Chapter Eleven // Gary's Fish And Chip Shop

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- Sadie's POV -

I lay still in a bath filled with bubbles, my face was still aching from the fight with Mia at college but I was no longer spinning or dizzy. I had some relaxing music playing on my phone and I was seconds away from falling asleep until the bathroom door knocked loudly.

"I'm in the bath!" I shouted to whoever it was.

"Can I come in? I need to have a chat with you" My mums voice came from the other side of the door, I rolled my eyes and let her enter. She smiled at me before heading to the toilet, putting the toilet seat down and sitting on it.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked her as she tried to make herself comfortable, all she could see was my head surrounded by a sea of bubbles.

"About the fight you were involved in today.."

I groaned loudly and splashed her with water, she stared at me in shock and I rolled my eyes. My parents never listen to a word I say when I'm clearly telling the truth here, do they really think I would fight with Mia in the middle of a busy cafeteria?

"Are you deaf? I've told you three times that the girl jumped on me for no reason and beat me, I didn't touch her at all" I explained with a blank expression on my face, mum nodded as I spoke.

"I want you to be honest with me, you know we won't be angry at you but-"

"I AM BEING HONEST RIGHT NOW! And no that is lies, I may have been barely conscious but I saw the look of disappointment on your face. I was beaten up by a random girl yet you and dad still hate me" I ranted before slowly slipping lower into the water, my mum looked horrified at me. I glared at her a minute later and she sighed loudly before storming out of the bathroom, I listened to her footsteps storming down the stairs.

"Nice one" My brother said outside the bathroom, I rolled my eyes and submerged myself under the water that was now cold because I had been sitting in it for so long. I stayed as still as I could be with my hands pressed against the walls of the bath, I could hear and see nothing which caused me to smile. The feeling of being underwater is something I cannot top in life, it's one of my favourite things. I waited until my lungs were bursting for air before letting myself float to the surface and get covered in bubbles. I was unaware of my phone being spammed with messages until I had got my breath back, I reached across the small table I had dragged into the bathroom to set my phone and some snacks on.

I unlocked my phone to see many messages from my friends asking how I was doing but also that I had received a friend request on Facebook from Alice, Alice Williams. Her profile picture was her in a long white glittery dress and a huge smile I had never seen before. I began to creep on her Facebook page, she barely posts any statuses or pictures anymore but she used to years ago. I looked through the pictures on her page and found one of her from last year, she was in the arms of a boy and they looked really happy together. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I had a message from Alice.. My heart thumped as I opened the message and began to read.

"Hi Sadie, I'm really sorry for what happened at college today. I want to meet you tonight so we can talk and I want to apologise in person for everything.."

I glanced up from my phone and sighed quietly, do I trust her enough to go and see her? I was slightly curious as to what she was going to say. It was only 6:00pm and I hadn't had dinner yet so it seemed like the perfect time to meet up.

"Hello :-) Sure I can meet up, how about in an hour at Gary's Fish And Chip Shop? Do you know where that is?" I sent to her, I jumped out of the bath and started to get ready for my awkward evening with Alice. I can only see this night going terribly, she'll show off and be big headed which will make me argue with her.

I quickly blow dried my hair which created a fluffy pixie cut, I put on dark red lipstick and found a comfortable hoodie that matched well with my mom jeans. I cleaned up the bathroom and rummaged through the wardrobe in my bedroom for some shoes, I heard my mum walking into my bedroom. I looked back at her and she was staring at me in confusion.

"I'm going out" I told her while continuing to search before finding some black lace ups. I cheered while putting them on my feet quickly and then heading down the stairs, my mum followed after me.

"Yes! I'll see you there very soon" Alice replied half an hour later, I smiled at my phone while heading towards the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dad asked from the kitchen, him and mum shared a few glances at each other and I laughed to myself.

"I'm going to see a.. friend" I told him calmly, my hand was on the doorknob and I was tempted to pull the door open and make a run for it. Noah watched from the top of the stairs, he had an evil smirk on his face. I stared at him weirdly for a moment before my dad continued on with the conversation.

"We have been talking and we think you should move to another college. Fighting is unacceptable" Dad explained without making eye contact with me the whole time, my jaw dropped and I glanced at my mum and then back at my dad who was paying no attention to my reactions.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked angrily, my mum gasped loudly at my language and I finally got my dads attention. Noah covered his mouth and began to laugh at the top of his lungs, my dad approached me with both of his hands in fists.

"You have changed since you started that college, those friends of yours are why you are different. I bet their parents let them swear and drink and fight but we don't let you do that, those are not the rules in this house" My dad continued to ramble on, pretending to be the best parent of the year when in reality I wasn't listening and in five years Noah would be a drug addict. They're telling off the wrong sibling but of course they would never raise their voice at Noah because he is so great at college and everything else he does. Noah goes to the same college as me but he does engineering, he is the top of his class.

"I'm not leaving college, that's final" I said before smiling and leaving the house, I rushed down the hill and out of my garden. I hate my parents and I hate my brother, I HATE my family. They never listen, they treat me like a child and they see me as a disappointment. I hurried down the street to get as far away from my house as possible, people passed me in the street and stared in horror. At first it made me anxious and confused but then I remembered the bruises and cuts on my face.

I made my way into the town which wasn't far from my house, it was lit up with fairy lights in the trees and twinkling lights outside each shop. I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture before realising that I had took a picture of the fish and chip shop that I was meeting Alice in. I stared at the shop and spotted Alice sitting at the table which was visible from outside, I smiled to myself and then checked the picture I took. Alice was in the picture, she was sitting with her head leaning on both of her hands and her legs crossed. She was wearing a long white shirt and leggings, her curled hair was tied up and she had a grin on her face. I glanced up from my phone once again to see that Alice had noticed me, she waved to get my attention and I waved back before walking to the entrance of the fish and chip shop.

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