Niara: "WhAt A WoNdERfUl dAY!"

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Evangeline Mech:

"Eva... Eva..! Eva!" My eyes opened just a crack and I jumped when I saw Niara's face just above mine.

"Niara? What happened?" I asked. Why was I dreaming about that?

"What happened was that I've been shouting your name for literally half an hour. You fell asleep on the table again!"

I stared at her blankly. "What time is it?"

"Nearly midnight. And I can't just drag you back to bed, Jin would kill me if you ever got hurt."

". . . You're a good friend." And I said nothing more before collapsing on the bed.

She blinked. "I... You... How do you say those things so casually? Most people would get embarrassed or just a bit shy at least." I didn't reply, I was a bit too tired to. She sighed. "Okay then. G'night."


Niara Levanov:

"Stupid alarm... Eva, turn it off!" I covered my ears while yelling at my roommate. "Hey Eva! You- ARGH! I hate it when she wakes up early!" I turned off the alarm clock and prepared for school. Yes, school. You know, the place you go to that feels like Hell on Earth for a year with only a week for a break every three months? Yeah, there.

I grabbed an apple from the mini-fridge and walked down the hallway. I should probably mention that we're all staying at a dorm? It's basically a place for us 'kids'. Though some of us have different choices of schools, we all live under the same roof... Okay it's actually just me and Eva for the girls. Asuka comes to stay for a while or so but she also has another home in Country A. Same for Jessica. The boys here are Jin, Yuuya, Gouda and Sendou... oh, and Kirito too, but he spends the weekends over at Tiny Orbit cause he gets paid as part-time security.

By the front door, I see Eva tying her shoe while Gouda and Sendou are arguing. She turned around and smiled at me. "Hey Niara! You ready?"

"I wish I hadn't wasted my summer vacation fighting off a dude from the cyberverse." I replied.

She giggled. "Come on, Niara. It's already September, that incident happened near the end of July. Brighten up. School isn't always bad. Besides, Everyone's getting ready for the Halloween Fest, right? Though they are over a month early about this, there's gonna be something fun each month so the students won't be bored."

"Like the Gundam Convention Hiro and Yuuya wanted to do in their school, but was rejected cause no one in the student council agreed to it and all thought it wasn't worth it?"

"That's... another story... But it's gonna be fun because we have 2 months to prepare. I'm surprised the whole town was able to be rebuild completely throughout August. Technology, huh?"

"Yeah." I looked around. "No Jin again?"

"He left earlier as per usual." Eva said with a shrug. "I woke up right before he and Yuuya left. As for Kirito... I don't think he came back last night."

"He probably overslept and decide to laze around for the rest of the day." I scoffed. "Well, that's good news for me! I don't have to deal with his attitude for today."

"He wouldn't be able to even if he wanted to though, right?" Gouda said. "His classes are in the next building, with us."

"Leave me out of it." Sendou said, turning away.

"Gouda... I'm a year older than Eva. So I'll be a freshman in your building." I said annoyed.

"Oh right. Eva is in her final year of middle-school... She'll join us next year, when Kirito, Sendou and I are seniors."

"I'll be a sophomore by then." I replied with a sigh. "Whatever! Back to where we left off, I'm just glad I don't have to see that slouchy douche."

"That's where you're wrong Levanov."


"I thought I'd see if anyone was still home before I go to hell."


". . . Didn't I just told you that's where I'm headed?!"

"I-" And just like that I'm out of words. I can tell this is going to be a WONdERfUl dAY!!!


Evangeline Mech:

We took a detour to buy some snacks from a small shop. The whole while, Niara wouldn't stop sulking about Kirito. So I figured I should kick start a topic.

"So Gouda-senpai and Sendou-senpai, why are you two staying at the dorms if you have your own place to stay?" I asked, choking the word 'senpai' twice.

"What's with you acting so distant?" Gouda slapped a hand to my shoulder, making me choke a bit more. "Come on! You can keep calling us Hanzou and Daiki like you always do at home!"

"B-but you guys are my seniors!"

"If you call me with the 'senpai' suffix, I won't speak to you ever again." Kirito said with a glare.

"O-okay then..." I sighed. And to think, Jin scolded me about the same thing last night.

"Eva, look!" Niara nudged my sides and pointed to the sky. "That one looks like your Twilight!"

I looked up at the clouds. "Oh yeah! It does! And that one reminds me of a fluffy white kitten."

Niara nodded happily. "Exactly! And that one- AHHH!!!" She turned around only to come face to face with Kirito. She inhaled sharply. "Don't. Do that. Again."

He only shrugged and threw away the can of coke he was holding. "Let's get going. We don't want to be late now, do we?"

I nodded and looked back. "Daiki-kun? You've been quiet lately."

Sendou shrugged. "Just thinking about what you asked earlier. I'm staying at the dorms because Gouda dragged me to because he got kicked out of his house."

"You know you could've just said no, right?" Niara retorted.

"You insolent little-"

"Niara, I would've thought you'd know by now that there's no saying no to Hanzou-kun." I said jokingly. "On top of that, Daiki-kun is too nice to refuse."

"He's a complete tsundere. Haha!" Gouda said with a smirk.

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Nice job, Eva. You started another war." Kirito said, walking ahead.

"I think they get along just fine though. Best friends argue a lot." I said, smiling. "Like you and Niara."

"Nope! Nope! Nope! I'm blasting my earphones in full volume now. Lalala. I can't hear you." Niara ran ahead.

"Wow. She's running straight through the gates." I said. "I thought she hated school."


Yeah, Niara took over the title section and I doubt it'll be the last time she does this. Other characters might do so too. Lol.

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