Chapter Forty Two // Powerful And Unstoppable

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- Alex's POV - 

It was 5:30am and the sun was slowly rising in the sky as me and Maggie walked home, I had my arm around her as she was falling asleep on my shoulder yet her legs were still walking. People passed us in the streets because being out and about at this time was normal in our neighbourhood, so was seeing a police car on every street corner. I could hear loud music playing as we slowly approached the street that me and Maggie both live on, I silently prayed that the noise wasn't coming from my house as I desperately needed sleep. 

"What is going on over there?" Maggie asked me while raising her head and pointing to my house, I glanced across before sighing deeply. The driveway was crowded with cars, the front garden was filled with teenagers and the house looked like it was impossible to get into. 

"Don't worry about it, you need to go to bed" I told her as I practically carried her into her garden and up to the front door. The door was already open (as always) and the house was pitch black inside, I let go of Maggie and she entered her abandoned house slowly.

"Where's your mum?" I asked her while looking through the hallway, Maggie shrugged her shoulders and yawned loudly. 

"Probably still working, or getting drugs.. Or both" She replied like it wasn't a big deal, I sighed to myself and Maggie looked up at me. 

"Thank you for the amazing night, I had a really good time" Maggie said with a smile on her face, I grinned back at her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. We'll have to go out more then" I said while laughing, Maggie nodded quickly before grabbing onto the walls of her hallway to steady herself. For the first time ever I let her have a drink and it went straight to her head as she has never had alcohol in her life. We said our goodbyes before Maggie slammed her front door in my face even though it never closed properly, I listened to her whistle as she headed to her bedroom and then I made my way to my house. 

As I walked through my garden, random drunk people greeted me and thanked me for the party that was taking place. I glared at them all evilly as I approached the front door and squeezed through the groups of people who were blocking the entrance. The house was more trashed than usual. Paintings on the wall were covered with black spray paint, there was glass covering the floors, my dads clothes were on fire and hanging from the ceiling, people were screaming and continuing to break and damage ornaments that were sitting in the living room. I glanced around in horror at what was going on until I spotted my brother Mike dancing on top of the kitchen table with a cigarette in his mouth, I pushed through the crowds and made my way to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MIKE?" I screamed angrily while looking up at him, his face lit up once he realised I'd come home. He jumped off the table and handed me a beer.

"THIS IS BOUND TO GET DADS ATTENTION RIGHT? HE CAN'T IGNORE ME ANYMORE" Mike yelled into my ear, I stared at him in confusion before he rushed into the living room and made himself comfortable surrounded by drunk girls. I looked around for my other brothers and came to the conclusion that nobody else was involved in this disaster but Mike. Suddenly I could feel my heart in my mouth, my eyes locked on the stairs and I hurried towards them so I could get upstairs. 

"Move!" I shouted at the people who were purposely blocking the way because they thought it was funny, I aggressively threw them out of the way and ran up the stairs. There were people having sex at the top of the stairs for everybody to see, I jumped over them and rushed to my little brothers room. I could instantly hear his cries as I got closer, I opened the door to find some people passed out on his bedroom floor and him trapped in his cot. 

I hurried over to him and pulled him out of the cot, he was shivering and crying with all of his might. I had a huge urge to kill my brother Mike for deciding to have a house party on the night he is suppose to be babysitting, anything could've happened to Eddie. 

"I'm so sorry" I whispered to my little brother as I tried my best to sooth him, I rocked him from side to side while shutting my eyes tightly. I felt somebody tap my side a minute later and I prepared myself to yell at a drunken teenager, but when I turned around it was my other little brother Toby. He had two bottles of beer in each hand and his eyes were blood shot red.

"What the fuck have you been taking?! You're only fifteen!" I yelled at him, he began to laugh before shrugging his shoulders.

"I've taken everything available at this party. It's incredible!" Toby told me, I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. My family is a fucking disaster. Suddenly a door slammed loudly from downstairs and the whole house shook, me and Toby glanced at each other and we knew exactly who had arrived at the party.

"MIKE?! WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HOUSE?" Dad's voice echoed around the house, it was louder than the awful dubstep that was blasting at full volume in every room. Everybody began to scream and rush out of the house, me and Toby watched them leave from Eddie's bedroom. His footsteps began to thump up the wooden stairs and that's when an idea appeared in my head. I set Eddie back in his cot as he was now calmer than before, I grabbed the beer bottles from Toby's hands and threw them out of the window before dad was in our company.

"Did you have something to do with this?!" He asked me as he stormed into Eddie's bedroom, I shook my head quickly and watched Toby sway from side to side in the corner of my eye. Dad grabbed the people passed out on the floor, he screamed in their ears and told them to leave before he would literally murder them. Eddie began to cry once again because of dads terrifying loud voice, I rolled my eyes and approached his cot.

"Leave the baby alone" Dad ordered while pointing to me, I stared at him in confusion.

"He's crying?" 

"I don't care. I need to speak to you" He said before glaring at Toby. Toby hurried out of the room and closed to door behind him, I sighed quietly and tried my best not to freak out. 

"There's a gang looking for me, do you know that? They want to kill me because apparently I didn't give them what they paid for. Would you have anything to do with that Alex?" Dad asked while slowly approaching me with his hands in tight fists, I shook my head quickly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I answered, clearly lying to my own dad who was very hostile. 

"Good! Looks like I'm murdering one of your brothers then" Dad said before smiling widely and patting me on the shoulder, I widened my eyes at him before he turned away from me and walked towards the door. 

"I don't want to be a part of your business anymore!" I blurted out, I covered my mouth as he turned around and glared at me in anger. Dad rushed towards me and slapped me across the face, I backed away quickly and hid my face from him. This is my chance to get out of his grip, I can't back down now. After a moment of composing myself and trying my best to avoid the ringing in my ear, I stood up straight and stared at him. 

"I never wanted to be a drug dealer, I know that I can do better" I told him confidentially, he began to laugh loudly. He laughed so loud that it scared Eddie and he cried even more than he already was, I frowned to myself as I glanced across at my little brother. He was going to grow up in a broken family that relies on an illegal business to get by, he is never going to get his best chance at life living here. 

"You are nothing without me, you're a useless stoner and you always will be. You will never get anywhere in life" Dad said in a lower tone, he looked me up and down in disgust before spitting in my direction. 

"I can become whatever I want to become, you don't know shit. You are the useless one here!" I shouted, this time my voice echoed around the house just like his did. But mine was powerful and unstoppable yet his was angry and filled with guilt. 

He had nothing left to say, he stared at me angrily but no words came from his mouth. I smiled before leaving the room and walking down the stairs, I glanced at the mess the house was in but this time I didn't care one bit. Mike watched me from the kitchen, he smiled and raised his beer to me and I shook my head. 

"I HOPE THAT GANG FINDS YOU AND FUCKS YOU UP!" Dad shouted down the stairs, I began to laugh as I walked towards the front door of the house that was now lying in the front garden.

"Thanks dad, me too!" I shouted as I stepped outside, I looked around at the empty street before taking a deep breath in and beginning to walk. 

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