Chapter Forty Three // Thrown Out

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- Sadie's POV -

It was the next morning after me and Alice shared an intense kiss in front of hundreds of people, my head was still dazed and confused with it all. I lay on my side and watched Alice peacefully sleeping next to me, for some reason I barely got any sleep last night but I didn't mind because I had her next to me.

I could hear the radio playing downstairs and my mums voice singing along like she does every morning while preparing breakfast, I smiled to myself and continued to gaze upon Alice. Suddenly she began to shuffle around and I assumed she was waking up, I shut my eyes to avoid her knowing that I had been adoring her for the past hour.

"Sadie?" Alice whispered a minute later, I opened my eyes slowly and glanced across the bed at her. She had a little smirk on her face as she shuffled closer to me, our noses were almost touching.

"Enjoying the view? I could feel your eyes on me the whole time" She asked me while laughing, my face instantly turned to a strawberry red colour and I covered my face with my hands. Alice continued to laugh loudly before carefully pulling my hands away from my face, we made eye contact and both smiled. Alice kept my hands locked with hers as she sighed quietly.

"Are we going to talk about what happened last night?.. The kiss?" She asked me in a whisper, I widened my eyes slightly and I could instantly feel my heart thumping in my chest.

"U-Uh, maybe?" I answered nervously, Alice stared at me in confusion. I watched her facial expressions change before smirking to myself.

"Or, we could just do this" I whispered while moving closer and kissing her once again, I took her by surprise but she was going along with it in no time. I was so into the kiss that I hadn't realised the house had gone silent, the kitchen radio was off and my mums singing was no longer heard. Me and Alice continued to share a passionate kiss until my bedroom door flew open and a loud voice appeared.

"Alice, great news! Your grandmother is getting out of hos- OH MY GOD!" My mum screamed as she caught me almost on top of Alice and our lips locked together, I pushed Alice away from me quickly and stared at my mum in horror. We heard thumping of feet travelling up the stairs, and then my dad appeared at the door where my mum was standing with her mouth wide open. Completely speechless.

"What happened?!" Dad asked mum when he arrived at my room, I glanced across the bed at Alice who was almost hiding under the duvet as if she had been exposed in the worst moment. WHICH SHE HAD.

"They.. They were kissing.." Mum answered my dads question as she pointed across the room at us, Alice looked at me in fear. She looked like she was sorry even though I was the one who kissed her in the first place.

The room was silent for a moment as my dads hands turned to a fist and my mum began to cry loudly before rushing out of the room. We listened to her cries as she hurried across the hallway and slammed her bedroom door.

"Get out of my house.." Dad muttered under his breath, Alice instantly got out of bed and grabbed the clothes she was wearing the night before. I watched her while biting my lip to avoid crying, dad glanced at me in confusion.

"What are you waiting for?! Get out!" He shouted at me, Alice jumped at his voice before rushing passed him and exiting my room. I stared at my dad in horror, he is kicking his own daughter out of the house? I continued to look at him in shock, I completely forgot about actually getting up and leaving because of how quickly everything had escalated.

Suddenly my dad stormed across my bedroom and grabbed me by the collar of my tee, he pulled me out of bed and dragged me out of my bedroom. I began to scream and claw at his hands with my nails but it did no use. My brother rushed out of his room and watched dad trail me down the stairs and he did nothing about it. He watched his little sister be thrown out. Dad dragged me to the front door, he opened it and threw me on the doorstep.

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