Chapter Forty Five // Heavy Shoulders

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- Wyatt's POV -

After Sadie had announced that she would be hosting a party to get back at her homophobic parents, the lounge was buzzing with excitement. Most people were just looking forward to seeing the mansion that Sadie lives in. I low-key thought they were preparing to trash it and throw her into even more trouble.

The bell rang and everybody scattered, hurrying to their classrooms for the first lesson of the day. Sadie was jumping around and yelling at the top of her lungs as people walked passed her and gave her a high five, Alice watched her in horror.

"This is all my fault" She muttered to me as we both kept our eyes on Sadie, I nodded to myself and luckily Alice didn't notice. I was all for Sadie and Alice dating but I didn't want it to ruin Sadie, Alice is unpredictable and she could snap Sadie's heart in a second. She is like me, we've never really felt love before and she is new to it. Very new in fact.

Alice hurried over to Sadie and pulled her away from the crowds of people, the three of us then headed to class. Alex was tagging behind with a group of guys who looked exactly like him, long greasy hair and baggy clothes. I rolled my eyes while glaring back at him as he lapped up the attention.

When we arrived at our classroom I let Alice enter first as she dragged Sadie along behind her, I frowned to myself while looking at Sadie's exhausted expression. Alice set her down on a chair and she instantly rested her head on the table, Alice glanced up at me and pouted.

"I don't think she should be at college today.." Alice told me, I sighed deeply and agreed. I sat down quietly beside Sadie and carefully ran my hand through her tatted short hair, she was already sleeping and she had only sat down. I leaned down to kiss her on the forehead until my phone started buzzing in my pocket, I froze and reached for it. Alice watched me in confusion.

I glanced down at my phone and my heart felt like it had stopped, my eyes widened and for a minute I was stuck to the chair in fear. I glanced up and looked around the room frantically before jumping up and sprinting towards the door, nobody said a word as I left so quickly.

I received a message from my mum, "HELP".

I rushed down the empty corridor while trying my best not to break down and cry, I had no idea what was going on at home and why she was in trouble. But I had a few ideas.

When I reached the exit of college I stopped running, I glanced around at the busy road in front of me and tightened my hands into fists. How the fuck am I going to get home?! I can't wait for a bus, this is an emergency!

"Fuck this" I muttered before jumping down the steps and running as fast as I possibly could. My house was a half an hour walk from college but I was determined to make it there in seconds. I pushed passed people and listened to them shouting insults at me as they disappeared into the distance.

I arrived at the entrance to my neighbourhood. My sides were aching as if I had ran a marathon.. because I practically had. I stopped for one minute to lean over and choke for air, I noticed strangers glaring at me in disgust. I stood up straight and continued to make my way home. I had to climb many hills in order to get home which made everything worse, then I finally could see my house in the distance. I wasted no more time and pushed myself to run the rest of the journey, I was in agony.

I pulled my keys out of my schoolbag while rushing towards the front door, my hands were shaking as I put the key into the lock and turned it to the right. I pushed the door open and stood still for a second, until I heard the cries of my mum.

I expected her to be upstairs but as soon as I entered the house she was on the floor in the hallway. I dropped my bags and rushed to her, surprised that there was no blood or injuries to her body. She was curled in a ball with the phone tightly in her right hand, I began to help her up and she pulled me in for a hug.

"Mum? What the hell is going on?" I asked her nervously, she cried loudly and deafened my ear.

"Your dad! He has ruined everything!" She shouted through her cries, I helped her stand up before glaring at her in confusion. What the fuck has he done now?

Me and mum headed into the living room so she could sit on the sofa and try her best to calm down. She grabbed both of my hands and took a few deep breaths.

"He doesn't want me anymore Wyatt. He wants a divorce. He is never coming back" Mum told me in a low and heartbroken tone, I widened my eyes at her as she lowered her head and stared at the floor. I refused to show any emotion because my mum was already completely destroyed over the news, I squeezed her hands to get her attention.

"Everything is going to be fine, I will fix this" I told her with a confident smile, she smiled sympathetically at me before kissing my cheek.

"You need rest, come on" I muttered while helping her up once again and then heading to the stairs. We made our way to her bedroom and she got into bed. She was no longer crying and seemed calmer, but her body was shaking and her eyes were puffy.

"I'll make you some tea, okay?" I told her while tucking the duvet around her, she nodded and rested her head on the pillow before closing her eyes. I watched her for a moment and then I turned away and exited her room.

I held my breath while slowly walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen, but when I got to the bottom of the stairs I lost it. My face instantly scrunched up and I fell to the floor before crying my heart and soul out.

Everything is getting harder as the days go on, I don't know how to deal with it anymore.

My mothers mental health is beating her, my dad doesn't care about us, my best friend has been kicked out of her own house and I don't know how to feel anymore. I have so much on my shoulders, I can't handle it.

I brought my shaking hands to my face and cried with all of my might.

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