Chapter Forty One // Longing For Love

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- Alice's POV - 

Me and Sadie stared at Wyatt in shock as the random drunk girl named Eden ran off into the crowds of the club, what the hell just happened?! Wyatt leaned against the wall and shut his eyes tightly, he looked like he was about to explode with anger. I glanced at Sadie expecting her to approach him to check if he was alright but instead she locked eyes with me and grinned slightly.

"We're here to have a good time, no drama. Remember?" She said to me, I nodded as she held her hand out to me. I glanced down at it before smiling and intertwining our fingers together. 

"Now, let's go find you a boy!" Sadie shouted excitedly, I sighed quietly as she pulled me towards the dance floor. We were suddenly in a sea of dancing humans who were enjoying their night, I held tightly onto Sadie's hand while passing people who were spilling alcohol on each other and singing at the top of their lungs. We finally found a small space where we could join in with the craziness, Sadie took one of the plastic cups that I had in my other hand and instantly downed the vodka mixed with Coca Cola. 

"I thought you didn't drink?!" I shouted over the music to her, she threw the cup on the floor and shrugged her shoulders. I downed my drink also and did the same, we began to jump around and laugh together. We barely noticed how busy the place was and how many people were bumping into us because we were so focused on the music and each other, at one point I realised that Sadie had completely forgotten about her idea to find me a boy. 

We jumped around for half an hour and were having the greatest time singing along to the loud music and dancing like idiots until I realised Sadie's wide smile had disappeared. She randomly turned around to somebody and shoved him away like he had done something, I moved closer to her and pulled her away from him.

"What's wrong?" I shouted into her ear, her facial expressions were now upset and fearful. 

"He touched me" Sadie said while glaring into my eyes until I realised what she meant, a random drunk guy decided to touch her inappropriately. I looked across at him, he was still watching Sadie and looking her up and down as if he had no idea that she was upset by his actions. Suddenly he approached her again and tried to pull her away from me, she began to scream and yell at him.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" I shouted in his face, I pulled Sadie close to my chest and held her tightly, I could feel her body shaking. 

"What're you gonna do? We're all here to have fun with each other!" He shouted in my face while rocking from side to side, I glared at him in disgust before having an idea.

"Well you better fuck off, she's my girlfriend and you can't have her" I told him confidently, Sadie removed herself from my chest and looked up at me in confusion. The guys drunken smile disappeared and he looked at us both weirdly. 

"Prove it!" He shouted while cheering loudly, I sighed deeply.

"FINE!" I shouted before pulling Sadie close to me and passionately kissing her, at first I was nervous because I have kissed her so many times before and she has rejected me. I didn't know if it was because we had to pretend in front of the drunk pervert or if she really meant it, but she held tightly onto the loose bits of my clothes and pulled me closer.. As if I couldn't be close enough. I opened my eyes for a second to see that the guy had walked off yet we continued to kiss passionately. Suddenly a stranger bumped into Sadie and she fell over which separated us, I thought the kiss would've lasted forever with no interruptions. 

"A-Are you okay?!" I asked Sadie while pulling her up from the floor, she looked dazed and confused. She stood up properly and looked at me for a moment before nodding at my question. 

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