Chapter 61 (Last Chapter)

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"Answer my question Ricky. What the fuck are you doing here." I said as I block Eunah.

Ricky chuckled and move closer to me. I push back Eunah and walk closer to him. We were inch away from each other.

"Junghee be careful." Yoona unnie said

"I came here to help you junghee. I'm tired of this life and want to live normal as other people. Jungkook has cause our friendship to be ruin and I want him to pay. If you don't believe me, I'll show you proof that Im willing to help you." He said serious.

"How?" I said short. He lift up his shirt and i look away. Okay what going on.

"Look junghee." He said and I didn't know to look or not. I slowly look at his chest. Blood was coming down in his lower part. Near his belly button.

"I just got this few hours ago. I was escaping from the others. They didn't agree what I was going to do and try to stop me. I knew what jungkook was planning to do and try to help you. But chunji cut me in the stomach and told me to not or he will tell jungkook. I didn't give a fuck and ran away from them. Is this enought proof that Im willing to help you. Seventeen won't come until they find Minghao baby. Yes I know because seungkwan and wonwoo came to our place and ask if we know about his child. That very moment I knew jungkook was starting his plan and wouldn't end happy. Junghee I need you to trust me. Trust in this one. If I betray, you can kill me. I don't care anymore because I know sooner or later I was going to died." He said and I stare at his wound. Why would they stop him? Don't they care about each other.

Many question were going around my head. I couldn't think right. I drop the knife and turn around. They all had fear and horror in their eyes. They might think it my fault. They are probably blaming me. Mark and Seohyun are in danger because of my stupidness. I close my eyes.

"Ricky." I said quiet.

"Yeah." He said and I open my eyes. I look at him cold. Hide your emotions junghee until this is all over.

"You're going to help. Help me get back my sibling. Doesn't matter if we get killed. But they need to get out safety and unharm." I said and he nodded.

"Did they show you anything? A video or voice message?" I ask them.

"Yeah and it over there." Yuri unnie said

I walk to the tv and play the video. I didn't look away nor speak. I stare at the video blank without no emotions. I look and heard Mark screaming. I heard crying behind me and I knew it was Eunah. I turn off the video and took it out. I look at it before throwing it to the ground hard. It broke into millions of piece. I held back my tears and close my eyes. I never felt this furious ever before.

"Junghee? Are you okay?" Jinyoung ask nervous.

"They're going to pay big times." I said cold. "Ricky we need to move now. What they're going to do next."

"What about them? We can't leave them alone?" He point at them. I thought for a moment before pulling out my phone. I dial his number and wait for him to pick up.

???- Yeoboseyo?

J- I need your and the other help. I'll send a address and come here quick. If you don't come here in 10 minutes, you will see later.

???- Junghee? Why do you need our help? Don't you remember that you threatened our lives?

J- I do remember, but if you don't come here in 10 minutes. That will happen along with BTS. Stop complaining and come over here. Time is clicking.

I hang up and sight.

"Some people are coming here to watch them over. We need a plan now. Guys I know this is terrify but please don't freak out. This will end soon. I'm sorry that you're going through this. This is my fault and shouldn't left you guys. I fail in one thing. And it's to protect you from danger. Now Mark and Seohyun are danger and their lives are in a threaten. Got7, exo, girl generation I'm sorry for all of this. I'm truely sorry and will fix this. Even if it mean to lose my own life. I will for you guys." I said without any tears. Tears won't help.

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