Chapter 58

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Jungkook Pov
"Jungkook, I can't find junghee?" I heard jimin said and I scan the whole place. Junghee isn't here. Nor she came up when they call her name.

"Probably she didnt came as it was just a graduation and nothing else." Taehyung said

"Or they didn't let her go out. Probably she lock in their dorms." Jimin said to taehyung. I look at jimin. "What? I'm just saying."

"Ani, maybe you're right. Maybe they know about us and are trying their best to protect her. We're wasting our time. We need to do our next move now." I said

I walk away from them, shearing to the car. Taehyung was driving as neither jimin or I  didn't want to take the chance to get caught by the police. The car ride was quite as I was thinking on what to do.

If we take our sweet time, Seventeen will be ready for our plan. Sure they think we're taking a step ahead. Which we're not really. I have been following junghee since we arrived. There wasn't a day where I didn't follow her. You might think I'm crazy but I don't give a fuck. I know she meet a boy before her mother death. Also I was there when they buried their mother. I was at the back as one of the guards. I already meet her cousin and his group, her aunt and uncle, her father and step-brother, and Yuna. Yuna is my daughter. My first daughter. I'm not mad that Yuna is junghee daughter because Yuna isn't my wife daughters after all. When she grows up, I might sell her or throw her away. Just like someone. I look at my phone. It's was a picture where I first meet junghee. I smile to myself and close my phone. I look out and saw we were here already. I got off, once we arrived and head to the door. Jimin unlock the door as the other might be sleeping still. We walk in silence and I head upstairs. I went inside my room which I have all to myself. I walk to my closet and open it. I move aside my clothes and took out our plans. I always has them as the other might lose them. I also took out a box beige closing my closet door. I head out, going to the living room. Jimin help me as taehyung was waking up the others. Jimin lay out the huge blue paper with the plans. I went to the book shell and pull down a book. Which open the fireplace into a wall of photos and a computer. Suga ask someone to do this as we want to keep it hidden from junghee or anybody else. I turn on the computer and went to the security cameras. I chick one of them. It show Got7 living room and kitchen. RM and taehyung broke in when everybody else was outside of Korea and junghee with Sofia. They also did the same with SNSD dorm. We aren't perverts. It's only I the living room and nowhere else. I check around but nothing was around expect for Mark dog. I check on SNSD but nobody was around expect for sunny who was cooking.

"Where could you be?" I said and turn around. Everybody was here expect jin. Probably cooking breakfast for us.

"You better have a great excuse for waking me up. If not, you will see." Suga hyung said

"Calm down hyung, I actually do." I said

"What happen? Why aren't you in the ceremony." Jhope said

"Junghee wasn't there and I won't take the chance to stay longer as what happen three days ago. They're still looking for them." Taehyung said

"We need to start our plans now. Seventeen will soon realize we haven't done anything yet. But first we need to destroy seventeen now." I said as I handle them paper with imformation.

"Minghao is already a dad. Not surprising at all." I heard Suga hyung said

"We can use the baby girl." RM said and I look at him.

"How? We don't know where the baby is at?" I said

"Leave that to me. I'll find her by tonight." He said

"But how are we going use the baby? I get what you're trying to say but how?" Jimin said

"Jimin listen, we kidnap the baby girl and use her as distraction to keep seventeen away from our plans. Minghao will be worried to death to find his child is missing and will ask for seventeen help. And during that time, we kidnap Mark and Seohyun and kill them for once." I said

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