Chapter Eighteen // Apologising

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- Sadie's POV - 

The old wooden door which had dried up paint falling off it slowly opened, there was a loud creaking sound as Alice emerged from the dark bungalow behind the door. She looked completely different than she usually looked, her curly hair was tied back in a tight pony tail and she was wearing the most comfortable clothes I had ever seen. We smiled at each other without saying a word before she moved aside to let me enter her house, I thanked her and walked forward. 

Alice turned on the light for the hall that we were standing in, the bulb hanging from the ceiling flickered aggressively before properly lighting up the hall. The walls were covered in family photos, most of them looked like they were taken in the sixties. Alice began to make her way through the house, she glanced back at me as if to say "Follow me!". The house was silent a part from the creaking of the floorboards under our feet, I slowly entered the main area of the bungalow. It was very crowded and vintage. 

The royal green sofa which sat in front of the fire looked like it had been ripped violently, the living room was over crowded with glass cabinets filled with vintage tea sets and also bookshelves that looked like they were being suffocated with dust. Alice watched me as I examined every part of her home, I felt confused and uneasy on the inside. I continuously compared her house to mine, the flat screen TV on my wall which was above an electric fire and her stone fire place without a TV at all. The ripped sofa and then my white leather sofa that also inclines backwards if I wanted to have a nap. 

"W-Who do you live here with?" I asked Alice nervously, it was the first thing I had properly said to her in the past ten minutes of anxiously glaring at everything surrounding me. 

"My grandmother. She is at the hospital until three" Alice explained with a smile, I nodded and made my way over to the sofa. I slowly sat down and scrunched my face up as I did so, the velvet feeling of the sofa is something I'm not familiar with.

"Would you rather sit in my bedroom? It's much more comfier in there" Alice offered, I nodded and she skipped down another hallway which brought us to the other side of the bungalow. There were hand rails attached to the walls which I guessed were for her grandmother and also a weird looking toilet in the bathroom we walked passed. 

We entered Alice's bedroom and I was even more shocked than I was from the decor of the bungalow. Her bedroom looked like the room of a ten year old girl, the walls were the brightest pink I had ever seen and her vanity stool was also pink and fluffy. She had a wall filled with a bunch of female celebrities and a king sized bed in the middle of the room. Alice ran towards the bed and dived face first, I grinned slightly and approached the bed to sit down on it. 

"So.. Are we going to talk now?" I asked Alice, still with a grin on my face. She nodded and shuffled up the bed so that she was resting her back on the headboard, I crossed my legs and turned to face her. 

"Firstly, why didn't you tell me you had panic attacks? I wouldn't have taken you to the nightclub if I knew" Alice asked me while biting her lip, I sighed and glanced down at my hands.

"I don't know.. Only close friends know I deal with anxiety, I didn't think I would need to tell you" I said while shrugging my shoulders. Alice squinted her eyes at me for a second before nodding and glancing away, she seemed nervous to come out and explain certain things to me. 

"If you haven't noticed already, I sleep around.. Quite a bit" Alice said loudly, I raised my eyebrows and laughed loudly at her beginning to apologise to me. 


"If I haven't noticed? You walk through the corridor and every male instantly has a boner, you have crowds of male fans swarming you every lunch time and you had sex with two of my best friends- one in which had a girlfriend and now they are over thanks to you.." I ranted while counting things out with my fingers, Alice sighed quietly and glanced at her bedroom floor. The house was in silence for a minute or two and Alice's eyes stayed firmly stuck on one part of the floor, I watched her in confusion before she sat up properly and glanced across the bed at me.

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