Chapter 39

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Yoon-mi Pov (Same Day as Sofia and junghee)
What to do today? Everybody else is busy expect me. Junghee told me she was going to visit someone. Eunah want to spend time with her sister. Tao had a special thing going around in his company. My parents are out doing business like always.

"Kookie what to do?" I ask my dog, who was sitting in my stomach. He got up and left.

"Thanks." I said and also got up. I walk to my kitchen. Hit, I live in a apartment all by myself. I grab a water bottle. I was about to drink some water but the door bell rang. I walk to my room and open it. I saw my brother with two other people.

"What do you need?" I ask cold toward him. Yes I'm still mad at him. I walk away and they follow me.

"Oh good afternoon to you too." He said and sat down in the couch.

"Make yourself at home." I said and he wink at me. Weird, he want something from me.

"Really what do you need? As you can see, I don't have time to talk with fake people." I said and he laughs.

"Fake? I'm not fake but a true human being." He said and the other two laugh.

"Seriously what do you need? I don't have time to hear you nonsense or hear your friends laugh." I scream him and he stop. So does the other two. He stand up and walk closer to me. I walk back because I'm terrified and regret screaming at him.

"We need your help?" I look at him to continue. "We need you to get a house or apartment to stay because I'm not planning to return here. Also I need some money from you. Last, can you find someone who selling a car. We give you the money."

What the heck? I'm not a slave!

"I'm not the bank. Also I don't have enought money to give you." I said and he stared at me.

"Than ask your boyfriend. He sure does look like he has money." He said and I jump a bit. I'm not going to ask Tao for some money. It's embarrassing.

"Ani. I'm not going to do that." The moment I said it, he grab my neck and pinned to the wall. He told it tight and I try to push him back.

"Hoseok please stop. Can't breathe." I said as I was hitting his arm.

"Again ask him or not? You decided?" He said and I started to nodded constantly. He let go and I started to cough. I hate you hoseok.

"Good, I need the money by midnight. What about the apartment." He said as nothing happen. I swear I hate his guts.

"I do and it's a house but I have to show you personally. The place is safe and nobody can enter expect I." I said as I got up.

"Hyung that perfect. The other would like it." One of them said and I guess my brother is older than him.

"Sis it's okay. Why don't we visit it right now. You still need to find us a car." He said and I sign. Where can I find a car. Hoseok toss me a box and I look inside. Their was money. Why would he ask for money when he has money.

"Its for the car and for letting us stay at your house." He said. I place the box in the table. Kookie can to me and hoseok made a ugly face.

"What a ugly dog." He say and I felt my blood go up to my cheek.

"Leave mg dog alone. At least he cuter than you. But I can't say much because my eyes are burning by just looking at you." I said as I walk to the door. "Hurry, I don't have all day."

I walk our and waited for them to walk out of mine apartment. I lock my door before walking down the street. I called a taxi and a taxi came. I told the driver to where we are going. During the car ride, one of them kept looking at me. I ignore his stared and look at me phone. How I'm going to ask him. He will ask for what and if I tell him for what and to who. He will get mad. If I tell him what my brother did to me. He will be piss and possibility beat hoseok. I don't want either of them to get hurt. Who else to ask. I know junghee has a car hidden and will let me borrow it for a while. But I don't know if she has money that I could borrow. And she will be the same like Tao. Gosh, why did he had to come back. I already had my life back together. Before he left, he ruin my life. Why can't he just leave me alone.

"Miss we're here." The driver said and I look out of the window. I pay the driver before getting out. I look at the house. My parent and Tao bought me a house so once I graduate. I can move here with tao. Yes my parents know I'm dating Tao and they give us their bessing. The only problem is that it's far away from the city and closer to the woods. Also I can only come inside. No one else expect mg parents and Tao. There are security guard who watch over the house 24/7.

I walk to the door and the one of the guard, let me inside. He stop them from getting inside.

"From now on, them three and four more other people are going to live here. You have my permission to let them in. One of them is my brother and the other are his friends who are staying over here for the moment." I said to him as hoseok push him.

"Just to know, I'm her brother so be careful or you're going to lose your job." He says and the guard got scary.

"Your not allowed to fire anyone hoseok. You're just a visited who staying at MINE house for the moment. If I discovered that you fire someone. I swear I'm going to kick you out." I threatened him.

"Oohh, I'm scary." He says while acting like a scarier man. I roll my eyes and walk to the house. I unlock the door and open it wide open. They all look surpirse on how big it is. One maid come over and bow to me.

"Okay, there are seven rooms with their own bathroom. A swimming pool outside. A game room, music room, two huge living room, dinner room, and last a library. Their are two maid in this house but it's depends if you want them or not." I said to them while they look around.

"I don't want maid. They can leave." Hoseok says as look around.

"Don't worry, you're still getting pay like always. Tell the other maid to leave tonight. I'll call you when you can return back." I said to her and she nodded.

"Sure miss yoonmi." She say as she bow before leaving. I turn around to hoseok who was starring at me.

"I'll get the money by tomorrow. You can wait. The car, well I already have it but I just need their permission." I said "I leaving now, here are the keys. I only have one pair of keys. You can make extra for your buddy. Bye hoseok and you two."

I walk out as I close the door behind me. The guard open the gate as they bow. I guess they call a taxi because their was already a taxi outside waiting. I went inside and told the driver to where. I unlock my phone and click on junghee phone number.

To Junghee:
Umm, this is embarrassing but by any chance. Can I borrow some money from you. I swear, I'll pay you back as soon I can. A emergency came and I really need money. Also can I borrow your car also. My brother just came back from the state and he needs a car to get to his job. I know I'm asking for much but I swear I'll pay you back. I love you as a friends. Thank you.

I text her and I send the text message. Soon after She replied back.

From Junghee:
Sure You can. I'll drop off the car tomorrow before going to school and also the money. And don't py me back. I'm doing you a favor. I have your back like you have my back.

Oh my god. She letting me. I replied back saying thank you. I guess she just read it because she didn't answer back. I swear to my life, hoseok is asking for so much. Moment later, I arrived home. I pay the driver and hope out. I unlock the door. I heard kookie bark and coming to me. I took off my shoes and walk to my living room. Kookie follow me. I look at the box that was in my table. I could use the money but hoseok will realize. I grab the box and hide it behind my bookshelf that is in my living room. I sat in my couch and turn on the tv. The news where on and were talking about a gang robbing a bank. I sigh knowing it's was my brother.

"What made him change? Wasnt he happy before." I said to myself before changing the channel. One of my favorite drama was on. I pay down as kookie lay beside me.

All day I just watch my drama before I  felk asleep in the couch with cookie beside me.

To Be Continue....

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