Chapter Thirty Eight // Unofficial Gathering

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- Sadie's POV - 

Me and Wyatt carefully set Mia down on the sofa in my living room, Alice followed behind us while sighing to herself. My house was still empty which was a relief, it avoided me being questioned as to why Mia was in such a state. Wyatt threw himself down on the opposite sofa to Mia, I watched him for a moment before pulling my phone out from my pocket and messaging Parker.

"This is going to sound crazy.. but Mia is at my house and in a very bad state. You need to get over here asap, she wants to see you. x" 

Mia cried quietly as me, Wyatt and Alice awkwardly stood in her presence. I glanced at Alice and she smiled at me before backing out of the living room slowly.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Alice announced to the group, I followed after her until she had arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm sorry if you're not comfortable with all of my friends being here, I couldn't just leave Mia crying on the street" I whispered to Alice, she stared at me and laughed.

"It's fine Sadie, don't worry" She replied before heading upstairs, I went back into the living room to see Wyatt glaring across the room at Mia who was now crying into her hands.

"Mia? Would you like something to drink?" I asked her loudly over her cries, she looked up at me and I bit my lip at the state her face was in. Wyatt glanced at me quickly noticing that I was trying my best not to laugh at the mascara stains that had made Mia look like a panda. 

"I'll have some water, thank you" Mia said before smiling at me, I grinned and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and headed to the fridge for some ice cold water until Wyatt grabbed me from behind and made me jump.

"What are you doing idiot?!" I shouted angrily, he began to laugh loudly and clap his hands at how terrified I was of him. 

"I need to tell you about something.. Or should I say someone" He whispered before making himself comfortable on top of the kitchen table, I raised my eyebrows at him before pouring the water for Mia.

"Do continue.." 

"I met a girl at group therapy and she was beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off her" He began to explain, I grinned as he told me about her appearance and how enchanting she was. 

"She somehow knew instantly that I had hurt myself in the past, it was insane. I think she might be magic" Wyatt said while smiling widely, I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. 

"Well, it sounds like you finally have a crush! My baby is growing up!" I shouted before rushing towards him and squeezing his cheeks, he glared at me as if to tell me to stop but I continued while congratulating him.

Suddenly the front door slammed and I jumped once again. Wyatt laughed at me before heading out to the hallway, I followed behind him. There stood Parker, Alex and Maggie.. I sighed loudly because it now seemed like I was having a party of some sort with all of the people in my house.

"ALRIGHT LADS?" Alex shouted before approaching Wyatt and hugging him tightly, Maggie waved to me with a grin on her face and I did the same. 

"They're stoned" She commented while pointing to Parker and Alex, the smile on my face faded and I glared at Parker before walking over to him. He was looking around my hallway at the pictures on the wall, he was completely spaced out. 

"Parker? Are you kidding me? Didn't you read my text message? Mia wants to see you, this could be your moment to make everything better but instead you're high as a kite" I ranted to him angrily but at a lower volume so the boys couldn't hear, Maggie watched me closely. 

"I'm fucking sorry, I smoked before you messaged me. It's not my fault" He whispered before frowning at me, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm to pull him into the living room. 

"Parker is here, enjoy your conversation!" I shouted sarcastically before pushing him towards Mia, she looked up at him and instantly noticed how stoned he was. Her smile faded as he slowly sat down on the sofa beside her, I left the living room and closed the glass doors behind me so that they could have as much privacy as possible. 

"Looks like you saved Maggie from the drug addicts then?" Wyatt asked Alex as I approached them once again, I stared at them in shock. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I butted into the conversation. 

"Nothing" Alex snapped while glaring at Wyatt, Maggie lowered her head and I groaned loudly. I knew why they wouldn't tell me the full story because if they did I'd get angry and protective like I always do with them. They're like my brothers and of course I care for Maggie too, she is younger than us and Alex informed me once about the scary things she has been through. I walked away from them once again and decided to head up stairs because it had almost been half an hour since Alice went to the bathroom. 

"Alice?" I said once I made it to the top of the stairs, I walked to the door of the bathroom before knocking it. The door creaked open once my knuckle touched it, nobody was inside. I glanced around the hallway in confusion before heading to my bedroom, I tip toed into the room and instantly stopped myself once I found Alice. She was lying on my bed fast asleep with one of my jumpers covering her body, I smiled widely to myself and quietly walked across the room to the bed.

I grabbed a blanket that was hidden underneath my bed before opening it up and throwing it over her body, I carefully tucked it around her and smiled once again. She looked very peaceful and comfortable, I didn't want to disturb her but I couldn't help but watch her. I reached across and brushed the curls from her face before tucking them behind her ear. Suddenly she began to squirm and I was certain she was waking up, I jumped up and hurried out of the room. I stood at the door for a moment until she had settled down once again and then I headed back downstairs to my friends. 

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