Chapter Thirty Four // Maggie

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- Alex's POV - 

I put my skateboard under my arm and sprinted as fast as I could to Sadie's house, she only lived around the corner from the people who were holding Maggie hostage and I desperately needed the help of a friend. When I arrived in her quiet street, I dropped my skateboard and rushed to her front door. 

I was aggressively crying at how terrified I was, I wanted to scream and somehow teach myself a lesson for putting Maggie in so much danger. My chest was tight and I could barely breathe, the anxiety taking over my body had multiplied by one thousand because of the drugs I had foolishly taken. 

I climbed the steps before Sadie's front door and raised my fist to knock, but before my knuckles met the wooden door I peeked through the windows at each side of the front door. I saw Sadie and Alice hand in hand walking down the stairs together, they were singing loudly and laughing at each other. Alice let go of Sadie's hand and began to dance around like she was in a musical, she leaned on the banister and posed. Sadie watched her while clapping her hands and cheering, I smiled to myself before slowly backing away from the front door. I wiped the tears from my face and left before they spotted me watching. 

I walked along Sadie's street with my head lowered and my shaky hands buried in my pockets, I glanced up and saw a woman holding my skateboard while glaring at me angrily. I stared at her weirdly before approaching and pointing to the skateboard in her hand.

"That's mine" I told her, she raised her eyebrows at me and nodded.

"Of course it's yours, nobody around here owns one of these" She said while staring at the skateboard in disgust, she handed it over to me and continued on her walk. I watched her disappear down the street and then I started my journey to Parker and Wyatt's street. Sadie looked like she was having a good time with Alice and I didn't want to ruin it with my awful news, most of the time she is on the verge of a panic attack and she would've been if I interrupted their morning. 

I took my time while walking even though I needed advice and help as soon as possible. My brain was buzzing with scary thoughts but my body felt weak and tired, I desperately wanted to fall to the ground and sleep for a few hours without interruption. I crossed a quiet road which brought me to the street where Wyatt and Parker lived, who should I go to first? 

I glanced at both of their houses and chose Wyatt first, he is my closest friend from the group after all. I knocked on the door and sighed deeply as I heard footsteps rushing towards me, the door opened slowly and there was silence.

"H-Hello?" I whispered to whoever had opened it, Wyatt's mum appeared with a nervous smile on her face.

"Oh! Alex it's just you! I'm sorry, I get scared of guests sometimes" She said while giggling, I nodded and entered the house. All of the blinds were shut and the house was in darkness, I watched Wyatt's mother hurry into the living room and close the door behind her. I looked around in confusion before I heard a door slam upstairs. 

"Alex?" Wyatt's voice appeared from the top of the stairs, I glanced up and waved at him. He stared at me for a moment before rushing down the stairs and approaching me. It was as if he was studying my expressions and the fact that my body was shaking violently.

"What the fuck did you take? You're not acting like yourself" He asked me before laughing, I shook my head before glancing to the living room door that was shut. I didn't want Wyatt's mum to hear anything that I was about to tell him. 

"It doesn't matter what I'm on... I-I'm in trouble" I whispered to him while staring into his eyes, he raised an eyebrow before guiding me to his kitchen. We sat down at the table and I sighed deeply once again.

"Dad made me deliver some cocaine to a house and-"

"Hold up. You actually did that? All this time you told me you didn't want to be like him and now you're doing what he says? What the fuck Alex?!" Wyatt began to yell at me in anger, I covered my face with my hands as he shouted.

"That's not the point! Maggie is being held hostage because I took the fucking drugs! They're going to hurt her!" I shouted over his insults, Wyatt's angry expression disappeared and he stared at me in horror.

"Where is she?" Wyatt asked quietly, his voice was shook as he spoke. I pulled the address out of my pocket and threw it across the table for him to read, his eyes widened once he did.

"I know this guy, he goes to college with us.." Wyatt muttered before looking up at me in fear, I groaned in anger because of how fucked up the situation had become. Wyatt jumped up from where he was sitting and rushed to the hallway, I got up and followed him in confusion. He sat on the stairs while putting on his shoes and quickly tying the laces. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him weirdly.

"We're going over there" He said in a strict tone, he grabbed his coat and quickly put it on. He made his way to the front door and I grabbed him while shaking my head.

"You can't do that, they asked for the cocaine back and I don't have it. They'll kill us if we return empty handed" I explained to him with a frown on my face, Wyatt rolled his eyes and began to tap his foot as he thought up a plan. 

"Go and get Parker, I'll meet you guys outside in ten minutes. Got it?" Wyatt said, I nodded and rushed out of the house. I sprinted down the street to Parker's house and banged my hand on the door as loud as I possibly could, my heart was racing and the adrenaline was kicking in now that Wyatt had a plan to get Maggie to safety. 

"Who the hell are you?" A lady answered the door with a disturbed expression on her face, I guessed that it was Parker's mother. 

"Is Parker home? I'm a friend from college" I said with a fake smile, she shook her head from side to side.

"He likes to sit in the park down the street when he needs space, you should go there" She told me while pointing to where the park was located. I thanked her before sprinting once again, this time I had no idea where I was going. I passed many houses noticing the strangers glaring out their windows at me, people seem to hate me in this neighbourhood. At the very end of the street sat a play park that children would usually hang out in, but instead there sat Parker with a bottle of vodka in his right hand. I walked slowly while approaching him because I was out of breath, until all of a sudden somebody appeared from the bottom of the enclosed metal slide that sat in the middle of the park.

"MAGGIE?!" I shouted in shock, Parker glanced back at me and waved and Maggie rushed towards me. I stared at her with my mouth wide open as she jumped on me and gave me a hug, I held her tightly and refused to let go. I was certain I would never see her again.

"How the fuck are you away from those guys?! And why are you here with Parker?!" I asked her as she hugged me, she laughed loudly before letting go of me.

"Stupid fuckers forgot to lock the backdoor. Also, cocaine anyone?!" Maggie shouted as she pulled out every single small bag that we delivered to them.

"Me!" Parker shouted while raising his arm in the air, he approached us and Maggie handed him one. I continued to stare at her in shock as she giggled at Parker and took the bottle of vodka from his hand, I snatched it from her and she glared at me.

"Just one sip!"

"No!" I shouted, Parker shook his head in shame at me before stumbling back over to the bench he was sitting on before. I pulled Maggie in for a hug once again, a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders (for now).

"I'm going to be in so much trouble with my dad. But that doesn't matter right now, I'm so glad you're safe" I told her while glancing over her shoulder and watching Parker. I had a sinking feeling in my chest as I watched him rock from side to side with his eyes closed on the bench, he was completely wasted and it was only 12:00pm. He wasn't himself anymore and I knew he was heartbroken over Mia. But for some reason I felt like there was something more that was bothering him.. 

"Today I learnt that stoners are awful at holding people hostage" Maggie told me as I let go of her again, she continued to grin at me and I was surprised that she wasn't shaking in fear over the events of today. She is so much stronger than I imagined her to be. 

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