groaned in anger. How the hell did I fall asleep in the lashing rain? My phone had died in my back pocket I had no idea what my parents were doing or when these two idiots would pick me up.

"You know busses don't come to this neighbourhood right? It's physically impossible for you to have got on the wrong bus and ended up here" Wyatt explained while glancing back every so often, the reason he was driving Alex's dads car was because Alex would literally kill us all if he had two hands on the wheel. I sat up slowly before aggressively rubbing my eyes, my head was spinning with confusion as the car swerved from left to right.

"B-But I got a bus here" I stuttered while speaking, Alex and Wyatt glanced at each other before shaking their heads. Do they think I'm crazy? Alex turned on the radio and began to nod his head to the music.

"Where are we going?" I asked them while resting my head on the chair and shutting my eyes.

"To your house, you're going home because I'm sure your controlling parents are worried" Wyatt said while giggling, I opened my eyes to see Alex staring down at his phone with a nervous expression on his face.

"We need to go back to my house.." Alex whispered to Wyatt, he glanced back at me for a brief moment to check if I was listening to their conversation.

"Why? We need to get Sadie home and then we will go to yours" Wyatt replied while focusing on the road.

"My brothers need the car.. It's urgent. We have to go now" Alex told him seriously, Wyatt sighed loudly before spinning the car around and driving the opposite way. I flew to the other side of the car because I forgot to put my seat belt on as I was still very sleepy.

A few minutes later we had arrived at Alex's house, there were loud angry voices appearing from the house. The front door opened and two boys approached the car, they glared at me and Wyatt before talking to Alex.

"You're only seventeen little brother, you know that right?" One of them said while laughing. His face was bruised and cut badly, his eyebrow was still bleeding as if he had been in a fight a few moments ago.

"My friend was in trouble, I needed to borrow the car" Alex explained to them nervously, he became a completely different person around his brothers and it was weird to see. He is usually full of confidence. We all got out of the car and Alex's older brothers drove off in it, we watched them disappear around the corner before Wyatt groaned loudly. The rain had stopped thankfully but it was still freezing outside.

"What's the deal with your brothers?" I asked Alex as we began to walk to my house, Wyatt glanced at Alex for a brief second before shaking his head.

"Why do you keep doing that Wyatt?" I called him out while crossing my arms angrily, Wyatt rolled his eyes at me.

"You have no idea, you don't know much about Alex's family.." Wyatt muttered as Alex walked beside us with his head hanging low.

"Tell me about them then!" I shouted happily while looking at Alex, he sighed and nodded.

"I have five brothers, I live with four of them as well as my dad. My dad owns a nightclub and he sells drugs in the basement of the club, my older brothers work there too and I will when I turn eighteen. My mum left when she caught my dad dealing a few years ago.. That's it I guess" Alex explained while laughing nervously, I stared at him with wide eyes. That was not the answer I was expecting. Wyatt glanced across at me and sighed when he saw my expression.

"Wow.." I whispered as the conversation was immediately dropped, I had no idea that Alex was going through so much. I thought he didn't care about himself because all he wanted to do was get high and forget.

"I'm sorry I don't talk to you about that stuff, I should be there for you.." I told Alex, he smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't usually talk about it either. But Wyatt is the only person who comes to my house so he's watched my dad beating people in our living room for not paying him and my brothers counting their money from dealing"

I sighed deeply as we continued to walk through the town, it was empty because the weather was awful this evening. I had completely forgotten about my parents and how worried they would be after hearing about Alex and his family.

"Where is Parker anyway?" Alex asked us, me and Wyatt glanced at each other and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I went to see him earlier, he was crying in his bedroom and I caught him doing so. He told me to fuck off so I left" Wyatt told us, sounds like Parker is having a hard time dealing with his actions.

We finally arrived at my house, I looked back at Alex and Wyatt who were standing at the gate of my garden waving to me as I opened the front door and entered the house. I smiled to myself as I walked in, I felt loved and appreciated by my friends as they really do care about me.

"Sadie!!" My mum screamed as she rushed down the stairs in huge heels, I waited patiently as she struggled to walk towards me.

"Where have you been?!" She asked me before hugging me tightly, I hugged her back and sighed. 

"Honestly? I have no idea"

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