Chapter 32

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Junghee Pov
Today is the day. Today is where me or jihye leaves. Today is where the deal ends. Today is the Winter dance. I'm actually nervous but happy. Nervous because maybe am I leaving my family and firends. Happy because maybe today will be the happiest and amazons day I ever have in my life. Right now I'm sitting down in the living room. Watching a drama which is City Hunter. It's really instead and I been watching it for three hours. I'm in episode 3. You guys might be wondering where got7? Where eunah and bella? Well got7 went to get their hair done and probably having their beauty stuff. Eun-ah and Bella are with yoon-mi at the spa. They invited me but I deny their offers. They been gone since 9 in the morning and right now is 2 in the afternoon. The dance doesn't start till 7. What have I been doing. Since they left, I been playing around with coco (which I didn't know until four days ago) and watching tv. You can call me lazy but there isn't much to do here expect cleaning.

I turn off the tv and look at coco. He was lay down next to me. I smile.

"Coco maybe you can change me. Be all sweet and kind. But I know it's never gonna happen. I'm stuck with this rude, cold heart, and cold girl forever." I said and chuckle. Why am I speaking to a dog. I have definitely lost my mind. I got up and look around. It's definitely mess for sure.

"Hey coco let clean up. Shall we." I said and he barked. "Let go before they come."

I ran to the kitchen and walk to the closet where all the cleaning supplies were at. Grab them all and walk back to the living room. Coco just follow me.

"Now coco please don't leave Mark room until I'll tell you." I said and kneel down to carry him. He lick my face and I giggle. I walk to Mark and Jackson rooms and place him down. I close the door and walk back to the living room.

"Junghee Tuan, let's start cleaning." I said and start to pick up some of their clothes. This might take for awhile.

~~~ Two hours pass ~~~

"Finally I finish." I said and lay down on the couch. I have already clean the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, and coco area. It's was definitely mess for sure.

"Coco if someone has drop something on the floor please barked to them." I said with my sweet voice which I don't normally use.

I check the time and they haven't return yet. The Winter dance starts in two hours and they are not home yet. Coco lay on my stomach and I let him while I check my Instagram. I heard the door unlocked and didn't feel like sitting up.

"We'd home." Yugyeom said and ran to me. He grab coco and started to tickle him. They all came to living room and seat down.

"Why are you here?" Jackson ask

"I live here duh." I said

"Ani, I mean why are you here instead with eunah and yoon-mi." He said

"Oh because I deny their offers and I didn't want to leave here." I said

"Or you didn't want to leave coco alone and just be lazy." Bambam said

"Yah!" I yell but smile.

"I deny it because I want to spend time with coco. I just find out that Mark had a dog four days ago. Coco make me happy and smile." I said still smiling.

"I been having coco since one year after our debut." Mark said

"Wait hold up. Why didn't I see him when I came here?" I ask

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