Chapter 21

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Junghee Pov
What are they doing here? Why did jihye had to bring Teen Top to our business?

"I see that you are friends with Teen Top." I said

"Well why not? Teen top hates you and want you dead. Why not bring them here to our mini fight?" She smile and I laugh.

"So now you admitting that this is a fight. Well guess again because I told you we're not fighting but talking. Some where in your brain might not get it." Like seriously it could of been just the two of us but little miss ass had to bring people.

"I'm smartest in the entire school. Not like some other people *cough junghee *cough." I roll my eyes and I saw DK, Jun, Dino, and Woozi behind them. I shook my head and look at jihye.

"Jihye didn't we said to not bring no one but just ourself. But look you brought someone and I didn't. I see you don't keep your promise?" I said and smirk.

"But the junghee we all know that you brought someone and is hiding around here." C.A.P said and jihye smirk.

"The question is where are they? If you really think that I brought someone. Why don't you look around and find them? Huh?" I saw them move and Neil, Ricky, and Chunji start to look around. Jihye walk closer to me and I close my eyes.

'They moment we all wait for. I hope this could stop.'

"NOW!" I yell and Seventeen jump out of their hiding spot and start to fight Teen Top.

I punch jihye jawline and flip her over. Jihye got up and throw a punch which hit me but I didn't felt pain. I was back flip until I hit the wall and wait for jihye to a throw a punch. She did and I move aside which make her punch the wall instead of me. I grab her arm and push her against the wall. I saw that jihye try to get herself free. She use her leg to kick me in the bottom which made me loss my balance and fell down. She use this opportunity to be on top of me and start to throw punch. I grab some of her hair and start to pull it. Jihye scream and making Neil who was near by us. He came running to us and push jihye and flip me over. I heard some of my ribs crack. S.coups notice it and punch Neil. I try to get up but I fell right back down. Jihye took this opportunity to grab my arms and drag me to the end of the building.

"I think it's time to end your life? Any last words?" She said

"Go to hell bitch." I said but I saw Sofia behind jihye. I smirk.

"All well, see you soon." She said and almost drop me but I manage to catch myself and push her.

"I think you shouldn't have done that jihye." Sofia said and I drop myself.

"Who the hell are you?" Jihye push Sofia. Making Sofia furious and grab jihye hand.

"To make it short. I'm Sofia Kim aka sister of junghee. Which you shouldn't mess around with in the first place bitch." Sofia said and did this little tricky were you make people fainted easy. (A/n sorry I don't know the name of it). Sofia look at me and I nodded. She went over to Teen Top who were tied up. I saw she told them something and Teen Top nodded and Seventeen untied them and they ran off. DK ran over to me and help me by carrying me. I lay my head and close my eyes. Quickly I fell asleep in DK arms.

Sofia Pov
I saw junghee and that bitch fighting. I want to go out there and fight but I know I wasn't good at fighting anymore. Junghee fell down and jihye start to throw punchs. But junghee grab her hair which make that bitch scream. I look over to a Teen Top who were far away from them but expect for Neil. He came running and flip over junghee. I saw her hold her ribs which make me think that her ribs are broken. S.coups saw me and I point at junghee and he look over and nodded. S.coups and Neil were fighting now. Jihye grab junghee arm and drag her to the end of the building. I went out of my hiding spot and walk over to them.

"Any last words?" I heard jihye say to junghee.

"Go to hell bitch." Junghee said smirking and push jihye to me and I push her.

"I think you shouldn't have done that jihye." I said and junghee drop down.

"Who the hell are you?" Jihye said and push me. I got furious because first she didn't touch me and second this bitch just get me on my nerves.

"To make it short. I'm Sofia Kim aka sister of junghee. Which you shouldn't mess around with in the first place bitch." I said and did this trick that Bts show me. She fainted and I look over to junghee and she nodded.

I walk to Teen Top and Seventeen. Teen top saw me and look surprised.

"Miss me?" I ask "Maybe not but let's get to the point. I know what have you done and made junghee do. Right now I'm so disappointe and disgusted but I wouldn't help you. You guys have two weeks to leave before I find you and kill each one of you guys. This isn't a warning but telling you guys to leave Seoul. I'll have two of Seventeen members to watch over you and if I find out your still in Seoul. I wouldn't give up easy. Got it."

"Yes!" They said together

"Untied them." I order them and they nodded. Teen top got up and ran off. I look over to junghee and DK ran over to junghee and carried her. I smile and told Seventeen to get out here.

"Sofia what about her?" Jeonghan point at jihye and I thought for a moment before smirking.

"Please don't tell me what you thinking is what I'm thinking?" Joshua said and I smirked even more.

"But it's is honey. Wonwoo carried her and take her to the club in here and tell the manager that I find a gift and could use her for tonight. Got it." I said and he nodded. "All of us let go home and rest while I'll clean up junghee."

~~~ Seventeen Dorm ~~~

DK lay junghee on the bed and left right away. I took out the first-aid-kit and wrap her ribs area and start to clean up her face. After 30 minutes, I finish and ahead out so junghee could sleep well. I walk to the living to see them all bad looking.

"I guess you guys need my help?" I ask

"Yes please." Jun said and I laugh and start to clean them up.

~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~

"Everybody is done." I said and pack the first-aid-kit.

"Is Junghee okay?" Dino ask and I nodded.

"Yeah she fine but I'm worry that something bad will happen. Not because of jihye but someone else." I said and look at them. "I know you guys are hiding something and I know it." I said

"Nonna don't say that. You know it wouldn't happen." I smile but it's fake. I know it will happen for sure.

"Uh can you guys do a favor for me." I ask

"Sure." Junhan said

"Camilla fought with her brother yesterday and knowing him. He knows something isn't right and try to take Camilla from visiting you. So can Camilla and I stay here for two weeks. I'm not asking too much but can we stay here for two weeks only." I look up.

"You know you shouldn't ask. Of course we will let you guys stay as long as you guys want." Wonwoo said and I smile.

"Thanks." I said "I think we all should rest and sleep now. I'll be going first bye."

I walk back to the room and sleep next to Camilla and close my eyes and fell asleep.

To be continue....

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