Chapter 16

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Junghee Pov
I walking down the hallway to go to the cafeteria but I accidentally bump to some girl. I hit my head in the locker and the girl to the wall. I got and walk to the girl.

"I'm really sorry. I did not mean to bump into you." I said and helping her to get up.

"It's okay. I'm the one who has to be saying sorry. Maybe I was running to fast that I wasn't paying to much attention in front of me." She said and bow.

"You don't have to say sorry. Why were you running down the hall ways. Oh by the way my name is Junghee Tuan." I said

"Oh my name is Kim Eun-ah. I was running away from jihye." Eun-ah said

"Why? Why was jihye chasing you? Are you okay? Has she done something to you?" Wow I never been worried for a person before.

"I'm okay. The reason why jihye was chasing me because I didn't do the thing she order me to do." She said and my hand turn into a fist.

"When well jihye stop treating others like dogs than humans. Anyways where were you going before that bitch start to chase you?"

"I was going to the cafeteria." She answer and I nodded.

"Well let's go together and you could sit with my friends. Don't worry my friends are nice but annoying sometime. Would you like to sit with us?Just in case that jihye would bother you while eating." I ask

"Sure beside I always sit by myself. I actually don't have a lot of friends in this school. Everybody thinks of me like a nerd who only reads all day and stay at the library the whole time." She said

Nobody should be treated this way. Those bastards don't know who they treating bad. Eunah is beautiful to even be a nerd.

"You could sit with me and my friends from now on. So you wouldn't feel lonely anymore. Come on let go before my brother thinks I'm in trouble or jihye is bothering me." I grab her hand and drag her to the cafeteria. Frist we went in line and when we had our food. I lead the way where we usually sit at.

"Hey sorry for taking long. I had a accident but not to serious. Oh meet my new friend." I said and Eun-ah bow.

"Annyeong kim Eun-ah." She said shy and I giggle by her shyness.

"Annyeong Eun-ah. I'm Jung yoon-mi and over there are got7. Maybe you know them but if not than let me introduce them to you. That Jb, Mark, Jackson, Bambam, Youngjae, Jinyoung, and last our baby boy Yugyeom." Yoon-mi said and try to stop myself from laughing but couldn't. Eunah bow and sat down next to me.

"I already know them. I'm actually a huge fan of them." She said and Jackson being himself. Got up and sat down next to her.

"Let say who is your favorite in got7?" He said waiting for her answer.

"It's Mark oppa." Jackson got up and sat down next to me.

"If you meet someone new or is your friend make sure to get someone who bias is me." He said and walk away to Exo table.

"Eun-ah we are really sorry for his behavior. He sometime annoying or sassy or being himself." Jb apologize but Eunah shook her head.

"It's fine really." She said and yoon-mi got up.

"What wrong?" I ask

"I'm leaving early. I forgot that I need to go somewhere else." She said and walk away. I look where she was looking at and I saw that Tao got up and walking in the same direction were yoon-mi walk.

"Does yoon-mi hate me?" Eun-ah ask confuse and I shook my head.

"Ani it's not about you. It's for something else. Plus I already know her well and she seem to like you." I smile "I'm leaving too and make sure that Eun-ah doesn't walk back to class alone. Bye."

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