Chapter Thirty // The Starry 3:30am Sky

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- Sadie's POV -

"Sadie?.. Wake up" My mums voice appeared as my body shook from side to side, I opened my eyes slowly before glancing up at her. At first I thought I had forgot to turn on my alarm for college but as I sat up and looked around I realised I was still sitting in the hospital waiting area.

"What's going on?" I asked my mum in confusion, she smiled at me and sat down on the uncomfortable chairs. I looked around the empty room in panic because Alice had disappeared.

"Alice contacted me, she felt bad that you were staying up all night for her sake. She's with her grandmother now" Mum explained with a smile still on her face, I expected her to be yelling at me for being out at 3:30am but she was oddly sympathetic. 

"You are such a great friend Sadie, I'm so proud of you for supporting Alice when she needs it most" She said before hugging me tightly, I widened my eyes in shock as she squeezed me. 

"Do you know if Alice's grandmother is okay?" I asked my mum while trying to escape her embrace, she shook her head with a frown. 

"Maybe Alice will message you when she finds out, you're coming home with me now because it's late" Mum said as she got up and held her hand out to me, I nodded and followed her out of the hospital. As we walked through the empty corridors I pulled my dying phone out of my pocket and left Alice a message.

"Thank you for calling my mum, I'm on my way home now. I really hope your grandmother is okay, if you need company tomorrow then why don't you come to my house? Anyway, goodnight :-) x"

My mum locked her arm with mine as we approached her car, everywhere was silent at this time and I really liked it. Everything was peaceful, it was as if time had frozen and everything was good. I jumped into the passenger seat and made myself comfortable as my mum turned on the engine and reversed the car out of the parking space. The sky was covered with stars at this time of the morning, I began to question why I never stayed up this late to admire them. As we drove back home my eyes felt heavy, they shut every so often but I forced them open as I was enjoying the car ride home. 

What felt like a minute was actually a few hours later, I heard my mum calling my name like she did in the hospital but instead I was in my bedroom and it was daylight outside. 

"How did I get to my bed?" I muttered while sitting up and rubbing my eyes, mum burst into my bedroom with a smile on her face. 

"You fell asleep in the car last night, but somebody is at the door for you!" She shouted in excitement, I stared at her weirdly before pulling myself out of bed and exiting my room. I wasn't aware of how rough and tired I looked or that the person at the door would be important. I began to walk down the stairs slowly, I glanced at the front door and realised Alice was there. I froze in fear before turning around and sprinting back up.

"Sadie?!" Mum shouted angrily, I rushed back to my bedroom and began to frantically search for an outfit. My bedroom looked like a bomb had exploded in it, my dirty laundry was covering the floor. I grabbed my dungarees from the messy wardrobe and a plain blue tee to go underneath, while getting dressed I quickly brushed my hair and clipped my fringe back with a bobby pin. I could hear my mum and Alice talking in the hallway and her voice was making me anxious, I did invite her to my house but I didn't expect to see her until the evening. 

Noah knocked on my bedroom door before peaking his head through the gap, I glared at him as he glanced up and down at my outfit. 

"What?!" I asked him in a panic, he began to chuckle to himself before leaving my room. I followed after him and closed my bedroom door tightly to avoid anybody seeing the mess inside, me and Noah walked down the stairs together until we spotted Alice smiling widely while talking to our mum.

"Holy shit" Noah muttered with his eyes widened in Alice's direction, I stared at him in shock before rolling my eyes and carrying on making my way down the stairs. Alice noticed me approaching and she ended the conversation with my mum.

"Morning!" Alice shouted happily before giving me a hug, she seemed to be in a good mood considering her grandmother was in hospital. Mum headed into the kitchen to make me some breakfast and Noah was still standing in the same spot with his eyes glued to Alice, she noticed him staring and I could tell she was uncomfortable. I showed her to the living room and she headed in without me, I glared at Noah.

"Will you fuck off?!" I muttered making sure mum didn't hear, Noah smirked at me before making his way to the front door and leaving the house. I made my way into the living room where Alice was admiring the family pictures which sat in the corner of the room, she smiled widely while running her finger tips over my old school photos when I was younger.

"You have the loveliest smile" Alice muttered before glancing across the room at me, I smiled at her and she pointed to me.

"You still have it! It's exactly the same as the one in this photo" 

"Did you get any sleep last night Alice? What did the nurses say about your grandmother?" I asked her, completely changing the topic of conversation. Alice abandoned the family photos and made her way to sit beside me on the sofa. 

"Zero sleep, but my grandmother is doing okay. It seems she bumped her head on the cabinet in our living room and it knocked her out. She is still in the hospital but she will be released tomorrow" Alice explained with a smile on her face, I sighed with relief and she did the same. 

"Maybe you could stay over tonight? My mum wouldn't mind, I'm sure she'd love to help out with your grandmother tomorrow" I suggested, Alice's face lit up and she nodded her head quickly. I hurried into the kitchen to tell mum about my plans which she agreed with, I glanced back at Alice who was watching from the living room. I nodded my head slightly to confirm that she was allowed to stay over, she began to jump around on the sofa and I giggled to myself. 

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