Chapter Forty Eight // The End

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 - Sadie's POV - 

Me and Alice held each other close on my bed, the bedroom was untouched from the crazy party last night. We stared at each other for a long time without saying a word, we occasionally smiled and giggled but for the most part we were silent. The house was also quiet, we were unsure if everybody had left or if they'd just passed out on the messy floor. Me and Alice had escaped from the party at 3:00am, we locked ourselves in my bedroom and talked until we had no energy left. 

"Sadie?" Alice whispered across my bed, breaking the comfortable silence. I looked up at her and we both smiled at the same time.

"Yeah?" I replied. 

"You like me, right?" She asked me, looking slightly nervous as she spoke. I stared at her in confusion as if she was crazy to ask that question. 

"Of course I do. Why are you asking me this?"

"I've liked you since the moment I entered the classroom on my first day at college. You looked so shy but if I stared long enough I could see your anger and protective side for your childish friends. You intrigued me" Alice explained with a wide smile on her face, I watched her speak as my heart thumped loudly in my chest. I thought back to that day, how jealous and annoyed I was that Alice was getting so much attention. I giggled at her words and she continued to smile at me, I shuffled closer and sighed quietly. 

"I'm still trying to figure all of this out, it's confusing and scary. I've never truly liked anybody before and I didn't think I'd ever fall for a girl.. No offence" I said as Alice raised her eyebrows at me, pretending to be offended at my words. She reached across the small space between us and placed her hand on my red cheeks.

"So.. Maybe I shouldn't ask you what I was planning to?" Alice said with a deep sigh, I widened my eyes at her. I knew exactly what she was talking about, was she really going to ask me to be hers? But why? 

"You really want that?" I asked in surprise, Alice nodded quickly and I sat up on the bed. I was instantly feeling anxious and shocked, she watched me with worry. 

"I love that idea, but I don't think right now is the best time. I want to be sure, I don't want to screw you over.." I told Alice honestly, she smiled and thanked me for telling the truth before pulling me closer and kissing me. As the kiss deepened, she tightened her grip on the loose pieces of my dress to try and keep me as close as possible to her body. Suddenly Alice began to pull at her clothes as if she was trying to take them off, our lips separated and I watched her in shock. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?!

We began to kiss once again until my phone aggressively vibrated on my bedside table, we ignored it for a minute but it continued. Alice pulled away from me and directed her attention to the phone, I rolled my eyes and grabbed it to see that Parker was calling me. 

"Hello?" I answered, still sitting on top of Alice. 

"Are you alright Sadie? You sound out of breath" Parker said in confusion, I bit my lip and tried my best not to burst into laughter. Alice stared at me weirdly as she had no idea what was going on. 

"I'm fine. Why are you calling me?" I asked rudely. 

"Something is going on at Wyatt's house.. I need you to get over here as soon as possible" Parker told me seriously, my smile instantly faded and Alice stared me. 

"I'll be there soon" I replied before hanging up and jumping off my bed, I rummaged through the mess on my floor for some decent clothes to wear. Alice sat up and watched me. 

"What's going on Sadie?" She asked, I looked back at her and sighed.

"Something is wrong with Wyatt, we need to go over there" I told her, she nodded and began to get dressed too. We were both ready in less than two minutes because of how scared and concerned I was for my best friend, Alice approached me and put her hands on my shoulders. I looked up at her in confusion.

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