Chapter Fourteen // Burden

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- Sadie's POV -

Me and Wyatt made our way through the busy streets, he kept his arm around my shoulder to hold me up as I cried loudly. He glared at the people who stared at me weirdly until we had escaped the town and were slowly approaching Wyatt's neighbourhood. Him and Parker live in the same street and also the same neighbourhood as me.

"Why were you at a club with Alice?" Wyatt asked me, I sighed loudly while wiping the tears from my face.

"She wanted to apologise for today but then she dragged me to the nightclub and I couldn't say no" I explained as we stopped at a busy road, I rested my head on Wyatt's shoulder until we could cross the road. 

"I can't go home. My parents are going to make me quit college because of the fight, I don't want to" I told Wyatt while starting to cry again, Wyatt hugged me tightly and rubbed my back slowly with his hand.

"You're not going anywhere, we all need you" Wyatt said with a smile on his face, I nodded and smiled back at him. We made our way through the quiet street that Wyatt's house was located on, I kept my eyes on the ground but glanced up once I had thought we'd arrived at his house. Wyatt continued to walk on, passing his own house. I stopped him and pointed to where he lives.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he walked on even after I had pointed it out, he approached Parker's house and knocked on the front door. I stood at the entrance to the garden while repeatedly wiping my eyes and trying my best to look decent. Parker finally answered the door, he looked upset and irritated. He glanced across the garden at me before looking back at Wyatt.

"My mum is having an episode.. I can't bring Sadie to my house.." I heard Wyatt whisper to Parker, he began to explain why I was in a state and that I was in the company of Alice. After a while of mumbling Wyatt turned to me with a grin on his face.

"You're going to stay at Parker's tonight, is that alright?" Wyatt asked as he took my hand and lead me up the steps to the front door. I nodded and smiled at Parker. Wyatt sprinted down the street and returned back to his house, I sighed loudly and bit my lip to avoid more tears. I felt bad now that I knew Wyatt was already having trouble this evening, I had to make it worse. 

When I first met Wyatt he told me his mother has bipolar disorder and most of the time he has to care for her. At first I didn't think much of it because I didn't understand what that meant or how serious it could be, but now I can tell how exhausted he gets.

Parker lead me into his living room and turned on the TV, I sat down and he smiled sympathetically at me. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep but if I did then I wouldn't be returning to college. Parker was unable to sit still, he constantly tapped his foot and glanced around the room. 

"Mia is upstairs, we were arguing before you and Wyatt got here. I should probably return to her.." Parker whispered to me before sprinting up the stairs, I covered my face with my hands and tried my best not to scream in anger. I was interrupting everything this evening, sometimes I forget that other people have problems too and everything isn't about me. I sat in silence before hearing the screaming and shouting of Mia's angry voice.

Suddenly her voice began to get closer and closer, then I realised she was stomping down the stairs. I dived off the sofa and hid behind it to avoid her thinking that me and Parker really did have a relationship behind her back. Parker followed after her as she shouted all over the house, he glanced into the living room as she screamed in his face to make sure I wasn't visible to her. 

"How could you sleep with somebody else?! I thought we were special!" Mia shouted, her voice was breaking and her heart clearly was too. I pulled my knees to my chest while listening to her pour her heart out to him about how in love she was before Parker ruined it. 

"I'm so sorry, you know that. I love you" Parker told her quietly, Mia broke down and cried loudly. Parker continued to apologise but his words were drowning in Mia's screams of sorrow. 

"Do you want to know the worst part about this?" Mia asked him while sniffing and gasping for air, I peeked around the corner of the sofa and watched them. Parker stared at her weirdly before nodding, she closed her eyes and frowned deeply.

"I'm pregnant" Mia confessed, I gasped before covering my mouth to avoid them hearing me. Parker's jaw dropped and his eyes almost fell out of his head as he stared at her, Mia began to cry again. 

"A-And you're sure it's mine?" Parker responded, Mia rolled her eyes and hit him angrily on the arm.

"You were my first?! I've never had sex with anybody else but you!" She shouted before turning her back on him and heading towards the door, I continued to watch the drama with tears in my eyes.

"Where are you going? We have to talk about this!" Parker shouted while attempting to grab onto her arm, she pulled away from him and flashed a heartbroken expression. 

"This is over. I'm going to apologise to Sadie now" Mia said calmly before leaving Parker's house, he stood still while staring at the front door in horror. Once Mia had completely disappeared I got up from the living room floor and ran to him. 

"I'm so sorry Parker" I whispered before pulling him close and hugging him, he hugged me back and began to cry on my shoulder. 

Everything was perfect before Alice showed up. My friendship group was unbreakable, we were all happy, Mia and Parker were relationship goals and I wasn't questioning my sexuality.. Wait, am I? 

"We were so happy, I can't believe I did this to her. And now there's a baby involved too?!" Parker sobbed loudly into my baggy hoodie, I frowned and continued to comfort him with hugs. After our embrace in the hallway we headed into the living room, I decided to pick out some movies that we could watch to lighten the awful mood. Parker grabbed some blankets and we huddled close with a bowl of popcorn. 

"Where are your parents?" I asked him as the movie started.

"Visiting family across town, I invited Mia over tonight to make it up to her but obviously that didn't happen" Parker explained while stuffing his face.

"Do they know that you and Mia are over?"

"My parents see Mia as another daughter, this is going to crush them.." Parker sighed deeply and rested his head on the sofa. I put all of my attention on the movie and tried to block out every thought in my head.. except for one. 

Am I really gay? Do I only like girls? Do I even like Alice?

I squinted my eyes while thinking deeply about the situation, I don't want to fall for Alice because that's what she wants me to do. She makes EVERYBODY fall for her and I will not be one of those people. 

"What are you thinking about Sadie?" Parker asked while nudging me, I glanced at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Uh.. Puppies" 

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