Chapter Twenty Two // Party Invites

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- Sadie's POV - 

I woke up bright and early the next morning, I was planning to have a healthy breakfast and dress up nice for college. I took my time with the simple makeup I usually do before brushing my wavy hair. I decided to wear a black pinafore with a striped shirt underneath and my black converse that I don't wear enough. I headed downstairs and entered the kitchen with a smile on my face, mum looked me up and down before whistling. Noah sat at the dining table while laughing at mums actions, I shook my head at them both before getting some cereal from the cupboard.

"Why are you so dressed up today?" Mum asked before nudging me and winking, I glared at her and laughed. 

"I thought I'd look decent for once, that's all" I muttered before heading towards the table and sitting opposite to Noah. He glanced across the table at me with a smirk on his face while swirling his spoon around the cereal bowl in front of him. 

"Do you need a lift to college?" Noah asked me, I stared at him in shock just like I did last night when he backed me up. Why is he suddenly being nice to me? Does he feel bad for all the times he has ignored me in the past? 

"Sure? I'll have to call Alex and tell him to get the train alone" I said before pulling out my phone and messaging Alex, Noah nodded and continued to eat his breakfast. Noah received a car for his eighteenth birthday from our parents, they said he deserved it because of how well he did at school. I doubt I'll be getting a car on my birthday.. 

"I'm at college already! Me and Parker spent the night in town picking up birds and drinking, it was such a laugh. See u soon" 

I sighed deeply at Alex's reply because I knew my day would consist of holding back Alex's greasy hair as he vomits and carrying both of them to each class. Noah finished his breakfast before throwing his bowl into the sink which was filled with bubbles.

"Let's go!" Noah shouted to me, he grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter. Mum approached him and kissed his cheek, she wished him a productive day before returning to the dirty dishes she needed to put away. I grabbed my bag and hurried after Noah who had already exited the house, he pressed a button on his keys and the car lights flashed twice. I opened the passenger door and jumped in, it was surprisingly clean inside but smelt of something very familiar..

"It smells like weed in here" I muttered while screwing my face up, Noah glared at me with his eyebrows raised.

"And how would you know what weed smells like?" He asked in a higher tone.

"I'm friends with a stoner that's why" I answered while laughing, Noah shook his head before driving out of the small parking space which was made especially for his car. He turned on the radio and tapped his hand to the beat on the wheel. 

"Why are you suddenly taking an interest in me Noah?" I asked my brother, I was intrigued as to why he didn't want me to suffer in a new college. Noah glanced across the car at me with a smile on his face before focusing on the road again. 

"I remember how bad your anxiety was at school when you were fifteen, you'd make up hundreds of excuses to mum so that you didn't need to attend. You hurt yourself once and you didn't realise that I saw the scars on your wrist, it really scared me to think that you were miserable enough to hurt yourself.." Noah began to explain, my intrigued smile became a worried frown and my body began to shake in fear. All this time I thought my brother didn't care about me, that he would never notice if I was gone. But in reality he knew everything that was going on with me and he didn't rat me out to mum and dad. 

"You have been going out much more since you started college, you have friends you actually like and you seem.. happier. I don't want a silly fight to send you back to square one" Noah said, he glanced at me once again and I smiled widely at him. I couldn't even say anything as I was so shocked, all I could do was bite my lip to avoid crying and making the conversation weird. 

We arrived at college after ten minutes of silence, I thanked Noah for giving me a ride and then we went our separate ways. I stopped walking and glanced back at my brother, I watched him greeting his friends with silly handshakes before they entered the building across the car park from me. When I opened the front doors of college I spotted Wyatt walking down the corridor alone, I ran after him before jumping on his back. 

"SADIE! YOU SCARED ME!" Wyatt shouted in fear, I laughed loudly before hugging him tightly. The corridors seemed to be much more quieter than usual, me and Wyatt stared at each other in confusion before glancing around at how empty it was. 

"Where is everybody?" I whispered to Wyatt, he shrugged his shoulders and then we decided to head to the lounge because it was our meeting place every morning. As we approached the lounge we began to hear lots of voices talking over one and other, Wyatt opened the lounge door and to our surprise almost the whole college was crowded into the lounge. It is usually empty in the mornings so this was a shock, Wyatt grabbed my hand and we pushed through the crowds before spotting two drunk idiots leaning on each other in the corner of the room. 

"GUYS!" Parker shouted happily when he noticed us, I rolled my eyes at the state he was in. Parker hugged Wyatt tightly and Wyatt tried his best to get free from his grip, I glanced at Alex and I groaned in anger once I realised he was smoking. I approached him and snatched it from his hand before throwing it on the floor, Alex pouted at me and I shook my head.

"You need to lay off.. Well everything!" I shouted in his ear because the lounge was so crowded, suddenly the room was hushed as a girl and her posse entered the room. It was the blonde bitches from the beauty side of college, they made their way through the crowds before one of them stood on a chair. 

"It's my eighteenth tonight and I have many invitations to hand out!" She shouted, a group of boys began to cheer at the other side of the room and I laughed to myself. 

"Are we going to stay here and listen to this? We clearly aren't invited" Wyatt told us, I nodded in agreement before spotting Alice in the crowds. She was looking directly at me with a smile on her face, I smiled back and we continued to stare at each other. She was in a blue belly top with leggings and a denim jacket covering her shoulders. 

The blonde bitch repeatedly called out names of people who were invited to her party, most of them were nineteen year old boys who she clearly had her eye on. 

"Alice Williams!" The girl shouted, the boys began to cheer loudly once again as Alice walked through the crowds to claim her party invitation. I gasped and glanced at my friends.

"Alice has been at this school for less than a week and she's already invited to the most popular party in college?!" I ranted to them, Wyatt stared at me weirdly before laughing at how annoyed I was.

"You're not jealous are you? I thought you hated parties?" He commented while raising one eyebrow, I glared at him before focusing on the blonde bitch once again. 

"Alex Hall!" She shouted before looking into the corner where we were standing, my jaw dropped and I stared at Alex who was practically passed out in the corner. Parker slapped him across the face and he woke up. Alex's eyes widened once he realised that the whole room was glaring at him, then he finally knew why. Me, Parker and Wyatt watched Alex stumble across the room while trying to look as cool as possible, he took the invite from the blonde bitches hand before strutting back to us. 

When he had returned I snatched the invite from his hand and began to read what it said..

'YOU are invited to Britney Lavender's 18th birthday party! 
Where?: The Shadows Nightclub 
When?: 10:00pm , Tonight!
Bring as many friends as you like, remember to dress up nice!'

I cheered happily while reading it, Parker peeked over my shoulder and began to read it too before celebrating with me.

"Alex, we are coming to the party with you!" Parker shouted before giving Wyatt a high five, Wyatt stared at us all in confusion. 

"That's cool with me" Alex muttered as his eyes shut tightly once again. 

"What has gotten into you Sadie? Why do you want to go to the party so badly?" Wyatt whispered to me as I glanced across the busy room at Alice once again, she noticed me staring and we shared a smile.

"No reason" I replied with a grin. 

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