Chapter 23

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Junghee Pov
"Come on, why me? Whyy?"

"Because your the one who had the idea." I said and push yoon-mi to Eun-ah. I stay behind her, just in case she run off.

"Eun-ah I have a question or more like favor." Yoon-mi said

"Yeah sure go ahead?" She said

"Could you umm sing with us, like we need someone who could sing and hit the high notes. I heard you could sing. So we're asking if you could join us to perform?" Yoon-mi ask

"Sure I love too." I jump and hug eunah.

"Omg thank you eunah. Yoon-mi will tell you everything and what are you going to do. Okay I have to go. Byee" I ran off.

The reason I have to leave is because am I going to visit my sister. I know, I'm skipping school but hey the principal let me so what. Two days ago, I talk with seohyun and she said she will help me. I agree with it but today is her only day off so I'm going to skipped school today.

~~~ SM Entertainment ~~~

"Seohyun I'm here." I yell and walk in. I sat down on the couch and wait for seohyun to finish practice her dance move. After like two hours, they finish and seohyun stay with me. While the other went out to eat.

"Let go to SNSD Studio and work there." I follow her. Their studio were next to Super Junior. We walk in and seohyun sat down next to all of crazy machine.

"Oh here, these are the lyrics and the song title is Beautiful Stranger." She took the lyrics and she start to a beat with a pencil. I just listen and was amazed.

"How is that. It's only the beginning though." She said

"It's awesome and cool. You do the beat again while I rap okay." I said and pull the copy I did early.

Seohyun start to the beat and I start to rap. When I finish and seohyun look at me.

"It's fits, let continue." I said and she nodded.

~~~ Three Hours Later ~~~

"Junghee let stop. You have school tomorrow and we continue when I have a day off okay." I nodded but I didn't want to get up. "Junghee."

"Let me sleep seohyun, can I stay please." I ask and closing my eyes.

"Sure, let go. I'll drop you off first before I have to go to my next schedule." I got up and follow seohyun. After 10 minutes, we arrived at snsd dorm.

Seohyun took me to my old room. I lay down and she pull the cover. She was about to leave but I grab her hand. Seohyun look at me.

"Thank you seohyun and I forgive you." I close my eyes and fell asleep.

Seohyun Pov
Did I hear right. Did junghee forgive me. I look at her and saw she was already sleeping.

"Junghee thank you and am I sorry what I have done to you. I'm really sorry junghee. I'm sorry for leave you. I should of stay with you." Tears were coming out and I kiss junghee cheek. I walk out and close the door slowly. I wipe off my tears and left to the dance studio.

I arrived and we start to dance. But this time, I was forced and wasn't distracted like I always was. After like five hours. It's was 3 in the morning and everybody was going back home while I stay here. And continue to practice. I practice, practice, and practice until I felt someone hand on my shoulder. I look back and saw sunny. I smile and drop down.

"Seohyun what are doing here. It's late and why aren't you sleep. Seohyun." Sunny ask but I just keep quiet. "Seohyun."

"I should of stay with junghee. I shouldn't left her when she need me. I should of stay by her side and protect her. I promise her but I broke the promise I did." I start to cry and sunny unnie just hug me. "I'm a horrible sister. Everything she been through had to be me not her. Every pain she went through by herself without nobody not even her siblings by her side. I hate myself so much I hope I could just give my life to junghee without pain and suffering."

"Seohyun don't blame yourself. Someday junghee will forgive you and will start sharing her feeling with you. Don't let the horrible idea get to you. Think about the good though and idea expect the bad ideas." I broke the hug and wipe my tears.

"Junghee forgive me." I said

"How? When? Where? Explain?" I smile.

"Two days ago junghee ask me for help and I said yes. Today junghee came and we start to work for her performance. After we finish junghee didn't went to leave so I took her to her old room. When I finish pulling the cover and was about to leave. Junghee grab my hand and said 'Thank you seohyun and I forgive you'. I was shook and tears start to come out. But the most important thing was she forgive me and I think she willing to try to get along with me. Like start all over. I don't care how long I have to wait for her to treat me like a sister but I'm willing to wait. If it's take five or six years, I don't care and I'll wait." I said and smile.

"Oh my...... I'm happy for you." She said and I smile more. "Let go back, we have to leave early today and maybe we could dorp off junghee at school."

~~~ Next Morning ~~~

Last night, I couldn't sleep but I only went to sleep for two hours before getting up. I got dressed and head to the kitchen. I start to cook breakfast for junghee and snsd. When I finish cooking. I start to set the table up and went to wake them up. The first and very important one is Junghee. If I remember junghee isn't a morning person. I walk in her room and she was still sleeping peaceful.

"Junghee get up, your going to be late. Junghee wake up." I said and she start to get up.

"Okay." She said as I walk out and start to wake up the others.

After like 10 minutes everybody was up and heading downstairs. Snsd sat down and start to eat. I look around but I didn't saw junghee anywhere. I sat down and start to eat but some was walking downstairs. I look at junghee with a smile and she smile back. Junghee sat down next to me and I place food is her plant.

When we finish everybody start to get their belongings and ahead out. Junghee and I sat next to each other and have a mini talk. After 10 minutes we arrived at her school and junghee got off. Before she close the door and she face me.

"Thank you seohyun, Seohyun your best and keep up with your work." I smile. "I LOVE YOU" She yell and close the door and run away. I froze and just think what she said.

"Did she said 'I love you' out loud." Yoona said and I smile even more.

"Our maknae is happy." Taeyeon unnie said

"Let go before we're late." I said and look out at the window. I'll keep my promise junghee. This time I wouldn't break until I have die.

To be continue...

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