Chapter Ten // Cat Fight

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- Sadie's POV - 

It was lunch time which got me excited for the delicious chicken wraps the cafeteria at college do, the boys weren't up for eating (they preferred to smoke outside) so I left them to do that and I headed to the cafeteria on my own. I was expecting to see Alice surrounded by boys like she is every lunch time but when I entered the cafeteria she was sitting with only one boy, they were laughing and eating lunch together. I stopped and watched them in shock, has she finally met somebody she likes?! 

I bought my usual chicken wrap and headed to the empty table in the corner of the room where I usually sit with my friends, I glanced back at Alice and noticed her watching me sit down alone. I began to eat my sandwich in peace for once without the boys yapping on about which girls at college they want to fuck, it was nice to have 'me time'. Parker had showed up to class half an hour late and he looked more rough than the day before, the cheating was really getting to his head. I'm sort of glad that he is so upset over it, it shows that he really does care for Mia in a way. 

The cafeteria was suddenly crowded with people bunking the queue to get their lunch, I had to unfortunately share my table with two other girls who had their heads inside storybooks. I watched one of the girls, she was grinning at the book and gripping onto it tightly like something dramatic was going on. It made me smile that even though she was sitting right by me, she was also in another universe fighting dragons or finding true love. 

I looked over at Alice once again to see that more boys had approached her table and joined her, she looked unhappy in their company. The boy she was with before had disappeared and instead of giggling with him she was daydreaming out the window as five boys begged for her attention and time. She looked beautiful today, I could see her ocean blue eyes from all the way across the cafeteria. Her hair was perfectly curled (as always) and she was wearing a blue flowery dress with cream lace up shoes. She had no makeup on for once but did she need it? 

After I had finished my chicken wrap I quickly topped up my red lipstick before lifting the rubbish I had used and headed towards the bin. I squeezed through the small gaps between each crowded table while pulling my heavy bag behind me, I threw the rubbish in the bin before hearing the doors of the cafeteria bursting open. 

"WATCH OUT!" Somebody yelled from across the room, I turned around to see what the drama was before unexpectedly getting punched in the face by Mia. I fell to the ground and Mia jumped on top of me before repeatedly hitting me in the face and yelling. The crowded cafeteria began to scream and chant.

"Cat fight!"

"Fight fight fight!"

I had no chance at escaping or even trying to communicate with Mia because she was pinning me to the dirty floor and attacking me until blood was drawn.

"HOW DARE YOU SLEEP WITH MY BOYFRIEND! HE IS MINE!" Mia screamed as she slapped me across the face, she is blaming me for the cheating?! I tried to look for somebody who would help me get away from Mia but the people crowding around us where hyped because of the fight, nobody would protect me. I spotted Alice in the crowd, she had her hands covering her mouth and there were tears pouring from her eyes.

"MIA!" Parker's voice screamed from behind the crowd, my friends pushed through the crowds as Mia hit me harder and harder. Suddenly Alice emerged from the crowd, she threw Mia towards the wall and stood in front of me like a superhero. I rolled over onto my stomach and began to choke and spit the blood from my mouth, my nose and mouth were drenched in blood. 

"IT WAS ME! I SLEPT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND NOT SADIE!" Alice screamed over the chanting, the room went silent and everybody began to gasp. I stared at the people watching us, I glanced at Mia and saw her heartbroken expression and then I saw my friends pushing through the crowds to reach me. Alex and Parker held Mia back as she began to scream and swear at Alice, Wyatt helped me up and we hurried out of the cafeteria.

"Sadie come back!" Alice shouted from behind us, Wyatt had one arm around my waist to keep me standing up as I could feel my head spinning and my vision blurring. Wyatt glared at Alice angrily as she ran after us, she was frantically crying but I told Wyatt to continue walking because why would I want to speak to her? 

"Please!" She shouted once more, I stopped walking and looked back at her. Wyatt let go of me slowly and I walked towards Alice even though I was almost at the point of collapsing. 

"Fuck you! You watched her beat me even though it should've been you on the ground! You deserve to be hit not me!" I screamed angrily in her face, Alice was shocked at how aggressive and upset I could become. I began to choke on the blood in my mouth once again and Wyatt rushed over to me.

"We're going now. Leave her alone, okay?" Wyatt told Alice seriously, she stared at him as more tears fell down her cheeks. After that drama Wyatt took me to the office at the front of the college, the lady sitting at the desk almost had a heart attack once she saw the state of my face. She called my parents and the nurse to clean me up, Wyatt sat close to me with his arm around my shoulder. 

"Do you want to head to class?" The receptionist asked Wyatt as the bell began to ring for class to begin again, Wyatt shook his head quickly.

"I'm staying with Sadie until her parents get here" He told her, I glanced up at him and tried my best to smile. Everything around me seemed to be fading or getting slower, the sound of the clock was somehow lower in tone and so was the voices around me. Wyatt continued to comfort me and hold me close, I held tightly onto his shirt because I felt like I was about to pass out. 

"Sadie? We need you to tell us who did this to you" The nurse asked once she had arrived, she set her case on the table and opened it quickly. She brought out a cloth before spraying something on it and approaching me to dab it on my face, it stung at first but I didn't mind because my head was on another planet. 

I refused to tell them that Mia beat me up because it was an accident and I get why she was so mad. If my boyfriend cheated on me then I would probably go on a killing spree too, I feel bad for Mia.. I'm not angry at her. The office door knocked and Parker entered, I could see his body shaking in fear even though I was so dizzy. Parker sat down at the other side of the room and watched me with a frown on his face.

"Do you have any information on who did this to Sadie?" The receptionist asked Parker, he stared at her wide eyed before shaking his head quickly. Do you really think he would turn in his girlfriend? (Or possibly ex). After ten minutes or so my parents arrived at college, my face was cleaned up but the bruises on my forehead and chin were very visible. I glanced up at my mum and dad, they both had disappointment painted on their faces. 

"Mr and Mrs Sailor, Sadie did nothing wrong she was attacked" Wyatt tried to explain to them but my dad cut him off, my mum grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the office. I looked back at Parker and Wyatt who were watching me leave with frowns on their faces, I am screwed.  

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