A/n Note

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So first off, I'm truely sorry for not updating this month. I have started school two weeks ago, and am I in 10 grade ( sophomore). I guess it's going to be a difficult year because I have four teacher who are strict and give us homework every two days. Also our principal have talked to us having a good grade, taking the ACT (practice) this october, having 3.0 or 4.0 GPA, and taking Istep this year, so they can determine if we can graduate or not.

I just wanted you guys to knows, I wouldn't be update often like I use to do. But I can promise  (even though I have broke many promise before) I'll try to update one chapter every month.


Now that out of the way, I actually have some special news. I wanted you guys to help me out to see if you want me to do a second book for "Mark Sister". I actually have great ideas but I want to know if you guys want me to do a second book. I am leaving that to you guys and please comment. I really wanted to know so I could start writing for chapter one.

In other news, the next few chapter are going to be confusing, pain, heartbreaking, someone dying, and someone special to junghee is coming back with his follow members. I am not going say more because I want to surprise you all.


That all for today and I am really sorry. I hope everybody having a great day so far or just start their day.

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