Chapter 54

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Junghee Pov
"Wait! Junghee wasn't suppose to be my name. But Eunseo." I said

After we watch four episode. My appa wanted us to go to the COEX mall. At first I didn't wanted but he told that he told the mall manager to close the mall. Just for us. I didn't know he could do that. He told me I could be buy anything but I don't like people spending their money on me. I only grab two new shoes, four new jeans, four crop tops, and one new dress for my graduation. Mark did the same, try to find something he will wears. Seohyun only grab two dress. Jongsuk grab none because he said he already had enought clothes. Like I don't. We are back home. My appa house. Which is my third home. Right now, we are drinking hot chocolate and talking about me.

"Yeah, once your mother find out your were a girl. She wanted me to choice the name. I wanted to be Lee Eunseo. But your step-father found out and took your mother to LA. Till that day, I lost contact with your mother." Appa said and I nodded.

"Eunseo doesn't sound bad junghee." Seohyun said

"Yeah because you also have 'seo' in your name Seohyun." Mark said and I laugh.

"If you want me to change your change, I can. Tell when I'll have ready by the next day." Appa said

"I don't, I got use to being called junghee my enter life. It would be weird that I'm going to call Eunseo. Let me think about it." I said as I got up. "I'm going to kitchen to refill my cup. I'll be back"

I said and walk to the kitchen. It was close that I could hear the tv. I refill my cup half way. I grab a cookie which was there on a plant. I ate quick before going back to the living room.

Breaking New

Seoul prison has been sat on fire. Just 10 minutes ago the police and fireman have arrived and are trying their best to put the fire out. Right now as you can see fireman are bring out women who are hurt by the fire. There are total of 60 women in Seoul women prison. There are only 50 women out and 10 are still missing. We will list the name of the women's.

Park Jayeon, Park Naye, Oh Kyoung, Jinri Tuan....

I drop the cup that I was holding. My dad, Mark, Seohyun, and jongsuk look towards my direction. My heart stop and my hand started to shake again.

"Eunseo." My dad said

My mind went blanck but my legs started to move. I ran out of the house. I heard them yelling my name to stop. I didn't stop but continue to run. People were stare at me. I ignore their looks and started to drive the car that they had outside of the gate. I didn't care if police man's stop me or risk people life. The prison wasnt that far away from my appa house. I arrived after 10 minutes and I heard a boom explosion. I ran up and try to pass a fireman.

"Sorry miss but it's dangerous in there. Please wait."

"How the hell can you tell me to calm down. My mother is inside there. So please let me go." I said and a hand touch my shoulder. I look back and saw Sofia.

"What the fuck."

I look in front of me for a second before looking back again. But she wasn't there.

"Eunseo/junghee." My name was yell and I know who it was.

'Pleade forgive me Sofia.'

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